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Secret Door in Great Sphinx leading to the Hall of Records (Cover up!)

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posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 03:11 AM

Now much smaller scale but it does show how it could be done - just a lot longer and lot more work

Interesting of course, but take a look at the top edge of the piece from Elephantine island. Very very straight .

In the video , a ‘square’ was used - a right angle set square to ensure an accurate corner; sure, it looked like a basic plastic set square and not a calibrated engineering square, but close enough for the majority of what you’d need it for.
Are we suggesting that the AE had access to such tooling? Did they have very accurate squares and straight edge tooling to check their work against?
I’ve seen modern calibrated engineering squares placed on AE edges and corners and internal corners with eyebrow raising accuracy.
This implies two levels of technology: the ability to make a ‘straight edge’ or/plus a ‘right angle square’ to use as reference is of a different plane of thought to hacking away until it looks straight enough.

If the AE COULD produce a ‘straight edge’ for reference why wouldn’t they want to ‘cut’ straight edges to start with ? Tool development always seems out of the question for the so called ‘mainstream’, always content to believe those guys in loin cloths sat around in the dust for thousands of years repeating the same difficult processes , and yet , even though they had the vision to build pyramids and symmetrical statues and other wonders , it was all done in The same way for the literally thousands of years they existed as a culture?
It’s laughable and insulting to suggest such a thing.

a reply to: Hanslune

posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: bluesfreak

Interesting of course, but take a look at the top edge of the piece from Elephantine island. Very very straight .

In the video , a ‘square’ was used - a right angle set square to ensure an accurate corner; sure, it looked like a basic plastic set square and not a calibrated engineering square, but close enough for the majority of what you’d need it for.
Are we suggesting that the AE had access to such tooling?

Are you suggesting they didn't have any pieces of square wood? You hand a string up and see if it matches the edge you want- do that twice and guess what you have a good 90 angle - why are trying to pretend this 'high technology'?

Did they have very accurate squares and straight edge tooling to check their work against?

Sure why wouldn't they are saying the AE were idiots?

Tool development always seems out of the question for the so called ‘mainstream’, always content to believe those guys in loin cloths sat around in the dust for thousands of years repeating the same difficult processes , and yet , even though they had the vision to build pyramids and symmetrical statues and other wonders , it was all done in The same way for the literally thousands of years they existed as a culture?

How do they build wooden dhows in Arabia?

Yes, until a century ago hunter-gathers were still making stone spear and arrow heads the same way there ancestors had tens of thousands of years before.

Your taking a rather silly avenue of argument.

Now back to the point, did the person in that video make a complex - difficult to do - cut - using stone tools in granite?

Yes or no? If you don't answer it I'll delete your reply and re-ask the question.

I predict you're won't answer...

edit on 23/12/20 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 08:10 PM
Oh Hans,
So aggressive and unnecessary. Here’s a hint , don’t start as a seer, your first prediction is entirely wrong .

Im not pretending anything about ‘high technology’ I’m simply asking questions, so no need to get arsey.
Yes, indeed , the video shows what you say, I don’t believe i denied it did before, either.
Unfortunately for you, that’s just ONE way of doing it, who says it’s THE way? Your master, Harte, has said it was done by chisels before, so which one is it?
In engineering it’s common knowledge there are often many ways to perform one task. No big deal.At all.
Could you find a video of someone creating a straight edge as long and as accurate as the picture of the square holed piece on elephantine island?
Are there surviving tools of AE 90degree squares that were used in this way? Or of an accurate AE straight edge tool?
Not quite sure what you mean by “ are you suggesting they didn’t have pieces of square wood”? What do you mean by ‘Square’? Cut square at 90 degrees? that would involve running it through a rotating blade to get it square. And have the blade and piece of wood sat on a flat surface or it wouldn’t work. High technology.

I know you don’t appear to like my questions , but if its ‘silly’ to look at a problem from many varying possibilities, as you claim me to be, then what is it to only look at it from one?

a reply to: Hanslune

edit on 23-12-2020 by bluesfreak because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-12-2020 by bluesfreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: bluesfreak

I think you’re wasting your time if you think you can get Harte Hans and the rest to change their minds on how it was done. I’ve been there done that.

Some points that seem to go right over their heads.
Over cuts, there are examples of where tools have gone well beyond what was needed. No basic techniques would do that, whatever was making those cuts was doing it at speed we associate with machines. The marks in some bore holes in granite suggest the tool was rotating at very high revolutions per minute.

The black granite sarcophagus at the serepeum weigh a hell of a lot yet they are positioned in relatively tight spaces underground, speaking of weight not just the AE but other ancient civilisations weren’t shy about working huge stones and fitting them together precisely. There are even commonalities in technique such a polygonal joints, making them earthquake proof, metal clamps/links used for the joints in some cases.

Despite that many of these stones are strewn about and severely damaged like they suffered in some catastrophe

The shear amount of massive very hard stones such as granite that they worked, if it was just the odd example I would shrug it off, but no, there’s loads. there are even large quartz bowls just laying in the sand at a lesser known site in Egypt. Why would they go to the trouble to work, lift and shift all this stone, that we would struggle with our modern machinery today? Let alone with primitive hand tools.

I know some will claim they had all the time in the world, pulleys, ropes levers etc.. and shear man power. The pictures of 100’s ancients dragging stones with ropes and rollers make me laugh,have they not even considered they would use oxen for such work? It just shows they really haven’t thought about it at all. It’s what happens when you become to much of a specialist in one department I suppose. You are completely ignorant about others.

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: bluesfreak

I think you’re wasting your time if you think you can get Harte Hans and the rest to change their minds on how it was done. I’ve been there done that.

Some points that seem to go right over their heads.
Over cuts, there are examples of where tools have gone well beyond what was needed. No basic techniques would do that, whatever was making those cuts was doing it at speed we associate with machines. The marks in some bore holes in granite suggest the tool was rotating at very high revolutions per minute.

The black granite sarcophagus at the serepeum weigh a hell of a lot yet they are positioned in relatively tight spaces underground, speaking of weight not just the AE but other ancient civilisations weren’t shy about working huge stones and fitting them together precisely. There are even commonalities in technique such a polygonal joints, making them earthquake proof, metal clamps/links used for the joints in some cases.

Despite that many of these stones are strewn about and severely damaged like they suffered in some catastrophe

The shear amount of massive very hard stones such as granite that they worked, if it was just the odd example I would shrug it off, but no, there’s loads. there are even large quartz bowls just laying in the sand at a lesser known site in Egypt. Why would they go to the trouble to work, lift and shift all this stone, that we would struggle with our modern machinery today? Let alone with primitive hand tools.

I know some will claim they had all the time in the world, pulleys, ropes levers etc.. and shear man power. The pictures of 100’s ancients dragging stones with ropes and rollers make me laugh,have they not even considered they would use oxen for such work? It just shows they really haven’t thought about it at all. It’s what happens when you become to much of a specialist in one department I suppose. You are completely ignorant about others.

You are what happens when you become completely ignorant about Egyptology but still like to run your mouth about it.

Tomb paintings from around 3000 B.C. show donkeys carrying big packs, while cattle pull sledges and wagons. A tomb painting from Thebes shows a funeral cortege drawn by cattle.


posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 10:39 AM
Stele found in the Tura quarries:

The year of reign 22 under the majesty of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, the son of Re (Ahmose) |, to whom life was given: The opening of quarries anew, to take out perfect limestone from Tura for his houses of the [millions Years in the] house of Ptah, house of Atum, church of Amun in Kar [nak and (for)] every monument that His Majesty erects for him. The stone was pulled by cattle [who had been brought ……… ..] across the lands of the Fnxw. Executed under the jrj - pa.t, hat j - a [……. to the awake] seed [leader] for the Lord of the two countries when [erecting very numerous monuments of eternity, the confidante] of the perfect God, the sealer of the lower Egyptian king, the [only] friend, [the chief of the seal Nfr - pr .t]. "

However, the Egyptians themselves tell us they didn't move stone with draft animals earlier, with a few exceptions.

I'm sure you've seen this painting:

The text that goes along with it:

Following a statue of 13 cubits of stone of Hatnub. Behold, the way upon which it came, was very difficult, beyond anything. Behold, the dragging of the great things upon it was difficult for the heart of the people, because of the difficult stone of the ground, being hard stone.

I caused the youth, the young men of the recruits to come, in order to make for it (the statue) a road, together with shifts of necropolis-miners and of quarrymen, the foremen and the wise. The people of strength said: "We come to bring it;" while my heart was glad; the city was gathered together rejoicing; very good it was to see beyond everything. The old man among them, he leaned upon the child; the strong-armed together with the tremblers, their courage rose. Their arms grew strong; one of them put forth the strength of 1000 men.

Behold, this statue, being a squared block on coming forth from the great mountain, was more valuable than anything. Vessels were equipped, filled with supplies, [in advance (?)] of my army of recruits, the youth bore [... in advance of (?)] it. Their words were laudation, and my praises from the king. My children ... adorned were behind me. My nome shouted praise. I arrived in the district of this city, the people were gathered together, praising; very good it was to see, beyond everything. The counts who were of old; the judge and local governor who were appointed for ... in this city, and established for the [...] upon the river, their hearts had not thought of this which I had done, [in that I made (?)] for myself ... established for eternity, after this my tomb was complete in its everlasting work.

So, naturally, Egyptology favors a human workforce - based on the evidence, not based on their ignorance.

Not to mention the absence of evidence on Giza for the use of such a large number of draft animals.


posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: CaptainBeno
If you can get a video of yourselves having sex on top of the great pyramid,

Photos or it did not happen.

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 12:13 PM
The only reason to hide any of this is if it is Alien.

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: Harte

their courage rose. Their arms grew strong; one of them put forth the strength of 1000 men.

This is from your source, so if one of them had the strength of 1000 men that explains how they moved the stones, now all that’s left to figure out is how they cut them. /s

All this proves is that the dynastic AE were prone to exaggeration at least or out right fabrication at most. I don’t think they built any of the technical stuff, more like they found it and claimed it as there own.

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: surfer_soul

Yes just ignore the building records and of course the tombs of the workers where they tell you what they did on the pyramid. Remember to them this was also gaining their immortality. So it was very important that they show what they did on the pyramids. You had butchers, stone cutters, hauling crews, scribes, management, architects, blacksmiths, bakers this one was important since workers were paid in bread and beer. If you would bother to look into the sites near the pyramids you would learn about the entire villages it took to build them. This was a work project on a massive scale.

I find it strange how people want to believe our ancestors were stupid. I wonder if that is just everyone assuming they were as stupid as they are? Either way, Egyptians were very advanced for the time.

They even did surgery to fix problems (see Edwin Smith papyrus) they kept track of the time invented a calendar. In fact, they were the first known use of the plow. Don't assume they were stupid a lot had to be done without electricity and I think people forget just how much we did by hand. Look at the 18th century everything was made by hand no power tools and did not require aliens. They used hand drills and forges to hake everything. If you want to see what truly can be moved by hand look at the ancient greeks they were the master at moving stone. Even today we would have difficulties making some of their buildings with stones in the 100s of tons.

So stop assuming they were stupid some of them knew more than you do.

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: Harte

their courage rose. Their arms grew strong; one of them put forth the strength of 1000 men.

This is from your source, so if one of them had the strength of 1000 men that explains how they moved the stones, now all that’s left to figure out is how they cut them. /s

All this proves is that the dynastic AE were prone to exaggeration at least or out right fabrication at most. I don’t think they built any of the technical stuff, more like they found it and claimed it as there own.

It proves you can't admit that the mainstream is not only not ignorant, but also has good reasons behind their hypotheses.

It also proves my earlier point - that you are ignorant of the facts of these matters but still don't hesitate to hold forth as if you are not.


posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: spiritualarchitect
The only reason to hide any of this is if it is Alien.

It is alien. The logic behind the actions.
Completely alien.

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: Harte

It proves you can't admit that the mainstream is not only not ignorant

Pretty ignorant having wood samples from the great pyramid of Osiris and ingoing. Carbon dated that really mess up your dating sequence . Ignoring objective data and refusing to acknowledge that you know #

your fakehistory narrative is dying.

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 05:23 PM
Yeah, I don’t really try to make them change their minds- don’t really care if they do or dont, as a machinist , i find it interesting and there certainly are anomalies .
The straight edge stuff we are on about being one example . I often find it genuinely funny when we hear “ accuracy ? What accuracy?” From the ‘mainstream’ (and here, Harte and Hans ) even though many many ‘experts’ or craftsmen who DO make things, marvel at the accuracy.
And there’s ALWAYS more than one way to skin a cat as they say .

The ‘Overcuts’ you mention are indeed indicative of powered tooling- most definitely hand powered/ wound, I don’t go down the ‘ancient electricity ‘ route as the spindle speeds required are achievable by crank winding maybe coupled with w/basic fly wheel. Not beyond the AE technology, but producing cleaner more rigid efficient results .
There is a particularly large overcut, i believe , in Aswan quarry, a huge very flat faced wall , a couple of storeys high , has a huge overcut at one end of the wall.
If you’ve ever had to cut a square/rectangular object using a circular saw, or a circular slitting saw,one must move the saw way past the ‘edge’ of the piece you are cutting , as you need more of the radius of the circle to pass by to ensure the piece you are working on is completely ‘cut out’.
I’ve seen it a thousand times, and done it myself, the end of this flat wall has an Overcut of this type.
I think the overcut slit was measured by a Russian team who concluded the radius of the tool that made this significant ‘resultant ‘ cut was 35ft .
Now, if you are sawing stone with a hand saw, or chipping away at stone with little flints,or chiselling with a copper tool (!in granite!) , and it is strenuous , labour intensive, hot dusty work , why on earth would you continue this process AFTER the stone has been removed ? Answer: you wouldn’t . No one would .
There are also overcuts on the Giza plateau, although
personally I believe they are ‘practice’ cuts as they are quite close together spatially . But hey , they could have been cutting thinner slabs there so I may be wrong .
Yes, many ‘answers’ the academics stand by often throw up more questions than answers when you ‘drill down’ (pardon the pun ) into said ‘answers’. a reply to: surfer_soul

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: purplemer

Pretty ignorant having wood samples from the great pyramid of Osiris and ingoing. Carbon dated that really mess up your dating sequence .

The "pyramid of Osiris" comes from a video game.

But did that wood have anything to do with the construction of a pyramid?
edit on 12/24/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Harte

It proves you can't admit that the mainstream is not only not ignorant

Pretty ignorant having wood samples from the great pyramid of Osiris and ingoing. Carbon dated that really mess up your dating sequence . Ignoring objective data and refusing to acknowledge that you know #

your fakehistory narrative is dying.

Seems you don't even know what you're talking about.
No data are being ignored and the recent wood samples clearly uphold the mainstream view.


posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: Phage

The "pyramid of Osiris" comes from a video game. But did that wood have anything to do with the construction of a pyramid?

As above

So below

The three pyramids correspond with the three belt stars of Orion. (Osiris) Of further note if you can take a trajectory from the three pyramids and line up ISIS (Sirius) Its now a sacred Muslim sight and they have a temple there.

The simple fact evidenlty ignored by AE is the astroarchaeology significance of these temples and many others globaly that they all line with True North. Its all about the skies..

happy days

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: Harte

Seems you don't even know what you're talking about. No data are being ignored and the recent wood samples clearly uphold the mainstream view.

clearly not.

The Dixon relics are three ancient artefacts discovered by Wayman Dixon in 1872 when he opened the southern shaft of the Queen's Chamber. The consisted of a stone ball, a hook and a small piece of cedar wood. The cedar was placed in a small cigar box and eventually ended up in the archives of Aberdeen University whereupon it became lost for over 100 years.

It has now been found and the wood has been radiocarbon dated to ca. 3341-3094 BCE - some 500-800 years before the time of Khufu, the supposed builder of the monument.

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Phage

The "pyramid of Osiris" comes from a video game. But did that wood have anything to do with the construction of a pyramid?

As above

So below

The three pyramids correspond with the three belt stars of Orion. (Osiris) Of further note if you can take a trajectory from the three pyramids and line up ISIS (Sirius) Its now a sacred Muslim sight and they have a temple there.

The simple fact evidenlty ignored by AE is the astroarchaeology significance of these temples and many others globaly that they all line with True North. Its all about the skies..

happy days

I find it funny whenever people bring up pseudoarchaeology. The reason its ignored is because its false they were not designed after the stars in orions belt. In fact at the time the pyramids were built they were in diferent positions from today. Star locations move over time as observed from earth.

I figure the reason is most likely the view from the cairo. When I went there they line up perfectly in a straight line evenly spaced because of the perspective. Its not until you get close can you tell its offset and you realize the other pyramids are a lot smaller.

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

I dont really know what you are on about. The pyramids are offset. That is objective infromation and esy enough to see.

The shafts inside the pryamid line up with four stars one of which still lines up to this day dog star Sirius.

Thats ISIS wife of Osiris whom is depicted by the three pyramids. (His belt.) This union is celebrated to this day but can be found in an array of mythology including the story of Artemis and Orion.

The stars move up and down over the pyramids in time and the dog star Sirius still rises with the nile floods. The sphinx use to have the head of a dog (jackal to you) In past times it was painted red to represent the star Sirius being red. It was known as the isle of Jack le and was surrounded by water.

The fact they point true north gives a narrative that these temples are about the sky. Nothing less!

That is something fake history chooses to ignore. Until you have an understanding of the narrative you know nada..

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