posted on Nov, 6 2018 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to:
I know this is only hearsay but the ol lady just got home and asked if I had been on FarceBook today (she already knew I hadn't been). She said that
she read a post from a distant family member of hers that lives in Georgia.
The story goes that this relative's husband took his mother to vote. Being that she is elderly, they allowed him to accompany her to the voting booth.
Upon getting there, he noticed that the Governor, Lieutenant Gov, and Attorney General had already been marked as Democrat. He called an official over
and inquired about it. They attempted to switch the vote without having to reset the machine but that did not work so the official ended up having to
reset it so that she could begin with a clean ballot.
This story was posted on the FarceBook by her relative and I would not typically believe anything without proof, I do know her husband and he has
always been a no BS kind of guy, so I don't see him just making it up. Also, both he and his wife (the relative) are pastors. Again, this doesn't
prove anything because there have been many pastors who are less than honorable but I do feel that he is more on the honorable side of things.
I asked the ol lady to screenshot the post so that I could put it here. To her surprise, the post had been deleted. She said that there had been
several comments about other voting irregularities in Georgia today. Several people showed up to vote and were informed that they had already voted
today. One was told he had voted in Fulton County already. There was not even enough time for him to get from Fulton County to where he was standing.
After several comments with people telling their stories of voting oddities, she said that things turned into a pretty heated mudslinging, political
fight. I assume that is why the post was deleted. Knowing these people in as small of a capacity as I do, I do know they are not about causing drama
and the intentions for posting the story was (in my mind) just a PSA to look at the screen before voting rather than a political attack.
Anyways, if I do happen upon the post somehow and can get screen grab, I will post. Again, just hearsay, so take it with a grain of salt.