posted on May, 4 2019 @ 07:53 AM
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Yeah, looks like HAWC and HCSW are not related at all.
HCSW is the Air Force effort to put the Armys AHW glide vehicle on a rocket booster launched from a B-52.
HAWC is a DARPA effort under HSSW to develop a next gen scramjet powered hypersonic system.
as i understand it there are two major efforts going atm
The first is centered around the Armys Advanced Hypersonic Weapon which morphed into the Common Glide Vehicle and is basically a lower tech Hypersonic
Technology Vehicle that works.
Three programs are using this vehicle - the Air Force on HCSW which is slated for rapid deployment, the Navy on the sub launched intermediate range
conventional prompt strike weapon system (seriously wtf) already tested in 2017 and the Army with the Long Range Hypersonic Weapon and/or Land Based
Hypersonic Missile (programs post INF cancellation).
The second effort has a more tactical focus and is centered around the DARPA/Air Force Tactical Boost Glide vehicle under the HSSW umbrella.
The Air Force again is in the lead with the AGM-183A ARRW weapon to be deployed within the next couple of years.
The Navy is looking at the posibility of a ship launched TBG variant. And the Army got a slice of the pie with the Operational Fires concept.
All those concepts are using rather conventional rocket propelled boosters.
The only known white world effort to use something else is HAWC under the HSSW umbrella. I suspect there is more going on with AFRE and whatever else
came out of Falcon, but lets not go into that.
edit on 4-5-2019 by mightmight because: (no reason given)