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OK Mr. Smartypants explain this

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posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: Themaskedbeast

1 major volcanic eruption puts more carbon in the air than the rest of the world combined.
Do you have a source for that claim? It is false, you know.

On the other hand powerful volcanic eruptions do have a cooling effect. So, lets hope for a whole lot of powerful volcanic eruptions.

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: Phage

It could be true or false since he gave no time period for the rest of the world part of the statement. Perhaps a fraction of a second but not in a year.

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Themaskedbeast

1 major volcanic eruption puts more carbon in the air than the rest of the world combined.
Do you have a source for that claim? It is false, you know.

On the other hand powerful volcanic eruptions do have a cooling effect. So, lets hope for a whole lot of powerful volcanic eruptions.

You so certain we want more cooling?

Because I am seeing some scientists saying sun spots show we may be entering a very troubling cooling period

That would not only be bad for the planet, but also for those climate alarmists thatbsought to control is proms and get rich by fear mongering
edit on 25-11-2018 by Grambler because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: TheOne7

Heh. Good point.

The eruption of Mt. St. Helen's put something like 10 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere over 9 hours. People produce that amount in 2.5 hours. Pinatubo did reach a higher rate of production though, for a few hours.

edit on 11/25/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 01:15 PM
in the world of the socialist left wanting everything to be 'free', why then don't these same folks that scream global warming and carbon tax outfit homes with solar capabilities to 'save the world'?

I would love to outfit my home with at least some capacity of solar power but the cost is far beyond my means.

If the answer is renewable energy, solar, wind, no coal-wood-nuclear etc.... why make it so incredibly difficult financially for folks to get on board with it?

I live in an area where solar as my sole power source is not feasible, so I would have to supplement with wind and then traditional power supply, so for me to work towards implementing what would be needed to go that route, financially, it would cost more than my home/land did.

ps. what caused the ice age? and what caused the earth to warm that ended the ice age? i've always wondered about that b'cuz i'm pretty sure it wasn't the greed and over consumption of humans that did that. Do we have firm data for that or is the reports that are given only speculation because it was 'before recorded history'?

pss. weather forecasting folks can't get the next hour of weather forecasting correct most of the time, but i am to believe that they can predict what our global climate will be how far in advance in the future? To the final means of basically taxing me to breath because I produce too much CO2? hmmmm.
edit on 25-11-2018 by Jusvistn because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: Grambler

While it is true that some scientists think we may be entering a Grand Solar Minimum, there is not much support for the notion that means we well see cooling as a result. At best, maybe a reduction in the rate of warming, for a few decades. But not many climatologist are confident of that, even if the Grand Minimum does occur.

After all, solar activity has been declining for more than 60 years, while the planet has been continuing to warm.
edit on 11/25/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: Phage

O admit that climate change is not something I am well read on

I think I know enough to know one year of temps proves nothing

Therefore the cold temps now may be an anomaly

How many record cold winters in a row (globally) would it take to worry you that this may be indicative of a serious cooling period?

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: Jusvistn

ps. what caused the ice age? and what caused the earth to warm that ended the ice age?
Assuming you're referring to the last glacial period, there is very strong suppport, with evidence, that glacial periods and inter-glacial periods (of which we are experiencing the latter) are caused by variations in the Earth's orbit and rotational axis. The Milankovitch cycles.

pss. weather forecasting folks can't get the next hour of weather forecasting correct most of the time, but i am to believe that they can predict what our global climate will be how far in advance in the future?
Not very specifically, but in general, yes. But weather is quite a different matter from climate.

To the final means of basically taxing me to breath because I produce too much CO2?
No. Not unless you eat coal. Otherwise, the CO2 you exhale has no net effect on atmospheric CO2 concentrations.

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: Grambler

I think I know enough to know one year of temps proves nothing
Right, but there are more years of data than that.

How many record cold winters in a row (globally) would it take to worry you that this may be indicative of a serious cooling period?
Maybe a better indication would be the number of record highs compared to record lows. Maybe not. But let me know when annual temperatures (globally) start declining over a period of a few years.

Do you know why Arctic air is moving south? It seems to be because the Arctic is warming so much faster than temperate regions. But warmer don't mean warm. Global warming doesn't mean it won't ever be cold anywhere.

edit on 11/25/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: Phage

Right I know the data is more than one year right now

I met from the other angle; ie just because it is really cold here right now doesn’t mean this isn’t an anomaly

I have also heard of if warming causing attic air to move south thus making temps cooler

However, you have to admit, the position that warm temps are proof of warming, as are cold temps is a little confusing at best and convenient at worst

Climate change is one of the areas where I need to learn more, and definitely am willing to listen to people (maybe even you:ham
that clearly know more than me

There is a lot I do know in general though

Such as we need to do a cost benefit analysis on any action or inaction we take in climate change, which includes many factors

I also know that climate alarmists in the past have been wrong about both cooling and warming

I am also suspect at solutions that seem to mean is prions must pay more or sacrifice, while the wealthy suggesting these solutions continue to have absurd carbon footprints

But again, I am willing to hear all sides of this issue

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: Grambler

However, you have to admit, the position that warm temps are proof of warming, as are cold temps is a little confusing at best and convenient at worst
You are oversimplifying the actual arguments.

I also know that climate alarmists in the past have been wrong about both cooling and warming
So don't pay attention to alarmists, or the deniers. Try to make the effort to understand the science.

I am also suspect at solutions that seem to mean is prions must pay more or sacrifice, while the wealthy suggesting these solutions continue to have absurd carbon footprints
You shouldn't depend on your spell checker so much. I'm not wealthy. But here's something interesting.

ExxonMobil, the largest investor-owned oil company in the world, announced last week that it will spend $1 million over two years to lobby for a US carbon tax.

The proposal Exxon wants to enact is one that would shield the company from lawsuits while also preventing further climate change regulations.
edit on 11/25/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: Phage

Good stuff to know. Thanks for the reply.

So even if they don't tax me to breath, they would be taxing me for staying warm in the harsh winters my area experiences, and maybe for the 4 wheel drive truck I drive to make sure I can safely get to work and back so that I can pay my other taxes and feed my kids.?

I'm honestly not trying to be an @$$. I read a lot about the global warming thing back in the day. I just think that their models are flawed and at the time, it seemed like a money grab to me. I am not read up on it at present. Unfortunately with my increasingly poor eyesight and failing health, I do not fully understand the complexity of some of the information that is presented and I appreciate that you can educate me. I find that most folks here on ATS can explain things in laymens terms where the most recent publication escapes me.

I can say though, that I don't believe 100% that global warming is man made. I do believe in climate change and I'm sure the human population isn't entirely faultless, and I can see the way my local climate is changing every year. I just don't believe that it is because 'humans bad & greedy'.

I also have looked into many different ways of implementing solar/wind power so that I could work towards doing my part, but at the time that I need those fossil fuels the most, is the time that all other options are null & void for my area. so even if it were financially feasible for me to outfit my home with solar and/or wind. At the time that I would be consuming the most energy for my home, they would both be basically worthless in my area.

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 01:59 PM
Sounds familiar...

It's the END of the WORLD! Everyone Will Die! Buy my book to find out the details!

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: Jusvistn

I don't know exactly how a carbon tax would be implemented but the general idea is that it would be "revenue neutral", the tax on carbon (paid by industrial users and producers) is returned to consumers in the form of tax credits or rebates to offset increased costs passed on by the big guys.

There is also a lot of ranting about carbon credits. But a similar approach seems to have worked quite effectively in reducing SO2 emissions without raising consumer costs. Some people seem to be offended that someone might profit by the plan. Oddly, they also seem to call themselves conservatives.

Just this morning I received a telemarketing call from a local PV company. I explained, once again, that I don't have AC (no heat either, being in Hawaii). My electric bill is relatively low (in spite of having the highest kwh cost in the country), and so it would take too long to amortize the cost. As expensive as it it, it's still cheaper for me to use the electricity furnished by my oil (and garbage) fired power company. But I do see PV panels on very many high end homes, often with a Tesla or two parked in the garage.

Now, if I could afford an electric vehicle that equation might change. I live in an ideal location for photovoltaic power, and yes, it is still too expensive for me. But prices continue to fall.

edit on 11/25/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 03:16 PM
Of course, we are contributing our own variables that are affecting the way the climate functions. In a non-natural manner we have been placing an amount of carbon into the air for over three hundred years, the amount of which has risen year on year. So of course, that pollutant is going to have an effect on the fine-tuning of our moderate climates around the globe.

I don't see it as a global issue, not yet I don't, because the effects are not occurring simultaneously to the whole planet in the same instance. What we are seeing are local effects, which do not last long. The scale of the planet aids it in dealing with the disruption we have (and continue to contribute to with our industrial and social needs.

Right now, there is no solution, because we cannot get past the most severe obstacle. It is irrelevant whether global warming or climate change on a global scale is occurring, because if we cannot come to any agreements, or if we cannot hold trust in what we are being told, then we will not act in any way that might benefit us now, or later in our children's and their children's futures. Our mindsets and ideologies prohibit us from coming together and do the right things irrespective of whatever consequences might befall us all.

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

It looks like the Grand Solar Minimum is here. But the MSM is controlled because if the panic got out of hand, it would be worse than the problem the question is how fast is the onset? these guys are saying its just like switching off the heater. But if their is an atmosphere cooling which causes atmospheric collapse we would expect to see the winds of Venus speed up. Swirling things seem to do this as they contract.

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: anonentity

It looks like the Grand Solar Minimum is here.
Hard to say. It's not even certain that we've reached the end of Solar Cycle 24.

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 04:44 PM

It looks like the Grand Solar Minimum is here.

Not quite, not yet. There is a potential forecast for it to begin in 2020, and if true, we might experience pre-presence of the Grand Solar Minimum in episodic cooling events driven by changeable weather patterns, and weak twisting jet streams which allow for episodes of polar vortex air to flow southward from the North. 2018 saw such an event in reverse, particularly over Northern Europe, where a weak jet stream twisted northwards over the top of the northern-most point of Scotland, which allowed hot air from warmer southern climes to flow northwards over Europe, giving the UK an unusually hotter and longer summer.

I certainly don't believe that we are heading into an ice age, as that takes hundreds of years to set in and establish, as it becomes the climate globally for everyone at the same time. Coupled with the fact that for an ice age to fully establish itself requires the absence of other forces that do not allow it to happen. It is this kind of mechanism that has given us the current interglacial period of warming life has enjoyed for the last 10 or 11 thousand years. The stability of the planet's moderate climate has been due to the absence of any forces acting on the fine-tuning, but now we are experiencing some instability in the global moderate climate in episodic instances, and our industrial activities have contributed (non-causally) towards it.

The real issue in all the climate debate is not the climate itself, but how rapidly our environments decline in their ability to sustain us?

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: Phage

I think that if the recent rainfalls came down as snow, glaciation wouldn't be far behind, then a runaway Albedo might happen. You can see what happens when the sun goes out just by looking at the night temps. in desert areas. Their is no gradual cooling it just drops to near freezing until things warm up again during the day. Anyway not long to wait. food will get the impact first, which seems to be the case with regards to Canadas Potato crop, Wheat is also taking a hit.

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: 727Sky
Some have speculated that the global warming scare is a carbon credit scam put on by the NWO crowd and those who want wealth distribution from all of us to their select few.

Some believe it is the sun and its cycles that causes dramatic climate changes on earth.. Well if that is the case then earth is part of Sol's solar system so, there should be changes on other planets in the system as well... Guess what, they be changing too..

The winds of Venus have increased by an estimated 33% and its spin rate is decreasing

Mars has warmed faster than the earth has during the same time period the global warming crowd has been saying we are doomed unless we send them money and stop using petroleum based fuels..

Jupiter: Is emitting strange radio frequencies and the great red spot is fading away while a new red spot is forming at a different latitude.

Saturn every thirty years has a super storm in its northern hemisphere. The storm has shown up just like clock work due to Saturn's orbit...But...this year it has appeared 10 years early..

Uranus is also acting unusual as the brightest storm ever observed has made itself available for out viewing pleasure..

The messenger is always attacked instead of the facts so why should we listen to anything Ben and other scientific papers have to say about what is going on in our solar system that must be caused by the sun. The alarmist want everyone to believe the sun has little or no effect on earth's warming and cooling cycles when everything from tree rings to ice and ocean core samples say otherwise...

This winter in the Northern hemisphere has started with a BANG and the spring in the Southern hemisphere is doing the same with freak snow storms and flooding in many places not observed before. The Mid-east deserts in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait look like sand colored lakes in places that have never recorded such events. Is the weather changing I would say so.. The question is what and who is responsible.. My bet is on the sun...

In 1992 I spent a week working at NASA in Greenbelt, MD. While I was there there was continual talk about a new discovery that the Sun's output was increasing. It was made very clear to me that the entire Solar System was heating up as a result. The report said the Sun was expected to continue this increase until at least 2012. What I found most odd about that NASA report is that I never saw it turn up in the news. I've been an amateur astronomer for more than 40 years. I keep an eye on such things.

Another NASA report from May of this year shows the past two years the Earth has seen a record-breaking cooling trend. This hasn't made headlines either.

Don't Tell Anyone, But We Just Had Two Years Of Record-Breaking Global Cooling te-change-global-warming-earth-cooling-media-bias/
edit on 25-11-2018 by ArJunaBug because: (no reason given)

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