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OK Mr. Smartypants explain this

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+28 more 
posted on Nov, 24 2018 @ 07:59 PM
Some have speculated that the global warming scare is a carbon credit scam put on by the NWO crowd and those who want wealth distribution from all of us to their select few.

Some believe it is the sun and its cycles that causes dramatic climate changes on earth.. Well if that is the case then earth is part of Sol's solar system so, there should be changes on other planets in the system as well... Guess what, they be changing too..

The winds of Venus have increased by an estimated 33% and its spin rate is decreasing

Mars has warmed faster than the earth has during the same time period the global warming crowd has been saying we are doomed unless we send them money and stop using petroleum based fuels..

Jupiter: Is emitting strange radio frequencies and the great red spot is fading away while a new red spot is forming at a different latitude.

Saturn every thirty years has a super storm in its northern hemisphere. The storm has shown up just like clock work due to Saturn's orbit...But...this year it has appeared 10 years early..

Uranus is also acting unusual as the brightest storm ever observed has made itself available for out viewing pleasure..

The messenger is always attacked instead of the facts so why should we listen to anything Ben and other scientific papers have to say about what is going on in our solar system that must be caused by the sun. The alarmist want everyone to believe the sun has little or no effect on earth's warming and cooling cycles when everything from tree rings to ice and ocean core samples say

This winter in the Northern hemisphere has started with a BANG and the spring in the Southern hemisphere is doing the same with freak snow storms and flooding in many places not observed before. The Mid-east deserts in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait look like sand colored lakes in places that have never recorded such events. Is the weather changing I would say so.. The question is what and who is responsible.. My bet is on the sun...

posted on Nov, 24 2018 @ 08:02 PM
Well, it depends on who created this simulation/game. They're the ones/one who set up the rules/system, so the Sun is as much to blame as any humans...or aliens...or bacteria...or bananas. Blame the creator.

posted on Nov, 24 2018 @ 08:05 PM
One word (name)


Look into the electric universe theory.

Also another possibility.

The universe is actually a mental construct of the god mind. The physical worlds represents stages of self discovery.

To me it seens as if we are entering another stage of evolution or another destruction/ creation cycle.

posted on Nov, 24 2018 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

For me, I don't doubt the climate is changing but A Financial Scam is not a solution.

Even environmental leftest know it is a scam... here is one of their videos which clearly lay it out.

Now, Trillions are on the line for special interest groups if we don't implement the carbon credit scam. It is the largest transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the rich in history.

posted on Nov, 24 2018 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

Although I'm pretty skeptical about man made global warming, I dont believe that you can take other planets with vastly different orbits and atmospheres nothing like ours and make an apple to apples comparison.

+4 more 
posted on Nov, 24 2018 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

Yeah, there is no use arguing if or if not Global warming / climate change is man made or not... doesn't matter since there are no real solutions being put forward that are not financial scams.... concentrate on the financial scam and avoiding it.

If carbon markets boom, who will benefit? Meet the trillion dollar club

"Carbon will be the world’s biggest commodity market, and it could become the world’s biggest market over all,”

Chris Leeds, then-head of emissions trading at Merrill Lynch, said that, carbon could become “one of the fasting-growing markets ever, with volumes comparable to credit derivatives inside of a decade.”

If carbon is, at some point in the future, to become the “world’s biggest commodity market”, it is worth asking who will benefit from this recently created commodity. Commodity trading is hugely profitable, not least because traders make money whether the price goes up or down. For them, the current economic crisis is an opportunity. And they can manipulate the markets of the commodities in which they are trading.

For many commodities traders, the most profitable ploy has been the squeeze, which involves driving prices up or down by accumulating a dominant position.

The reason for the interest is much simpler. The outstanding value of carbon permits will almost certainly run into the trillions of dollars once the system is fully up and running. The annual trading in these permits and various derivative instruments (e.g., options, futures, swaps of various types) is likely to also run into the trillions of dollars, perhaps tens of trillions.

A market that trades $10 trillion a year would generate $25 billion a year in revenue, if fees and commissions average 0.25 percent. If Goldman can capture 30 percent of these trades by getting in on the ground floor, then it stands to generate more than $8 billion each year in revenue from carbon trading. This is enough to explain Goldman’s enthusiasm for cap and trade — it’s all about as clear as it can possibly be.

edit on 24-11-2018 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2018 @ 08:13 PM

Scientists have new plan to fight global warming: Dimming the sun

I find it much funny how cali just used up all their carbon credits up in one giant bon fire. Going around all smug for the last 30 yrs pretending to be saving the earth then due to forces out of mankinds control they are now the number one c02 producers. One giant smug cloud just as foretold in south park. Now i wonder if they would have just been semi normal would such have happened?

posted on Nov, 24 2018 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

I'm sorry but as soon as I got to the Uranus part I just busted out laughing so hard I spilled a glass of wine.

So that was a $30 bottle that only has about five glasses worth in it. So that'll be $2 please. I gave a discount on that Seeings as I am the one that spilled it. But it was still your fault!

posted on Nov, 24 2018 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

Poke around in here and it names names from years ago. See if those same folks haven't grown their riches.

You should also look at "Welfare Ranchers" and see how many billionaires are now AND have been using US taxpayer $$$ under the guise of saving 'Wild Horses' but in actuality they are buying up private ranches/farms in the West which includes "WATER RIGHTS" I've been in a coma, how has the West been doing as it relates to their water???

posted on Nov, 24 2018 @ 08:41 PM
I’m not a climate scientist, so I’d be out of my element trying to describe the complex systems that influence climate on this planet. What I can do is look at the people who fight so hard against the general scientific consensus.

While Exxon’s own scientists and research were 100% aligned with the expert consensus on human-caused global warming, the company simultaneously funded a campaign to manufacture doubt about that scientific consensus.

A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Science found that groups with funding from corporations like Exxon have been particularly effective at polarizing and misinforming the public on climate change. Since 1998, Exxon has given over $31 million to organizations and individuals blocking solutions to climate change and spreading misinformation to the public.


Exxons own scientists agree that humans are driving climate change, and they’ve been saying it since the 1970’s. Yet they’ve spent around $31 million combating their own scientists findings. Whether or not the sun and space weather effect climate change is irrelevant when we’re discussing the human impact, which there is ample evidence for.

What’s more likely? That regional environmental groups are spending their limited budgets in a massive conspiracy with 90% of the worlds scientists to create a worldwide hoax and crash the global economy..

Or big oil companies are spending their obscene profits to bribe anyone they can to protect their businesses and limit any future liability their pollution may cause?

posted on Nov, 24 2018 @ 10:48 PM
Carbon credits = climate insurance.
I'm waiting for ghostbusters maintenance plan myself.

posted on Nov, 24 2018 @ 11:32 PM
My understanding is that carbon has about a 20% effect on the whole global warming / climate change fiasco.

What's the plan for the 80% than man has no impact on? Somehow going to change volcanoes, methane leaking from the bottom of the seas...etc?

The models are flawed there is no debating that. But currently they are the best anyone has.

I find it curious that the Russians have been saying since the 80's that climate change is going to cause an ice age no matter that it is warming up first.

The whole carbon trading BS IS a way to make money....period. Even if it may do some good in reducing that %20 possibly human generated climate change.

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 01:49 AM

originally posted by: underwerks
I’m not a climate scientist, so I’d be out of my element trying to describe the complex systems that influence climate on this planet. What I can do is look at the people who fight so hard against the general scientific consensus.

While Exxon’s own scientists and research were 100% aligned with the expert consensus on human-caused global warming, the company simultaneously funded a campaign to manufacture doubt about that scientific consensus.

A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Science found that groups with funding from corporations like Exxon have been particularly effective at polarizing and misinforming the public on climate change. Since 1998, Exxon has given over $31 million to organizations and individuals blocking solutions to climate change and spreading misinformation to the public.


Exxons own scientists agree that humans are driving climate change, and they’ve been saying it since the 1970’s. Yet they’ve spent around $31 million combating their own scientists findings. Whether or not the sun and space weather effect climate change is irrelevant when we’re discussing the human impact, which there is ample evidence for.

What’s more likely? That regional environmental groups are spending their limited budgets in a massive conspiracy with 90% of the worlds scientists to create a worldwide hoax and crash the global economy..

Or big oil companies are spending their obscene profits to bribe anyone they can to protect their businesses and limit any future liability their pollution may cause?

You do not have to believe either side if you have unfiddled historical numbers.. You do have to be careful with graphs as the warmist tend to start at some place on a temperature graph that they can draw a line showing it is warming where the reality is if they would have started their line as little a 30 years earlier their warm line would be almost negligible. There is one graph many like to quote that starts at 1960...if they had started at 1930 there would have been little or no change..

There have been several times the earth's temperature has been warmer than today.. One example is when Rome was flourishing; then the cold stuff started and empires failed due to food shortages and invaders coming from the north trying to get away from the cold and no food.

I made a prediction in one of these climate control threads that basically this winter and the winters to follow were going to be record breakers with temps, snows, and floods if the sun cycle people are correct.. So far the who cycle thing is weighing heavily on the scale of belief...for me anyway...

The alarmist will say it is getting hotter therefore there is more evaporation thus more moisture in the air for precipitation which we can not argue with that fact.. What we can point out is the record cold spells with records never seen before on any historical record keeping.. We can also argue that CO2 is around .04 percent of one percent and at 410 PPM crop yields will increase as they already have (wheat up to 35%) providing the crop is not frozen or flooded out.

Looking at some of the past alarmist predictions based on their flawed models why would anyone believe their hockey stick (Mann) graph and the Arctic will be ice free by 2008 oops 2013 oops err it is coming wait for it B.S.
Ice free by 2013 forecast but the actual seems to be worse than the models can even predict.. 2018/19 and we still got ice Bubba !

The alarmist want the world to spend 100 trillion on climate change from now to the end of the century for an estimated 1% difference in temps and a reduction in CO2. At close to 150 PPM CO2 we will all die for plants need CO2 to survive..

One reason for the USA beating the EU and just about every other advanced country on the planet is because many of our industries are converting over to natural gas which produces less CO2.

No matter which way she is gonna go there is not much we can do simply because there are around 2 billion people who are subsistence farmers burning their fields every year or people who still cook their food over charcoal or dung.

Go to any 3rd world country and if they are lucky to have a motorcycle or a truck for farming it will be old and it will put out more smoke than some western smoke stacks.. The diesel trucks that carry the produce (for the most part) you can not drive behind unless you want to breathe in black solid smoke; no joke.. It does not help that the trucks are so overloaded they can not get out of first or second gear unless going down hill !!

Any country that does outside cremations of the dead (India) contributes mercury and CO2 more than most could guess.. China is by far 2x the largest CO2 producer in the world... Just a few things to consider IMO.

China and India are building around 163 new coal powered power plants so evidently they are not to concerned with their carbon foot prints..

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 06:13 AM
Potato shortage expect your fries to cost more in Canada as this years crop are frozen in the ground

Not just Canada but the European spud harvest is at a record low in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Great Briton, and France . The reports I have seen estimate 30% loss. Spudpocalypse ?? Kenya's spud harvest is down 16% due to to much cold, water, and fields being flooded. China's potato reserves have fallen by 30% while this years harvest has fallen by 20%.. So if the cold and wet does not get the crops then the drought or hail will in other areas such as Switzerland .. Peru is blaming the cold on their 11% decline in the Banana harvest...

Russia is building green houses to protect their fruits and vegetables which I would think is smart especially if I lived in Russia..

Again the problem with some of this stuff is the global warming people can claim, "see I told you" while the global cooling people can say the same thing..However.. 2018, 2019, and certainly by 2020 if the earth is going into a really cold spell there will IMO be no doubt left which direction we are heading. Either way if this stuff continues expect crop losses and thus food prices to increase depending on where you live...

We had a great harvest this year even though I nearly pulled every muscle I have loading and storing the big bags of rice for this and next years use.

I for one hope we are warming simply because if the earth is going into a major cool down all those rich folks and governments who have nice living quarters underground are going to watch us peons on the surface have a hard go of it surviving and feeding ourselves... Maybe their food stocks which are guaranteed to last for 25 years (or so the advertising says) will be enough; if not join the crowd ?

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 06:27 AM
here is what Professor Jordan Peterson had to say when he was asked about climate change and climate policy

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 07:01 AM
It's both. The earth goes through periodic changes on it's own due to a billion different factors. We also have become a factor with our industry. If anyone seriously thinks we've had zero impact on the planet with what we pump out in in different pollutants and that we can just do whatever we want with no consequences then I don't what to say.

The planet is changing but we don't have to give it a boost. We're going to need that time to adapt just like our evolutionary ancestors did.

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: AM10101
It's both. The earth goes through periodic changes on it's own due to a billion different factors. We also have become a factor with our industry. If anyone seriously thinks we've had zero impact on the planet with what we pump out in in different pollutants and that we can just do whatever we want with no consequences then I don't what to say.

The planet is changing but we don't have to give it a boost. We're going to need that time to adapt just like our evolutionary ancestors did.

^^ This.

No climate scientist will ever deny that our planet has gone through cyclical change over time. The big difference is the rate and speed at which our climate is shifting, and that shift coincides remarkably with when we started chucking out all that carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a very small part of our atmosphere's composition, which why it doesn't require much additional inputs to make a big difference.

We obviously did once have a relatively carbon dioxide rich atmosphere, that's where our fossil fuels came from. Our planet managed just fine under those conditions. We will not.

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 09:02 AM
I for one agree with the fact that a giant ball of fiery gas controls what happens here and everywhere else in the solar system. 1 major volcanic eruption puts more carbon in the air than the rest of the world combined. It's all just a money grab by TPTB don't fall for it they used to call or global warming but that was 20+ years ago now it's climate change and that has always been a real thing earth cools then thaws over thousands of years and always will deal with it.

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 11:20 AM
U cannot compare the one with the other my dear friend.

The sun is the ultimate global warming engine.
Diffrent effects may occur on diffrent planets.


posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 12:43 PM
On one side you have glorified meteorologists that failed as weather persons that call themselves climatologists.
On the other side you have the tried and true scientists such as biologists , archeologists , geologist , astronomers , chemists , etc.

Who does one believe ?

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