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Meanwhile, at the Mall...

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posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 05:06 AM

originally posted by: eletheia
Point being .....Were they laughing with you or at you?

There is a difference

While they might think of me as boring (par for the course with teens)

They probably think of you as a stupid old fool!!!

If the cap fits......

Gosh your world seems bleak to me if you are incapable of having natural friendships with people of different generations. It's almost pointless me explaining that in my circles young people are very much part of the group. Who do you think runs the generators and sound rigs for free parties etc, not the 17 year olds, it's us old ones.
Of course we all get on because we like the same music and lifestyle.

It may seem an alien concept to you, but I equally think your generational separation thing as alien. So young people laugh at you, that's fair enough, but please don't project your experiences on to everyone else. In my world it is different and the only rules for anyone of all age is basically don't be a prick and the group will accept you.

Oh, and nothing I posted about drinking in bars from age 16 was factually incorrect, I stated a plate of fries had to be purchased as well, and an 18 year old had to be responsible - I kind of assumed it went without saying that the point of sale had to be by the 18 year old.
I took my son out usually one night on the weekend from age 16, he had brilliant fun with me, my mates, and their teen lads.
My son is 20 now and takes me out instead, I have a fantastic natural relationship with all his mates and they enjoy my company. They drag me out often if I can't be arsed having a pint and their company is a refreshing part of my life.
You may find that hard to believe but I think it speaks more about you than it does me.

posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 05:20 AM
a reply to: ignorant_ape
Good points, I wonder how these 'outraged' people manage to cope if they go to the beach and see all that sinful flesh...think of the children!!!
I live by a beach and people walk around town in bikini's all the time, it takes a special kind of weirdo in my opinion to be affected by seeing young women wearing something skimpy.

I think it speaks more about the people complaining than the people wearing the clothes.
Potential rapists maybe, or at the very least ashamed that they are turned on by it - Creepers in other words.

posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: NthOther

I remember being at the mall once a few years ago at a Sbarros. At the salad bar was a woman dressed in a Burka, could not see any part of her. Standing next to her was a tall very attracive blonde wearing very skimpy shorts and a tight top. It looked so weird, the two of them standing next to each other, that I almost laughed out loud. Honestly I dont like either extreme. Woman can dress any way they want, but they should do it with self respect.

edit on 3-9-2018 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

But we're not talking about the f# beach, now are we?

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 12:12 AM

originally posted by: NthOther
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

But we're not talking about the f# beach, now are we?

When we grew up and went to school there were certain teachers who would hurt the children any way they could
By pouring their derision upon anything we did exposing every weakness however carefully hidden by the kids

You became.

You wrote the rules? Who wrote them about when and where dress and how, are you just being complaint to what you were told was the right way to do things? You lost fire in your soul, and remember. If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding!

All in all you were just another brick in the wall

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 01:58 AM

originally posted by: NthOther
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

But we're not talking about the f# beach, now are we?
Lol, I mentioned the f# beach because there is an overspill of 'sinful flesh' into the commercial areas. Girls wear bikinis in stores, bars, coffee shops, anywhere if it is warm weather. It is normal for us in these parts to see flesh in general public as well as the f# beach as you put it.

You'd probably have a heart attack on our beaches, topless everywhere, and even some beaches where people are totally nude legally.
If you can't keep your lecherous eyes off young girls wearing skimpy clothes then it says much more about you than the people wearing them.
Have a think about that.

@Warrier Good reply lol, your command of English is actually better than some of the Puritan types here who would have you burned at the stake for showing your midriff in public. Stay and argue your points, ATS needs an injection of younger opinions like yours, don't let the miserable old bastards put you off...just another brick in the wall LMAO, excellent and appropriate Floyd reference.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 02:11 AM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

Nobody is arguing that flesh is sinful. The human body is beautiful and a glorious creation.

This is simply about how girls were dressed at the mall. I made a comment about how two family members dress inappropriately at work.

There is a place and time for everything. That is all the thread started as.

I still maintain that girls have lost their own self respect by dressing with hardly anything on because in today's society it is a competition as to who shows more, who can attract more and who simply shows it off.

If I go to the beach I expect to see skin. I think the difference here is we don't have a male side as a comparison. How would you feel if young teens and young men were wearing their pants so that the tops of their testicles were bulging out, showing them off. "Look how big mine are! See how round and juicy they look? Look some more, You can't stop looking because I'm so fleshy I am tantalizing. You need me, want me andnow I matter"

Same thing. You would get tired of it being shoved in your face every day. At work. At the mall. At the dinner table. We know girls have sexual organs but we don't need it shoved in our faces.

But, if I go to the beach or tanning salon or a club - then I expect to see it there.

This is not a put down of young people. It's a fact that it's blatant and there is no self respect.

Great that Warrior has a wonderful command of the English language, but that's not what we're talking about.
edit on 4/9/18 by ccseagull because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 02:19 AM
a reply to: ccseagull
Lol ridiculous example, girls aren't showing their genitals are they? Same as guys aren't showing their testicles.
A bit of ass cheek, maybe midriff, so what? Look away if it offends you.
And yes the beach is a perfect example here because it crosses over to daily life when you live next to one.
I see scantily clad women every day in regular situations like customers at the bank or whatever, it is normal here.

I actually think it is weird that you deem it a lack of self respect, I think it says more about you and your own personal reaction inside from seeing flesh you are not conditioned to see.
Maybe you need to ask yourself some questions?

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

No, I'm good, but thanks.

This is so interesting, and I mean this honestly, that everyone seems to think it's a personal issue inside of those of us who just don't think it's necessary.

Like I said in my earlier comment, I was recently in a small town where the young people were showing skin, their shorts were high enough for some to probably have an issue with, and they had tank tops on, but it just wasn't blatant advertising.

Not sure how to explain what I am trying to say. Of course if you live in a beach town then that's normal. I'm not saying it's abnormal or wrong.

And of course men don't do that. That was my point. My question to you was HOW would it make you FEEL having other men's private bits staring at you everywhere you go? You can't, because it doesn't happen. Young men, old men - whoever, can walk around without a shirt on and it's fine. Because those parts of the body aren't sexualized like women are. And yes, that is a societal thing.

Perhaps if I explain it that these young ladies are showing off their bits on purpose because that is the only way they can deem to get attention. This is certainly the case with my two family members. Neither of them finished school (and I am not saying those who don't finish school are dumb or less educated than those who go to school, as I believe life is the greatest educator as is looking for information/knowing how to), but most young girls are just as bad as young men in terms of wanting a significant other and the best way to do so is to attract in the only way they know how. And so YES it does self degrade because to those young ladies they are only as good as what they can "catch" or "show off" by their bodies. These two young females in my own family, as soon as they hit puberty, turned into sex fiends. It hasn't been pretty, they can't keep a boyfriend longer than the first moment they get bored with him and it's sad watching them equate their whole existence to needing to be noticed and to have a man. I've watched this since they were 13 and into their young adult lives. And I have to say they look stunning and healthy, but they don't seem to know dressing boundaries. And dressing appropriately for the right times in society is an important skill. Yes, I said it and yes, I believe it.

If you want to parade around naked at home, like nude beaches, love skimpy wear I don't care. I am only commenting on what I see, what I have seen (and see no progression) in these two members of my own family (who both by the way, come from different families and economic backgrounds from each other).

Sex is great, sex is natural.

Bodies sell. I am not talking about people who have no tv and don't read magazines. But it is a fact - and it's a documented fact that young girls judge themselves by what they see on tv and advertising. And so, you cannot tell me, that it is not a self image issue. It's all they know how to do. Those with bad family backgrounds, no attention from loved ones, no sense of value in who they are.

Like I said if you want to go to the appropriate places and show what you have then by all means do it. I have no problem with it. This isn't an argument about my own personal morals, it's just what I see as a generalization amongst young girls today.

I don't understand the finger pointing at each other. It's almost like people who think it's perfectly natural to dress this way are deflecting. Hmmmm.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: ccseagull

so your argument boils down to :

"the sannctity of the shopping mall " ?

the thread has not just jumped the shark - its backflipped over a chainsaw juggling megladon

yes - there is a time and a place for dress codes and certain attire only - but " the shopping centre " ??????????????

get a grip

edit on 4-9-2018 by ignorant_ape because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 03:19 AM

originally posted by: ccseagullI don't understand the finger pointing at each other. It's almost like people who think it's perfectly natural to dress this way are deflecting. Hmmmm.

Lol, good comeback

I guess it's just different folks and societies is all. In my part of the world I see ass cheeks every day in warm weather, girls in bikinis doing normal stuff like shopping or whatever. It is just normal here.
I guess it would seem unusual in more 'conservative' parts of the world so I can imagine people having different opinions about dress code.

Only another month or so left of it now though, summer is nearly over so winter coats will come out again lol
Britain would be the best country in the world if it was summer all year.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 03:37 AM
a reply to: ignorant_ape

Because this is the OP's original thread start!
edit on 4/9/18 by ccseagull because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 03:43 AM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

You're a decent person.

As I was typing my previous response to you I was thinking how perhaps it's a Europe thing. Europeans are more in touch with their bodies, dress isn't sexualized, people seem to dress as their whims and personal style dictates.

Perhaps it is a conservative thinking. I'm in Toronto (Canada) and maybe it helps if I say we get maybe 3 months of summer. So I've seen the people I am discussing dressing skimpy in -20 celsius.

Well, it was nice to chat with you. You have a very nice way of diffusing tension at the end of it all.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: ccseagull
Ah cheers buddy, I enjoyed the chat as well, it's always good to read different perspectives. should see our girls in the winter on a weekend night out, they are real crazy cats, micro skirts, freezing to death in queues for bars and clubs lol
3 months of summer? I think I would die! I've seen snow twice in the last 20 years and it was melted away in a day or two, heck frost is rare here, the townsfolk stare and wonder at this strange thing called frozen water, the work of Satan for sure!!

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 04:17 AM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

LOL! Are you kidding me?? Snow twice in the last 20 years? I'll be having to put winter clothes (burlap covering) on my evergreens soon.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 04:27 AM

originally posted by: WarriorMH
oh you see this is what happens when people cant get things at all

i talk from my experience on my age, you felt offended somehow, hit a nerve? are you sad?

most older woman i know are way more capable to be honest and true as far as i know so i can't say i have seen the same behavior. But thanks for the wrong assumption, it says a lot about you

Well where does one begin with a rant like this........

you already judged me lmfao, a bet you are "American". From the north? where also other people are "American" but are not daily butt hurt and with low self-esteem? or which part of the American continent do you belong lmfao

Of course i am talking from my point of view, did you finish grade school? were you enrolled in a debate class at all? do ypu even know how to have a debate or all you know is to get butt hurt and insulte because you don't have a reasonable answer but to run away yelling at me and covering your eyes

Now who's making assumptions??

No I am NOT American.

And no I'm not 'butt hurt' You couldn't hurt me if you tried. I have seen your

type of attitude before but its usually come from 7 to 10 year old's unable

to get their own way!!

i guess you are a real adult, oh thank god a real adult showed up to tell me off, i was so confused before but now i know the mediocre way in life

thank you so much mediocre butt hurt adult, i don't know what i could have done without you looking down on me, ohh saviour, now i can go spread mediocrity all over the world too!

Also here's some good stuff from two countries that are not complaining like chickens and instead keep going strong no matter what, unlike some other that need safe spaces for idiots that can't handle anything but what they want to hear and otherwise go into a temper tantrum lmao. You so weak

Go an hate it harms you more than it does to me, you just don't even can see. "So sad so crazy"

Only one answer to that ...... pot, kettle, black.

Doubt you'll understand that any way.

Because you know Mexico And Russia we don't feel shame or try to hide our past, unlike some other countries *wink*

I love Mexico and i came to live here because i really love how people are not crazy, i don't know if you get me, but as you said " i probably am the one that doesn't get it" lmfao

Why i bring all of this up? I bet you want to ask. Because i have been treated here in Mexico the best ever, except what i felt at home, but with you in the US is always the same, trying to put down everyone, always trying to show up like you either have more money or more experience or more street credit. It makes you look lame and even worse but you don't even see it. You look lame, and with low self esteem issues, why do you always have to prove yourselves to be better than the guy next door? Why can't you just be?

You always have to show up and at the same time look like a poor soul desperate for attention. And then you complain about teen girls also looking for attention when you can't even figure out your own low self esteem issues lmfao.

And it goes all the way down to kids, when i was in middle school in the US it was the same thing, everything trying to put down the other kid and i had lots of bullying going on just because of my accent, and because i wasn't very good with english, i was called lots of things and the stupid smirk on parents when we were going out was unbearable, you are lame lame lame. I have moved 11 times since i left home when i was about 12, no where but the US and with US citizens i have been insulted or looked down. Why are you like this? So full of hate?

Why ask me? Your assumptions of me are way, way out and I am NOT American!!

I read the story if pocahontas, she was naked most of the time wasn't she? when she was 12, but i guess that's not "American" history

I would still love to watch america send a group of musicians and native people to represent the country like Russia and Mexico does. Where are they? Who do you send when you have to represent the US on international events? I bet the guys you send are not native american,
Do you even know native american language? And you talk about customs or how to behave on this continent that doesn't even belong to you

I know Spanish and a bit of Nahuatl, which was the native language of the Aztecs, what can you possibly know about native customs, and you complain about clothes because you can't handle reality and you don't even have a say because the native custom was way worse than what you can handle lmao


TTFN ....... Bet no one knows that one hey?

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 04:29 AM
a reply to: ccseagull
Haha, how do you guys even manage to live in Canada?! Makes me realise how tough the original settlers must have been! They must have all been from Scotland or northern England, not southern softies like I am. make sure you cover up at the mall

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 04:37 AM

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 04:37 AM

originally posted by: eletheia
TTFN ....... Bet no one knows that one hey?


posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 04:37 AM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

No, I can't cover up at the mall. Because it's bad enough seeing an old bird like me having a sweat down in the mall, let alone wearing a winter boot and coat with double sweats!

We''ll be reading the next thread about disgusting old ladies who sweat and drip at the malls and how they should stay home and hide.


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