posted on Jan, 13 2019 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to:
greyhat I might have something myself that I think is very strange related to 9=11. It is a memo (mass mail) to
AeroFW, Aero MAR , Lmaero. This memo was dated Sept 10, 2001 10:54AM from the director of security and emergency services. The memo states that
our facility would be the first GOCO government owned/contractor operated facility to be evaluated for an Anti=terrorism Force Protection
Vulnerability Assessment. The memo goes on to explain the Force Protection Conditions, NORMAL, ALPHA, BRAVO, CHARLIE, and DELTA. Since we were
always being notified about this audit or inspection, nobody thought much about it. Until the next day of course, when the very thing we were being
warned could happen, did indeed happen. I have saved that memo all these years. It probably was just a coincidence, but the timimg is a little