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Migrant Meme circulating

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posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

secret army

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: MisterSpock

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck

originally posted by: threeeyesopen
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

I suppose it's not like the rest of us have fo start from scratch eh ? I was 19 when I left home to make a life for myself, without anyone's help. So what then makes your plight better than mine? The amount of media you will get vs me because your father was an illegal immigrant as you stated. Dont get me started on the hand outs galore for those who do immigrate legally, still putting everyone else forward but their own natural born citizens here in this country. That doesnt mean anything about colour either, if you were born here, good luck getting anything from the government but if you immigrated here, well you're in luck buddy heres a free education paid for by me among other things.
My being the son of an illegal is secondary. What is important is for the OP to examine what the circumstances are that have led people to leave their homes in the first place. And why it might be out of their hands to do anything about them. I've been to Honduras. Lotta guns.

What does a lotta guns have to do with it.
The problem is more likely a lotta bad people.
I get your point, and that's not what I meant. I've been to about half of your United States in my 64 years, and not once, outside of LEOs and at a range, have I seen firearms casually carried around. In Honduras, yes. So...lotta guns, lotta bad people with guns. No comparison to American society.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

So it's almost like its not even a variable or worth mentioning. That's why I found it an odd off the cuff remark.

Most people in the states carry concealed, I guess because unlike a 3rd world country, citizens carry for personal protection and not so much intimidation.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: MisterSpock

You know , I was Wondering why this Caravan is coming to the U.S. . I mean , there are Over 300 Countries on this Planet , and Some are Nicer than the U.S. to Live in . That Alone tells me this Whole " Caravan from Tyranny " just does Not Pass the Smell Test .......

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

Oh really? That's awesome! American used to be like that, even though all immigrants have and continue to suffer bigotry but they overcome it all to make a better life for themselves. Talk about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps! Such strong people!

Conservatives run on fear and they lack empathy. They are a lost cause and hopefully their political ideology will die in the generations to come because only then will that make America Great Again.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: headorheart

From what I read , Mexico has offered them that .

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: MisterSpock

The first caravan was about 2 days away from where they could jump the beast. Which is a 15 hour ride. Which places them here around next week some of them. Lets not forget they are demanding buses also. I believe I read they demanded 150 buses for safety reasons. Such as mountain roads with blind curves and drivers might hit them. I don't believe it's going to take them until the middle of December. I would say you could see them showing up sometime around election time. Some have probably already left the caravan hoping to come in unnoticed in another area of the border.

posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 11:48 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm
Because America is worth it and we have plenty of room and that's what we do, that's why.

posted on Nov, 1 2018 @ 01:34 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: JAGStorm

I don't know about you, but that doesn't look like women and children to me, that sure does look like a lot, and I mean a lot of able bodied (young) men!

There's a reason for that. The pic you provided only shows people from adult chest height up, any kids walking, holding parents hands, wouldn't be seen here, it's a very selective pic of the subject matter. You can see lots of women in the pic, any children you'd see would be on shoulders or being carried. It is sypicious there are none visible to be fair

posted on Nov, 1 2018 @ 01:44 AM
a reply to: napayshni57

You know what I find extremly curious? How well organized this all is. Demanding busses etc. Who demands them, who came up with that number 150?

posted on Nov, 1 2018 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: Fallingdown

What a way to ruin a great tune by politicizing it

What is the origin of that version?, may i ask did you make it or is it from another site? if so what site, its a lot of work for 500 views on youtube

posted on Nov, 1 2018 @ 07:18 AM
a reply to: djz3ro

Click on the link, it will enlarge it. You will find there are very few women. Seriously, circle them out, I could only find mayby 13-17 women and children and that was being generous with some men that just might be short.

Maybe not even 5% women and children in this pic, and you can see kids heads in the enlarged pic (maybe not toddlers) and there aren't very many of those either.

posted on Nov, 1 2018 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: verschickter

the number 150 - was probally opined by someone with basic numeracy skills

posted on Nov, 1 2018 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: szino9
a reply to: JAGStorm

Why "can live next to me" ?

Why not "can live with me in my house with my own family" ?

Oh I know... That would be inconvenient...

Its a very safe thing to say when houses cost 500k . But if migrants did move next to him hed be really mad as his house value drops to 100k. The only people who need to worry are the inner cities they will become their neighbors and they will have to compete for the dame jobs. This is why only rich white people have the luxury of ganging signs. It doesn't effect them at all.

Want to impress me show me a sign in public housing that days that.

posted on Nov, 1 2018 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: szino9
a reply to: JAGStorm

Why "can live next to me" ?

Why not "can live with me in my house with my own family" ?

Oh I know... That would be inconvenient...

Its a very safe thing to say when houses cost 500k . But if migrants did move next to him hed be really mad as his house value drops to 100k. The only people who need to worry are the inner cities they will become their neighbors and they will have to compete for the dame jobs. This is why only rich white people have the luxury of ganging signs. It doesn't effect them at all.

Want to impress me show me a sign in public housing that says that.
edit on 11/1/18 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2018 @ 09:53 AM
The pic shows men because the women and children are in front for human shields. Plus their safety to keep away from the men

posted on Nov, 1 2018 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: djz3ro

I would say not many because statistically 80 percent of women are raped before crossing the border. Your going to overwhelmingly see young males looking for work. In large part because they can't get work in their own country. Why is simply a matter for discussion but involves lack of education and criminal records.

posted on Nov, 1 2018 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: Swills

Take every one of your posts and turn it around to be the opposite, it would be pretty darn close to the truth. What's that called now days? Reflection projection?

posted on Nov, 1 2018 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: EmmanuelGoldstein
a reply to: JAGStorm
Because America is worth it and we have plenty of room and that's what we do, that's why.

Unless you have land you want to give up, don't speak for the rest of us.

posted on Nov, 1 2018 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

Somebody posted a bunch of information and articles that were researched on Honduran news and social media sites, and the word is a lot of these "migrants" are running from the law. They are criminals and some are wanted by Honduran authorities. It's impossible to know for sure without names and a lot of these people headed this way have ZERO documentation.


I heard somebody researched stuff and proved that there's a bunch of people who were askeered of everybody and everything whining about how much they didn't want poor dark foreigners coming to their country, and how they would believe almost any and all kinds of horsesheista before they would believe the truth

I love facts

edit on 11/1/2018 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

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