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TH3WH17ERABB17 -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART -9 -

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posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 04:55 AM

originally posted by: XAnarchistX
a reply to: Skyfloating

So, Q repeated something already reported, and now the DOJ repeated that same statement, and somehow this is "Future proves past"

this is the "solid proof"?

Yes it is.


Because out of the many things written, nobody really knows which are going to stand their ground and come true...unless they are privy to a certain kind of intel.

The Russian Collusion theory is, at this point, wiped out. Not only that, we have been shown what its purpose was, who is behind it and how it failed.
edit on 2018 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 05:07 AM
4 a.m. talking points are global. The cult broadcasts the same thing everywhere. These people are SICK.

German MSM:

This translates as: "How Dangerous is this Meeting?"

"Putin and Trump have one thing in common: They want to Harm Europe!"

Sick Puppies. Same BS with NK, SA, ISIS, FBI, CIA, etc.
edit on 2018 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 05:12 AM
Ecuador begins talks to evict Assange

Britain is in high-level talks with Ecuador in an attempt to remove Julian Assange from its London embassy, where he has been sheltering for more than six years.

Sir Alan Duncan, the Foreign Office minister, is understood to be involved in the diplomatic effort, which comes weeks before a visit to the UK by Lenin Moreno, the new Ecuadorean president, who has called Assange a “hacker”, an “inherited problem” and a “stone in the shoe”. Sources…

Judging from his Twitter feed, Sir Alan Duncan appears to be friendly toward Donald Trump.
edit on 2018 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 05:19 AM
This is why POTUS calls them FAKE NEWS


posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 05:26 AM
Ever wonder why Lynn Rothschild was supporting Rwandan mass murderer Paul Kagame on her Twitter account?

Just read that Kate Spade may have benefited from the Rwandan genocide as well. Its speculation as of now, but who knows how deep this runs.
edit on 2018 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 07:43 AM
The problem with QAnon:

For those who cannot watch: Q tells so much of the truth and is actually successful at waking people up. (Something so incredibly difficult to do) Huge issue being, QAnon also makes sure the believers have unquestioned faith in government groups and POTUS - something no one knowing the truth would ever do. Should QAnon be proven false and we already have things pointing that direction, everyone they took onboard will abandon the notions of the great evils we're facing and return to a life of eschewing anything of the sort as a "conspiracy theory".

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: TomLawless
a reply to: Boadicea

I think you're looking for this. I'm a Madsen, Hussein era junky.

Thank you! I did find that, but I managed to find the actual reports written by Madsden -- there were three parts. I posted them here if you'd like to read them again.

Isn't it funny that Hussein 0's mom and pop met at a Russian language class?

Indeed. And at the height of the cold war no less....
edit on 15-7-2018 by Boadicea because: formatting

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: gottaknow

Huge issue being, QAnon also makes sure the believers have unquestioned faith in government groups and POTUS - something no one knowing the truth would ever do.

That's not true. Q is encouraging faith in certain government individuals and POTUS... and encouraging exactly the opposite for others. It's not "either/or," it's "this and that." As in it's not either all of government is good or all of government is bad... nor is Q even saying all of one party is good and all of the other party is bad. Q is telling us what we all should know via good old common sense: There are corrupt critters in DC on both "sides."

Should QAnon be proven false and we already have things pointing that direction...

Except Q has already declared disinfo as part and parcel of the operation. Folks expect that some info will be knowingly and deliberately untrue. So false info is built in...

... everyone they took onboard will abandon the notions of the great evils we're facing and return to a life of eschewing anything of the sort as a "conspiracy theory".

Maybe... maybe not. No doubt the Q skeptics will say it was just a LARP all along. And maybe it is. But the research folks did for themselves from Q's crumbs, and the facts and the truths they found are real and true and enlightening. At this point, we could find out Q is a teenager in his mom's basement, and it wouldn't effect the value of the information folks found for themselves. Even if Q isn't who folks think, the information stands on its own merits.

I'm more concerned that given the wealth of information found, and if NOTHING comes of the investigations and hearings, etc., that these folks who now know better will raise absolute holy hell with every single critter in DC. And for good reason, but in the worst way. Rebellion and revolution are not pretty, no matter how well justified.

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: gottaknow
The problem with QAnon:

For those who cannot watch: Q tells so much of the truth and is actually successful at waking people up. (Something so incredibly difficult to do) Huge issue being, QAnon also makes sure the believers have unquestioned faith in government groups and POTUS - something no one knowing the truth would ever do. Should QAnon be proven false and we already have things pointing that direction, everyone they took onboard will abandon the notions of the great evils we're facing and return to a life of eschewing anything of the sort as a "conspiracy theory".

Thank you for sharing this. I can’t watch the video right now but replying to your summary of it. You say “no one knowing the truth” would ever have their followers have unquestioned belief in government institutions or POTUS but I disagree, as does Q. Q has stated that disinfo is necessary- and I admit that this is quite the statement as it is a blanket statement that can cover any erroneous statements. However it also has the effect of making Q followers actually question everything. Q does not ask us to have 100% faith in anything- the closest he gets is with reminding us to trust the plan.
I am not a usual poster here but a lurker and avid reader since Q thread 1 so I’m not trying to activate the shills or rebuttal your post. On the contrary, your post resonated with me because I see this specific claim quite differently. Q WANTS us to question everything - it’s reminiscent of a debate class; you can’t simply study your side of the argument completely and expect that to be enough preparation, no, you MUST know what your opponent is going to say in opening and rebuttal. If Q sows seeds of doubt I full heartedly believe that THIS is part of the plan. And a similar analogy could be made with God and free will but you all seem quite weary of the biblical angle so I’ll just let that one be

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

My apologies Boa, your post didn’t load for me before I replied to gottaknow, you said it much more eloquently than I. Lol. Bravo.

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: gottaknow

Should QAnon be proven false and we already have things pointing that direction

You have no idea one way or the other, and if you do prove it!

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: nowayreally

And a similar analogy could be made with God and free will but you all seem quite weary of the biblical angle so I’ll just let that one be

I, for one, would enjoy your thoughts in that direction.

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: gottaknow

I think that Q is pointing out the system surrounding our govt. rewards corruption. That the system needs changing more than the players. Because the system will always birth new players to leverage their influence.
edit on 15-7-2018 by thepixelpusher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 09:06 AM

originally posted by: nowayreally
a reply to: Boadicea

My apologies Boa, your post didn’t load for me before I replied to gottaknow, you said it much more eloquently than I. Lol. Bravo.

No apologies necessary or even appropriate! I really like your point about folks not needing to "trust" anything Q says, because he's promoting individual research and due diligence. Q has said we should trust certain people, but for the greatest part, we're expected to do our own homework and find the truth and facts for ourselves.

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 09:39 AM
Busy weekend and finally got some time to post.

One Synchronicity and one idea to tell...

I'd like some views on whether this would be worthwhile as it would be a LOT of work:

I could create a cross reference index to these threads, in excel, by individual, such that one could look up all posts mentioning, say, Lynn De Forrester Rothschild.

Using the index one would be able to jump to each of the relevant posts easily.

By being able to read all of the inputs on the individual "in totem" we may:
A) see a rounder picture of their activities and it may highlight new avenues of investigation,
B) it may reduce newbies reposting something that has already been posted.

I spent all of yesterday at the yearly carnival of a village I used to live in. Usual MO; parade of trucks, marching bands and steam engines thru the village. Each truck had a local charity or school/scouts/cricket club in a fancy dress scene collecting charity as they passed.

This year the theme of the parade was... ALICE IN WONDERLAND... and, the baton twirler leading the parade was an ex girlfriend dressed up as the Mad Hatter... priceless!

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I'd like some views on whether this would be worthwhile as it would be a LOT of work:

I could create a cross reference index to these threads, in excel, by individual, such that one could look up all posts mentioning, say, Lynn De Forrester Rothschild.

I think an cross reference index by person is an excellent idea and would be VERY valuable. I have in fact looked for such an index to no avail.

But I'm sure it would be a tremendous amount of work, and I wish I didn't have so much on my plate right now so I could offer to help you with it.

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 10:15 AM

originally posted by: thepixelpusher
a reply to: gottaknow

I think that Q is pointing out the system surrounding our govt. rewards corruption. That the system needs changing more than the players. Because the system will always birth new players to leverage their influence.

I profoundly disagree... I see it exactly the opposite.

Our organic law and Constitutional foundation -- the "system" -- is just fine... more than "fine." It's the corrupt critters who corrupted the "system" who are the problem. And we the people who allowed -- and even applauded at times! -- the corruption of our fundamental principles and law. We cannot stop people from being corrupt. There will always be corrupt people. But we can ensure that our Constitution and founding principles are adhered to and respected.

The "system" is corrupted and needs to be returned to its foundations. And those who corrupted it need to be appropriately investigated, charged, and prosecuted.

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

LOLOLO Sufi... Priceless indeed ! Sounds like a fun day, I love those hokey home town parades, especially the youth groups and animals.

Your cross reference index sounds cool, but in all honesty I probably wouldn't use it myself, but my computer skills are lame and my brain can only handle so much !

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 10:26 AM



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  • posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 10:51 AM
    a reply to: Skyfloating

    Those people are behind the times. Trump and Putin talk to each other all the time by phone. This so-called "summit" is no big deal, unless the two men make it one by agreeing to do change IRAN's leadership.

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