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BREAKING: Active Shooter Thousand Oaks

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posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: Wayfarer

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: Wayfarer

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
a reply to: roadgravel

Perhaps, but if so then why make a point to include this bit:

The white male from California died of a gunshot wound at the scene. According to NBC News, the shooter drove his mother’s vehicle to the bar.


a reply to: odzeandennz

Indeed, he could have used any number of other items to cause physical injury and or death. Why does it matter what object was used? Would people have been any less dead had he used say a vehicle or a baseball bat?

Who cares? Who honestly cares if the shooter killed 12 people or 120 people or 1.2 million people. It doesn't matter. Owning guns is more important that any amount of lives. Even folks like you and me deserve to die so that US citizens can easily acquire guns.

Was a terrible car accident around where I live a month or so ago

You don’t care at all though about those deaths or the millions of vehicle deaths though do you?

You know boy care about your right to travel in automobiles

See how dumb that sounds?

Uh, I can go buy a gun at a gun show with no identification for 100$. Praytell where I can go buy a car to kill as many people with that kinda moolah.

I get so tired of that lie.

I've been to plenty of gun shows and they are strict about background checks and documentation.

And everything is more than 100$

posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: Wayfarer

I have a 95 beretta I'll sell you for 100 bucks. It runs and drives fine, and will kill as many people as you can hit with it. It's kind of a death trap to the people in it too, and no background check required what so ever

posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: Grambler

Can't prove it at the moment, but I think they've already telegraphed the desire to ban the semi-automatic handguns. Although I confess most of the gun grabbers don't understand the difference between wheel guns and magazine fed semi-automatics.

Unfortunately many of the gun grabbers lie

They will say they just want restrictions on assault weapons

When you ask about hand guns they say no they won’t ban them

But we see how quickly that facade disappears when it’s covenient

posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: TonyS

Great, only the police and gangs will have semis. Time to break out the old western movies to learn how to take out a dozen guys with a six gun.

posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: Wayfarer

I can get 2 junk cars for 100$ around here, wouldn't be street legal but they would still kill folks.
Let's all be honest and ban the root cause, people. Think of how nice the world would be without humans.
It solves ALL the worlds problems, doesn't it?

posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: roadgravel
a reply to: TonyS

Great, only the police and gangs will have semis. Time to break out the old western movies to learn how to take out a dozen guys with a six gun.

a reply to: Grambler

If guns are not the problem, if it's nothing to do with automatic or not or semi auto, then why do people simply resort to killing the many? And why their choice of weapons are usually 99% of the time, fall in the same category.

If the problem is not guns, then let's address the real problem.
And guns aren't solely the problem obviously ; why not start at the root cause then move on to the accessories to the problems.

posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 10:56 AM
Indeed, he could have used any number of other items to cause physical injury and or death. Why does it matter what object was used? Would people have been any less dead had he used say a vehicle or a baseball bat?

Who cares? Who honestly cares if the shooter killed 12 people or 120 people or 1.2 million people. It doesn't matter. Owning guns is more important that any amount of lives. Even folks like you and me deserve to die so that US citizens can easily acquire guns.

Was a terrible car accident around where I live a month or so ago

You don’t care at all though about those deaths or the millions of vehicle deaths though do you?

You know boy care about your right to travel in automobiles

See how dumb that sounds?

I totally agree with you.
people who can not have guns can have cars.
even the terr-orists use cars and vans.
a great deal more die from vehical deaths than guns.
But more money from selling cars! so.....

posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: notsure1

originally posted by: Wayfarer

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
a reply to: roadgravel

Perhaps, but if so then why make a point to include this bit:

The white male from California died of a gunshot wound at the scene. According to NBC News, the shooter drove his mother’s vehicle to the bar.


a reply to: odzeandennz

Indeed, he could have used any number of other items to cause physical injury and or death. Why does it matter what object was used? Would people have been any less dead had he used say a vehicle or a baseball bat?

Who cares? Who honestly cares if the shooter killed 12 people or 120 people or 1.2 million people. It doesn't matter. Owning guns is more important that any amount of lives. Even folks like you and me deserve to die so that US citizens can easily acquire guns.

You guys were just crying about the constitution and freedom of the press.

Why do you think only parts you like about the constitution should be law?

Huh, who are you even talking to? What have I said that you disagree with?

posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: roadgravel

That is really not that hard to do. I am far more lethal with a Ruger GP 100 4' barrell than with any mag fed handgun. Its just a matter of lots of practice with speed loaders.

posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 10:58 AM
Shame every day shootings in Chicago don't get the same sensationalism.

But hey never let a good crisis go to waste amiright?

Back to California illegal.

posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: odzeandennz

originally posted by: roadgravel
a reply to: TonyS

Great, only the police and gangs will have semis. Time to break out the old western movies to learn how to take out a dozen guys with a six gun.

a reply to: Grambler

If guns are not the problem, if it's nothing to do with automatic or not or semi auto, then why do people simply resort to killing the many? And why their choice of weapons are usually 99% of the time, fall in the same category.

If the problem is not guns, then let's address the real problem.
And guns aren't solely the problem obviously ; why not start at the root cause then move on to the accessories to the problems.

Why are automobile accidents the most likely cause of death for young people?

Clearly the cause arent the only problem, by shouldnt we have a conversation about banning cars, or not leaving young people drive them?

The point is guns are used because they can inflict great harm. But so what? You admit there are others causes to why people want to cause violence, so death would still occur.

At what point do we say that our rights must be volated for potential safety?

It is a fair question.

Given that we know tyyat people can use vehicles, easily made explosive devices, poisions or chemicals, and many household objects to kill and maim, why shjould we just gove up guns.

Maybe you dont think guns have utility. You would be wrong. Most families I know in this area have a fincnial crisis in the winter if they dont get a deer in deer season. In addition, guns are an effective tool for protection from violence.

then we have to look at the practicality of trying to ban guns. Clearly it would be impossible, and people willing to use guns to kill people would be the very ones to not follow the law and keep guns.

Finanly we have to look at our rights.

Why should we throw out the second amendment and our rights over the relat9ively small amount of deaths from malicious gun use?

I gueanteee every murder committed with a gun had its roots in some sort of conversation or argument or planning, etc.

Shouls we also outlaw the 1st amendment as well to protect us from violence?

posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 11:08 AM
If people want to kill then they will find a way regardless of the tool. Look at London, record murder rates because they are stabbing each other in their #hole metropolis.
Granted a firearm makes it easier to kill multiple people quickly, but it is just a better tool for killing.
Muslim extremists use cars to kill folk because our gangs won't rent them guns, the death is still the same, just a different tool.

posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: Wayfarer

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
a reply to: roadgravel

Perhaps, but if so then why make a point to include this bit:

The white male from California died of a gunshot wound at the scene. According to NBC News, the shooter drove his mother’s vehicle to the bar.


a reply to: odzeandennz

Indeed, he could have used any number of other items to cause physical injury and or death. Why does it matter what object was used? Would people have been any less dead had he used say a vehicle or a baseball bat?

Who cares? Who honestly cares if the shooter killed 12 people or 120 people or 1.2 million people. It doesn't matter. Owning guns is more important that any amount of lives. Even folks like you and me deserve to die so that US citizens can easily acquire guns.

Was a terrible car accident around where I live a month or so ago

You don’t care at all though about those deaths or the millions of vehicle deaths though do you?

You know boy care about your right to travel in automobiles

See how dumb that sounds?

This tragedy was not the result of an “accident”.

And, although the freedom to travel may be a right, no one has the “right” to, specifically, travel in an automobile: in fact, driving an automobile is a “privilege” which may be denied, suspended, or permanently revoked.


So the right to “bear arms” may be ensconced in the Constitution (as may be the right to travel), but the Constitution does not, specifically, define the nature of those arms, nor does it specifically prohibit the exclusion of certain “arms”.


posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 11:08 AM
Ex marine armed only with a .45 pistol.

Suffering from PSTD.

f guns are not the problem, if it's nothing to do with automatic or not or semi auto, then why do people simply resort to killing the many? And why their choice of weapons are usually 99% of the time, fall in the same category.

So how bout getting the EFF off the backs of those of us who didn't do snip today or any other day?

Too much to ask?

posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 11:11 AM

Ex marine armed only with a .45 pistol.

Even without the .45.

Ian Long was an 'assault weapon'.

Gonna ban marines?

posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: Grambler

So now will the gun grabbers be honest and admit they want to take away hand guns as well?

Of course not. They'll tiptoe around it like always. You'll notice the one in this thread doesn't offer any solutions that would have prevented this, but rather just keeps sticking with memes and platitudes. And, as we well know, that's because this time its a handgun rather than a big scary black rifle and the only way to fix this is to ban handguns.

And that would require admitting that for many of them, it's not just big scary black rifles they're after, but rather in their magical world full of unicorns, all the guns.

posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 11:14 AM

The gun laws of California[3][4] are some of the most restrictive in the United States. A 5-year Firearm Safety Certificate, obtained by paying a $25 fee, submission of applicant data to the state, and passing a written test proctored by a DOJ Certified Instructor, is required for the sale, delivery, loan, or transfer of any firearm.[5][6] Handguns sold by dealers must be "California legal" by being listed on the state's Roster of Handguns Certified for Sale.[7]

What we call California legal.

Long was a legal owner.

posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 11:19 AM
there's rumors afoot that Ian David Long was reacting to CALEXIT failure, & his desire to prompt things by intentionall mass-murdering 'Whites' in California...

I don't agree... I think the all Black uniform with Hood was designed to symbolize ISIS executioners (terrorist)...

his Glock 21 with only 2 extended magazines was his only life-line extender, before the planned killing of himself which he methodically accomplished...18-21 year olds were the specific targets... hmmm?

posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 11:19 AM
.45 with an extended magazine that violated current California laws, though the police haven't said any more about the capacity as of the last article I read.

So they passed a law to prevent usage of a high capacity magazine, shooter ignores the law kind of like most defenders of the 2nd have said for years and years.

That said its horrible that this young man couldn't get the help he needed to the point that this became a good idea in his head.

I will be interested to see how many times he tried to get help from the VA and they turned him away for one reason or another.

posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: Wayfarer

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
a reply to: roadgravel

Perhaps, but if so then why make a point to include this bit:

The white male from California died of a gunshot wound at the scene. According to NBC News, the shooter drove his mother’s vehicle to the bar.


a reply to: odzeandennz

Indeed, he could have used any number of other items to cause physical injury and or death. Why does it matter what object was used? Would people have been any less dead had he used say a vehicle or a baseball bat?

Who cares? Who honestly cares if the shooter killed 12 people or 120 people or 1.2 million people. It doesn't matter. Owning guns is more important that any amount of lives. Even folks like you and me deserve to die so that US citizens can easily acquire guns.

Was a terrible car accident around where I live a month or so ago

You don’t care at all though about those deaths or the millions of vehicle deaths though do you?

You know boy care about your right to travel in automobiles

See how dumb that sounds?

Comparing a tool designed for transportation/hauling to a tool designed to kill.

It does sound dumb actually.

You hear about car accidents but you don't hear about mass shooting accidents do you?

Because there's intent to kill or mame, and the firearm exist only to do those things.

Really, stop comparing them.

There's no goddamned logical reason as to why I can walk into a pawn shop and walk out 15 minutes later with something capable of sending .308 rounds towards people.

It's harder to import a goddamned vehicle than it is to buy firearm.


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