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An 8-year-old migrant has died in U.S. custody on Christmas Day

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+1 more 
posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 07:28 PM
Why doesn't the headline read
"migrant child taken into custody couldn't be saved by doctors"?

Not enough political shock value in that headline?

This one is a clear attempt is make people believe the child was harmed in custody....

+3 more 
posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 07:38 PM
The elephant in the room here is that all these people were offered asylum, jobs, medical care and schooling for their children by Mexico while they were still in Southern Mexico. Refusing that and continuing on with children in tow places the blame on the parents and only the parents. It is a good way to identify reporters who place politics above truth.

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: Vector99
a reply to: seattlerat

The parents need to be charged with negligent homicide if they came with the child.

Using your logic, so should the doctors that diagnosed the child with "a cold" and then released her.

On another note, it's sad to hear a child died. To politicize it one way or another is just wrong.

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: Mahogany

G-damn, you guys make the deplorables look like cartoon characters.

I have a feeling

Awesome. Do you ever have thoughts?

many of you frequent posters here would rate high on the socio/psycho-path scale

Is this your professional opinion? Or are you simply trying to use pseudo-psychology to discredit the position of others? Where have we seen this kind of # before?

the empathy seems to register next to zero for a large number of posters here.

What you're asking for is sympathy, an emotional response. Empathy is a problem-solving skill. If you're seeing it from so many people it isn't because we lack empathy, it's because we are tired of propaganda and unnecessary political inferences that do nothing to benefit anyone.

Here you are falling for it or knowingly perpetuating it. Obvious propaganda and emotional appeal in the title, you take any opposition to that and use it to attack me and my mental state. You think this actually makes you look smarter than everyone else.

I just don't know if you guys are for real, or if you're just ok appearing to be sociopaths in defense of Trump.

I have yet to mention Trump except to say that I have not mentioned Trump.

What was that about my mental state again?

Do you know what you sound like?

Do you know how transparent you are?
edit on 25 12 18 by projectvxn because: Grammar and spelling edits

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 08:02 PM

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: Mahogany

I have a feeling

Awesome. Do you ever have thoughts?

If I were to base your IQ on your empathy level, I'd say none that you would comprehend.

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: Mahogany

Ahh, indignant self-righteousness.

What's next? More ridicule? More accusations of mental instability?

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: kelbtalfenek

Minor point of correction, the child referenced in the OP is actually a boy.

Small detail, I know but why let that get in the way of scoring political points.

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: abe froman
go to France and warm yourselves by the fires set by their immigrants who were just "yearning to breathe free".

Thousands in France refusing to register or claim asylum there because they want to enter Britain illegally.
They are camped in a shanty slum and use violence to try get into trucks going on ferries.
Britain has a juxtaposed border with France so UK Border force officers are actually on French soil, surrounded by fences which Britain paid millions of £'s to build.
The US should pull its pointless troops out of Germany and use them to guard the border. Putin isn't invading Europe any time soon with his crap military, and besides that all dirty Russian money is tied up in London and the EU.

I don't understand the problem people have with the US protecting its border, the UK protects its own, and try getting into Australia, they process you in rented camps in a foreign country, you don't even get in the country.
The US could easily defend its border with the troops on pointless missions in foreign countries, and it would save money as well closing pointless bases in Germany.

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 09:47 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
The elephant in the room here is that all these people were offered asylum, jobs, medical care and schooling for their children by Mexico while they were still in Southern Mexico. Refusing that and continuing on with children in tow places the blame on the parents and only the parents. It is a good way to identify reporters who place politics above truth.

reminds me of muslim migrants in Europe. they got into Poland, were offered appartments, money, schooling, help in finding jobs, they ran away to Germany to get more.

originally posted by: CornishCeltGuy

originally posted by: abe froman
go to France and warm yourselves by the fires set by their immigrants who were just "yearning to breathe free".

Thousands in France refusing to register or claim asylum there because they want to enter Britain illegally.
They are camped in a shanty slum and use violence to try get into trucks going on ferries.
Britain has a juxtaposed border with France so UK Border force officers are actually on French soil, surrounded by fences which Britain paid millions of £'s to build.
The US should pull its pointless troops out of Germany and use them to guard the border. Putin isn't invading Europe any time soon with his crap military, and besides that all dirty Russian money is tied up in London and the EU.

I don't understand the problem people have with the US protecting its border, the UK protects its own, and try getting into Australia, they process you in rented camps in a foreign country, you don't even get in the country.
The US could easily defend its border with the troops on pointless missions in foreign countries, and it would save money as well closing pointless bases in Germany.

see above.

i would be careful with such assessment of Russia's military though, but lets stay on topic.

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 11:01 PM

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: Mahogany

Ahh, indignant self-righteousness.

What's next? More ridicule? More accusations of mental instability?

go unwind a little.

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: seattlerat

MSM intentionally omits the word "illegal" in front of "migrant".

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 11:18 PM
Until the border structure (aka "wall") is completed, this new Mexico/America agreement will greatly reduce the number of migrants dying in U.S. custody.

In a major Trump administration win, migrants seeking asylum in the U.S. will now wait in Mexico as they wait for an immigration judge to rule on their case.

Under the new plan, asylum seekers will be sent back to Mexico until they are scheduled to appear in front of an immigration judge, a process that can take up to four years, according to the American Immigration Council, a legal group.

I'm sure there are evil anti-U.S. individuals and organizations working as we speak, to get that agreement undone.

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Thanks for the sanity.

Commenting is irrational and shockingly cruel; on Christmas no less.

A child died. Again, nothing sadder.

Not an immigration discussion point.

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 11:51 PM
Immigration is not the answer, we cannot soak up hundreds and thousands of uneducated peasants, America has massive unemployment, Europe has unemployment UK has unemployment. All have stretched public services that will be even more stretched by an influx of benefits and welfare seekers.

posted on Dec, 26 2018 @ 12:55 AM
a reply to: seattlerat

Well I am sorry for their loss. But if this was a child from one of those caravans I say we hold the Chicago group funding these caravans at fault. And let's be clear these children are not being put in a jail. Their parents might be detained in custody but children go to child protective services this child apparently had a undiagnosed illness.

posted on Dec, 26 2018 @ 01:24 AM
On average, 20,600 children die in America every year. Very sad numbers!

posted on Dec, 26 2018 @ 03:44 AM

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: chr0naut

No it is not obscene that kids are in custody, unless you suggest that we release children to their own recognizance? Maybe let 'em loose in the streets of America and never check whether the adults they're with are even the actual parents?

The border is arbitrary and vaporously insignificant compared with the actual suffering it is causing real live people, some of them children.

America has such a death culture that they will throw their lives away defending the 'honour' of a bit of printed cloth.

The situation that they are currently in could be fixed with a bit of legislation and business savvy. The issues with the custody of children is the result of a chain of bad policy decisions. There have been solutions proposed but the stupidest solution (to fortify the existing border) seems to be the only one that is considered. Because desperate people will always try to go over, under, around and through the wall.

And when you have millions of the dispossessed sitting in camps wanting to get across, you will eventually have an army that is capable of wrecking the US. The higher and longer you dam that up with your "big beautiful wall at the southern border" the worse it will be when the dam breaks.

posted on Dec, 26 2018 @ 03:53 AM

originally posted by: jedi_hamster

originally posted by: chr0naut
While it may be wrong to traipse kids across deserts

it may?
you don't say.

originally posted by: chr0naut
it is also wrong for the kids to stay where they are and die of starvation

originally posted by: MikeA
The $1000 phone and the $8000 per person they paid the drug cartel's. For that father and son he paid $16000 or more depending on how far you have to go. Gee I'm sorry you're so poor. Maybe use some of that money to take care of your kid. My daughter who joined the CBP over a year ago now told me about a woman with 2 kids coming from China paid $32000 EACH to come here. That's $96000 paid to the cartel's by someone who is so poor their kids are starving, REALLY?

it is wrong for those kids to starve. how about blaming their parents?

they have the money, they just choose to spend it on crossing the border illegally, instead of feeding their children. all that combined results in deaths that could be avoided.

the thing is, the blame is 100% on parents. unless a proof is provided that it's the border patrol that is to blame, even suggesting that the US is to blame ("kid died in US custody") is pure propaganda, no matter how you look at it. wether it'll be used by some to blame one or another party, that's another thing - but this is a foundation for such accusations to take place.

foundation that is simply wrong, because those parents are idiots. no matter how you slice it, if they have that kind of money for the trip, they should be able to take care of their kid's health during that trip. of course, you can try to blame the border patrol, but you better have proof for that, otherwise you're playing a dangerous, political game.

originally posted by: projectvxn
The MSM did the same thing with a 7-year-old girl. Allowed it to be used as a political football to demonize Border Patrol and US immigration policy. Blamed BP for having had it happen while in their custody, and later it was discovered she died of sepsis.

got any proof this is anything else than that, chr0naut?

people die - or kill others - due to their own stupidity, all the time. those parents should be given a choice: cross the border, and your kid will be taken away from you, while you'll be treated like a criminal and sent back, or GTFO.

Do you actually have any solutions?

I believe I have offered several suggestions as to how the issues could be resolved, rather than trying to excuse the status quo.

edit on 26/12/2018 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2018 @ 04:36 AM
The US should be ashamed for forcing that woman's sick child to make a such a perilous journey at Christmas time.

Thanks Mum. Starting to really appreciate my gift.

posted on Dec, 26 2018 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Ummm... no.

We don't have a problem with liberty. We have a problem with a culture that accepts and encourages crime then complains about the consequences.

Taking people into custody is not against the entire Bill of Rights. The Constitution as a whole sets the precedent for taking people in to custody for committing crimes.

Dissolving the border and allowing Mexico free travel but with a requirement that Mexico allow social, policing and legal integration with the US. So your solution to illegal border crossing is to eliminate the border and let people cross at will? And worse yet, do it on a trust basis for policing and integration? Stop illegal border crossing by making Mexico a US state? Brilliant. Give the cartels travel credits and frequent flier miles too while your at it. Oh, and don't forget to say goodbye to the other half of your paycheck when the entire nation of Mexico, and half of Central America apply for welfare.

Special taxation for migrants? When we don't even know who they are, how old they are, where they came from, and here is the good part - where they go once they enter the US. Perfect.

Here is an idea. Why don't we just build a wall and stop illegal border crossing? If the children don't cross in to this country illegally we won't have to detain them while we try to figure out who they belong to and what to do with them.

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