posted on Aug, 18 2019 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to:
Not much really in the realm of conventional high mach vehicles. I already included some (say speculative) programs in the ISR branch i wont go into
further detail on.
Generally speaking, it's very likley that some programs led to some sort of unacknowledged operational capability.
Programs sometimes get cancelled just to be resurrected in the classified realm.
I don't know but i like to think that RATTLRS - Sea Dragon is such a case.
It's also entirely possible, even probable that there are remnants of abandoned, seemingly dead programs that are just sitting on shelves and could be
used operationally if neccessary.
Then there may very well be known programs that just mask as development efforts, but are basically already operational. The Navys Coventional Prompt
Strike Weapon System is a candidate for that.
And we just don't know about truely classified programs. It would be incredible easy to hide the development and limited production of an advanced air
to air or air to ground missile for example. It's a save bet that there were many totally unknown classified efforts over the years. Just last month
we had those two Darpa programs, HCCW and HACM that we don't know anything about.
If i had to guess i'd even say the chart shows less than fifty percent of everyhting that has been done since the 80s.
As for other vehicles using more exotic means of propulsion - your guess is as good as mine. This chart focues on ramjets and associated technologies.
No pure rockets or speculative electromagnetic or antigravity drives.
edit on 18-8-2019 by mightmight because: (no reason given)