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"Poop Patrol" to clean human feces from SF streets, homelessness ignored, Little India

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posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: gr8skott

originally posted by: neo96
a reply to: gr8skott

That's even funnier.

They're just gonna wash the snip out in to the ocean.

Quick someone call the church of climatology!

It's an ecological DISASTER in the making!

Other than the problems caused by lack of facilities, those living in the tent cities are living a whole lot greener than most of the rest of us.

are you sure of that? leaving biological contamination on the streets aside, how are they eating? are they getting takeout all the time with all it's attendant waste, or even eating in fast food joints creating the same waste? are they cooking on wood and/or coal creating CO2, soot and other air pollution (which is exactly why so many poor countries suffer from bad pollution and smog)? there also seems to be a lot of garbage strewn around their areas. garbage that will in a good rain float away into the oceans putting yet more trash and plastics in it that all the enviro-types are so upset about. i certainly wouldn't say they were living greener than most of the rest of us. they might be causing their environmental damage differently, but it is still there, possibly even worse than most people create.

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 09:03 AM
Must be what London looked like, not the Mayor,the city UK in the 17th c. Only difference was toilets weren't invented yet. 200 years of diversity and technology an nothings changed.
edit on 15-8-2018 by PillarOfFire because: tablet no working

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: neo96
a reply to: intrepid

I will take Texas over a progressive snip hole any day of the week, and twice on Sundays.

Austin is progressive, just not a snip hole.

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Well EFF!

Guess I won't then.

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 09:28 AM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker

originally posted by: neo96
a reply to: intrepid

I will take Texas over a progressive snip hole any day of the week, and twice on Sundays.

Austin is progressive, just not a snip hole.

Huh. Looks like the best places to live are progressive.

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 09:34 AM

originally posted by: roadgravel
The drug fueled homeless life style doesn't seems to be working out all that well. People having to pick up after them like a pet. People wonder why some towns create rules.

Yes, because mentally ill people always fall right in line with the rules. Drug-fueled? Yeah, because they're self-medicating. Homeless maybe because they couldn't hold a job due to their bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ptsd, or any other number of things. Homeless people who were just unlucky and fell on hard times but don't have any mental impairment would not # on the street and leave it for someone else to deal with.

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: generik

originally posted by: gr8skott

originally posted by: neo96
a reply to: gr8skott

That's even funnier.

They're just gonna wash the snip out in to the ocean.

Quick someone call the church of climatology!

It's an ecological DISASTER in the making!

Other than the problems caused by lack of facilities, those living in the tent cities are living a whole lot greener than most of the rest of us.

are you sure of that?

Yes, I'm sure. They aren't driving cars, using power to run refrigerators, televisions, lights, and such all day long. They aren't using tens or hundreds of gallons of water a day to bathe in and obviously not to # in either. The fast food places would be open either way.

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 09:37 AM
No. The places that are publishing these lists use metrics that don't matter to real people to come up with these "best places to..." As a result, we are listing the best places to get a beer at any time of day, go to a dance club, find a gender neutral bathroom, etc.

The top 50 best places to live if you want to raise a family and not get mugged or deal with human feces all have populations under 20,000.

Further, so much of modern "progressivism" is actually regressive. Classic doublespeak.

I took my family to San Diego for a long weekend last weekend. We spent our final morning there walking around Old Town, buying souvenirs, enjoying the food.. We stopped at an ice cream shop in the large pavilion there.. They were in the process of cleaning up a human turd (literal, not figurative) from right in front of the shop door. The girl inside apologized profusely and said that the homeless were always leaving craps all over the place.

I don't know if it's mental health or what that causes people to act like this, but there are public restrooms near this area that are open nearly 24 hours. I mean like 2 minutes away by foot.. I think more than a mental health problem we have a "zero %&$&s" given problem.

edit on 15-8-2018 by TinkerHaus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 09:37 AM
Perhaps it's time to bring back workhouses. 30 day imprisonments to labor camps and such. The junkies would run screaming if they realized they were facing 30, 60, or 90 days of cold turkey on a constant basis. The simple homeless would have to take charge of their lives and try to get the help they need or at least they would have a place to stay. Chain gangs yay.

But it would clean up the streets.
edit on 15-8-2018 by ntech because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-8-2018 by ntech because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: intrepid

originally posted by: CriticalStinker

originally posted by: neo96
a reply to: intrepid

I will take Texas over a progressive snip hole any day of the week, and twice on Sundays.

Austin is progressive, just not a snip hole.

Huh. Looks like the best places to live are progressive.

Haha, Some of the best*. I won't argue that.

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: neo96
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Well EFF!

Guess I won't then.

Haha, to each their own. I'm from Texas and love that state (though I don't live there now).

I was always fascinated that Austin is in the center, and the capital, yet it is a progressive mecca of the country in it's own rights. Most Texan's I know love Austin too, proving it's not the bodunk state people think it is.

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

As luck would have it.

I just read an article last nite about Texas opening their own gold depository.

Definitely some forward thinking.

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: gr8skott
Liberal or Conservative, I wish we could all admit it Just Isn't Working.

a reply to: SocratesJohnson

How many tent city folks are legal citizens? How many even speak English?

Yes, something sure isn't working.

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: neo96
a reply to: CriticalStinker

As luck would have it.

I just read an article last nite about Texas opening their own gold depository.

Definitely some forward thinking.

Texas keeps a certain level of independence from the Federal government. Many believe this stems from them becoming part of the Union was contingent on they never go into debt, or they have to succeed. They definitely drum to a different beat down there.

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: jjkenobi

originally posted by: gr8skott
Liberal or Conservative, I wish we could all admit it Just Isn't Working.

a reply to: SocratesJohnson

How many tent city folks are legal citizens? How many even speak English?

Yes, something sure isn't working.

Watch the videos. Plenty of them are caucasian.

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: ntech
Perhaps it's time to bring back workhouses. 30 day imprisonments to labor camps and such. The junkies would run screaming if they realized they were facing 30, 60, or 90 days of cold turkey on a constant basis. The simple homeless would have to take charge of their lives and try to get the help they need or at least they would have a place to stay. Chain gangs yay.

But it would clean up the streets.

I think this is the groundwork of a great idea that could work if the people in the camps were provided with quality mental health care.

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: TinkerHaus

I don't know if it's mental health or what that causes people to act like this, but there are public restrooms near this area that are open nearly 24 hours. I mean like 2 minutes away by foot.. I think more than a mental health problem we have a "zero %&$&s" given problem.

It's easy to give zero %&$&s when you've been treated like %&$& your whole life, born into poverty, abused by people who didn't know any better, provided with no education, and then released out into the world to fend for yourself without any guidance. You're right, it's definitely a "zero %&$&s given problem" with zero #s being given from people who are looking down on others without knowing anything at all about their situation.

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 10:05 AM

originally posted by: gr8skott
I think this is the groundwork of a great idea that could work if the people in the camps were provided with quality mental health care.

Cool, can we send you the bill??

Like I said previously, that's not cheap, and with how many people apparently need it in our country nowadays, is there even enough people trained to help them for as long as they'll need?? Who's going to pay to medicate those that need to be?? Who's going to pay to take care of those that can't take care of themselves?? In the end, who's going to pay for all of this??

Quality isn't cheap, y'know. Plus, it's not like 1-3 sessions will get them geared to go, some of them may take years of therapy to become well, assuming they even can be.

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: gr8skott

originally posted by: TinkerHaus

I don't know if it's mental health or what that causes people to act like this, but there are public restrooms near this area that are open nearly 24 hours. I mean like 2 minutes away by foot.. I think more than a mental health problem we have a "zero %&$&s" given problem.

It's easy to give zero %&$&s when you've been treated like %&$& your whole life, born into poverty, abused by people who didn't know any better, provided with no education, and then released out into the world to fend for yourself without any guidance. You're right, it's definitely a "zero %&$&s given problem" with zero #s being given from people who are looking down on others without knowing anything at all about their situation.

one may be a human biologically, but if he acts like an animal, he'll be treated like an animal.

no disrespect to animals intended.

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: Necrobile

Cool, do we send you the bill??

Can a person refuse the bill for things they don't like..such as military overspending? they don't even know where that money is going.

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