Yeah no that wouldnt work out. I cant read russian and dont know enough about their development history to include more than what you would find on a
wiki anyway.
So here is a new one. Started to include more ramjet powered missiles. Solid rocket missiles wont be included. Still far from complete.
3D printing helps as its quicker to redesign a part that doesnt work.Materials that you put through it is rapidly getting bigger with Carbon Fibre
blends and the ability to fuse exotic metal dust now available and cheaper.
The Biggest ability of 3D printing is its ability to make the part lighter by thinning the walls and using exotic pattern infills (like honeycomb)
that keeps the strength but makes the part lighter..Plus now multiple extruders means that you can now add different materials into the same model.
It's interesting how some items that get scrubbed from various parts of the internet tell more about something than if they just let it stay up and
get caught up in misinformation, especially when it's intended to be science fiction.