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Miss America ends swimsuit competition

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posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 09:28 PM

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: InTheLight

Yep, you definitely need a dictionary.

Please, I beg you... DO NOT help me. I've had all of your kind's help I can take.


Sorry, that is my calling, to help explain things to people like you so that there may be an inkling of understanding others' needs. If you can't stand the truth stay out of this discussion.

And one more thing, nobody needs people like you to explain ANYTHING.
You have no idea of understanding other peoples needs.
None. Your posts have proven this. You only care about you.
If it is your "calling" to help explain this, you need another calling.
Telling people to stay out of a discussion because they don't agree with what you think, is bitchy.

Yes, they do need explaining....EVERYTHING. Most are clueless in this thread.

I have a full understanding of the need to rid our society of sexual objectification and exploitation.

I certainly care about me and others too. I can't say that for others who have posted here.

My calling is just fine, no need for you to second guess me.

Telling Redneck to stay out of the discussion wasn't because he disagreed with me, I disagreed with him too, it was mutual. He just can't seem to have a debate without getting emotional.

I find your post bitchy.
edit on 16CDT09America/Chicago02990930 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 09:40 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: InTheLight

Yep, you definitely need a dictionary.

Please, I beg you... DO NOT help me. I've had all of your kind's help I can take.


Sorry, that is my calling, to help explain things to people like you so that there may be an inkling of understanding others' needs. If you can't stand the truth stay out of this discussion.

And one more thing, nobody needs people like you to explain ANYTHING.
You have no idea of understanding other peoples needs.
None. Your posts have proven this. You only care about you.
If it is your "calling" to help explain this, you need another calling.
Telling people to stay out of a discussion because they don't agree with what you think, is bitchy.

Yes, they do need explaining....EVERYTHING. Most are clueless in this thread.

I have a full understanding of the need to rid our society of sexual objectification and exploitation.

I certainly care about me and others too. I can't say that for others who have posted here.

My calling is just fine, no need for you to second guess me.

Telling Redneck to stay out of the discussion wasn't because he disagreed with me, I disagreed with him too, it was mutual. He just can't seem to have a debate without getting emotional.

I find your post bitchy.

I find most of your posts bitchy.

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 09:41 PM

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: InTheLight

Yep, you definitely need a dictionary.

Please, I beg you... DO NOT help me. I've had all of your kind's help I can take.


Sorry, that is my calling, to help explain things to people like you so that there may be an inkling of understanding others' needs. If you can't stand the truth stay out of this discussion.

And one more thing, nobody needs people like you to explain ANYTHING.
You have no idea of understanding other peoples needs.
None. Your posts have proven this. You only care about you.
If it is your "calling" to help explain this, you need another calling.
Telling people to stay out of a discussion because they don't agree with what you think, is bitchy.

Yes, they do need explaining....EVERYTHING. Most are clueless in this thread.

I have a full understanding of the need to rid our society of sexual objectification and exploitation.

I certainly care about me and others too. I can't say that for others who have posted here.

My calling is just fine, no need for you to second guess me.

Telling Redneck to stay out of the discussion wasn't because he disagreed with me, I disagreed with him too, it was mutual. He just can't seem to have a debate without getting emotional.

I find your post bitchy.

I find most of your posts bitchy.

So far, I find the same with your posts. You come on here with no discussion only insults.

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 09:53 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: InTheLight

Yep, you definitely need a dictionary.

Please, I beg you... DO NOT help me. I've had all of your kind's help I can take.


Sorry, that is my calling, to help explain things to people like you so that there may be an inkling of understanding others' needs. If you can't stand the truth stay out of this discussion.

And one more thing, nobody needs people like you to explain ANYTHING.
You have no idea of understanding other peoples needs.
None. Your posts have proven this. You only care about you.
If it is your "calling" to help explain this, you need another calling.
Telling people to stay out of a discussion because they don't agree with what you think, is bitchy.

Yes, they do need explaining....EVERYTHING. Most are clueless in this thread.

I have a full understanding of the need to rid our society of sexual objectification and exploitation.

I certainly care about me and others too. I can't say that for others who have posted here.

My calling is just fine, no need for you to second guess me.

Telling Redneck to stay out of the discussion wasn't because he disagreed with me, I disagreed with him too, it was mutual. He just can't seem to have a debate without getting emotional.

I find your post bitchy.

I find most of your posts bitchy.

So far, I find the same with your posts. You come on here with no discussion only insults.

What you believe to be insults are usually pointing out those who are wrong, or telling those with a "calling to explain things" that it is wrong to explain things in such a bitchy way.

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: InTheLight

Oh, I understand the truth... it is that your kind seem to take extreme pleasure in twisting it to hurt others.

If that is your calling, leave me out of it.


posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 09:55 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: InTheLight

Oh, I understand the truth... it is that your kind seem to take extreme pleasure in twisting it to hurt others.

If that is your calling, leave me out of it.


She can't leave anyone out of it.
It is her calling.

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 09:58 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: InTheLight

Oh, I understand the truth... it is that your kind seem to take extreme pleasure in twisting it to hurt others.

If that is your calling, leave me out of it.


How have I twisted the truth? The pageant's truth is they dropped the swimsuit segment due to sexual objectification and exploitation. I take no pleasure in repeating this reality. I wanted an intelligent discussion on this positive change here but it's obvious that can't happen here. It is a very sad situation posting with you Redneck, because you seem to have given up and really don't seem to care about others' needs in society, even though you say you are not in society any more. So why post here at all?
edit on 16CDT10America/Chicago007101030 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 09:59 PM

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: InTheLight

Oh, I understand the truth... it is that your kind seem to take extreme pleasure in twisting it to hurt others.

If that is your calling, leave me out of it.


She can't leave anyone out of it.
It is her calling.

I wasn't the one who came on here with insults, that is your calling it appears.

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 10:00 PM

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: InTheLight

Yep, you definitely need a dictionary.

Please, I beg you... DO NOT help me. I've had all of your kind's help I can take.


Sorry, that is my calling, to help explain things to people like you so that there may be an inkling of understanding others' needs. If you can't stand the truth stay out of this discussion.

And one more thing, nobody needs people like you to explain ANYTHING.
You have no idea of understanding other peoples needs.
None. Your posts have proven this. You only care about you.
If it is your "calling" to help explain this, you need another calling.
Telling people to stay out of a discussion because they don't agree with what you think, is bitchy.

Yes, they do need explaining....EVERYTHING. Most are clueless in this thread.

I have a full understanding of the need to rid our society of sexual objectification and exploitation.

I certainly care about me and others too. I can't say that for others who have posted here.

My calling is just fine, no need for you to second guess me.

Telling Redneck to stay out of the discussion wasn't because he disagreed with me, I disagreed with him too, it was mutual. He just can't seem to have a debate without getting emotional.

I find your post bitchy.

I find most of your posts bitchy.

So far, I find the same with your posts. You come on here with no discussion only insults.

What you believe to be insults are usually pointing out those who are wrong, or telling those with a "calling to explain things" that it is wrong to explain things in such a bitchy way.

What you mistake at bitch is intelligence, perhaps you need to get out more.

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 10:06 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: InTheLight

Yep, you definitely need a dictionary.

Please, I beg you... DO NOT help me. I've had all of your kind's help I can take.


Sorry, that is my calling, to help explain things to people like you so that there may be an inkling of understanding others' needs. If you can't stand the truth stay out of this discussion.

And one more thing, nobody needs people like you to explain ANYTHING.
You have no idea of understanding other peoples needs.
None. Your posts have proven this. You only care about you.
If it is your "calling" to help explain this, you need another calling.
Telling people to stay out of a discussion because they don't agree with what you think, is bitchy.

Yes, they do need explaining....EVERYTHING. Most are clueless in this thread.

I have a full understanding of the need to rid our society of sexual objectification and exploitation.

I certainly care about me and others too. I can't say that for others who have posted here.

My calling is just fine, no need for you to second guess me.

Telling Redneck to stay out of the discussion wasn't because he disagreed with me, I disagreed with him too, it was mutual. He just can't seem to have a debate without getting emotional.

I find your post bitchy.

I find most of your posts bitchy.

So far, I find the same with your posts. You come on here with no discussion only insults.

What you believe to be insults are usually pointing out those who are wrong, or telling those with a "calling to explain things" that it is wrong to explain things in such a bitchy way.

What you mistake at bitch is intelligence, perhaps you need to get out more.

Your intelligent post just quoted me.

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: putnam6

A very poignant post.

Most people think these things exist in a vacuum; they do not. Every business is connected to other businesses, and when one suffers, all eventually suffer. I do not have your insight about what industries are directly tied to Miss Universe, but I do know something about what the recent NFL issue, a close approximation of this one, can and likely will affect:

As ticket sales drop (which they already have) and advertising revenue slows (which it is doing now), the NFL will be forced to cut back not only on salaries and bonuses, bit also on equipment. Football makers covet an NFL contract immensely, because it is so profitable... so do uniform suppliers. A lack of fans in the stands will lead to less concessions sold, which means less orders from food suppliers. Retailers will see a drop in sales from merchandising. TV stations will see less income from airing the games, due to lower ratings and accompanying drops in advertising prices, which means less money to spend on other shows.

Now add in the drops in salaries... that is going to cut into car sales, clothing sales, and anything else that the athletes typically buy out of their extravagant salaries.

I see no good reason not to believe exactly what you say, that this will wind up hurting small businesses and the people who depend on them... primarily women. As usual, the politically correct have managed to help women maintain their dignity by putting them out of business. Some calling, eh?


posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: Fowlerstoad

Well, perhaps if you actually took the time to read the whole thread it might make more sense to you.

However, you chose not to do this and hence you are lost, but wish to argue about something just out of your zeal from opposition of the OP (and perhaps the first page). Fair enough, as you wish, but I'm not going to engage you. You can either read and choose to comprehend, or you can be obtuse like another (feminist energizer bunny) here and continue to repeatedly draw people down into the noise for no apparent reason than to distract the conversation down into endless deflections and BS rhetoric with no point (and lack of understanding).

This topic was pretty much done on about page 5. Why I am continuing discussion at this point, on page 25, is a loss to me (and my time).

Best to you.

edit on 6/6/2018 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 10:09 PM

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: InTheLight

Yep, you definitely need a dictionary.

Please, I beg you... DO NOT help me. I've had all of your kind's help I can take.


Sorry, that is my calling, to help explain things to people like you so that there may be an inkling of understanding others' needs. If you can't stand the truth stay out of this discussion.

And one more thing, nobody needs people like you to explain ANYTHING.
You have no idea of understanding other peoples needs.
None. Your posts have proven this. You only care about you.
If it is your "calling" to help explain this, you need another calling.
Telling people to stay out of a discussion because they don't agree with what you think, is bitchy.

Yes, they do need explaining....EVERYTHING. Most are clueless in this thread.

I have a full understanding of the need to rid our society of sexual objectification and exploitation.

I certainly care about me and others too. I can't say that for others who have posted here.

My calling is just fine, no need for you to second guess me.

Telling Redneck to stay out of the discussion wasn't because he disagreed with me, I disagreed with him too, it was mutual. He just can't seem to have a debate without getting emotional.

I find your post bitchy.

I find most of your posts bitchy.

So far, I find the same with your posts. You come on here with no discussion only insults.

What you believe to be insults are usually pointing out those who are wrong, or telling those with a "calling to explain things" that it is wrong to explain things in such a bitchy way.

What you mistake at bitch is intelligence, perhaps you need to get out more.

Your intelligent post just quoted me.

I wasn't that bothered to fix it, not important.

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 10:10 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: InTheLight

Yep, you definitely need a dictionary.

Please, I beg you... DO NOT help me. I've had all of your kind's help I can take.


Sorry, that is my calling, to help explain things to people like you so that there may be an inkling of understanding others' needs. If you can't stand the truth stay out of this discussion.

And one more thing, nobody needs people like you to explain ANYTHING.
You have no idea of understanding other peoples needs.
None. Your posts have proven this. You only care about you.
If it is your "calling" to help explain this, you need another calling.
Telling people to stay out of a discussion because they don't agree with what you think, is bitchy.

Yes, they do need explaining....EVERYTHING. Most are clueless in this thread.

I have a full understanding of the need to rid our society of sexual objectification and exploitation.

I certainly care about me and others too. I can't say that for others who have posted here.

My calling is just fine, no need for you to second guess me.

Telling Redneck to stay out of the discussion wasn't because he disagreed with me, I disagreed with him too, it was mutual. He just can't seem to have a debate without getting emotional.

I find your post bitchy.

I find most of your posts bitchy.

So far, I find the same with your posts. You come on here with no discussion only insults.

What you believe to be insults are usually pointing out those who are wrong, or telling those with a "calling to explain things" that it is wrong to explain things in such a bitchy way.

What you mistake at bitch is intelligence, perhaps you need to get out more.

Your intelligent post just quoted me.

I wasn't that bothered to fix it, not important.

So, what are you doing this weekend?

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

The only noise I hear is coming from here - where's your discussion?

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 10:13 PM

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: InTheLight

Yep, you definitely need a dictionary.

Please, I beg you... DO NOT help me. I've had all of your kind's help I can take.


Sorry, that is my calling, to help explain things to people like you so that there may be an inkling of understanding others' needs. If you can't stand the truth stay out of this discussion.

And one more thing, nobody needs people like you to explain ANYTHING.
You have no idea of understanding other peoples needs.
None. Your posts have proven this. You only care about you.
If it is your "calling" to help explain this, you need another calling.
Telling people to stay out of a discussion because they don't agree with what you think, is bitchy.

Yes, they do need explaining....EVERYTHING. Most are clueless in this thread.

I have a full understanding of the need to rid our society of sexual objectification and exploitation.

I certainly care about me and others too. I can't say that for others who have posted here.

My calling is just fine, no need for you to second guess me.

Telling Redneck to stay out of the discussion wasn't because he disagreed with me, I disagreed with him too, it was mutual. He just can't seem to have a debate without getting emotional.

I find your post bitchy.

I find most of your posts bitchy.

So far, I find the same with your posts. You come on here with no discussion only insults.

What you believe to be insults are usually pointing out those who are wrong, or telling those with a "calling to explain things" that it is wrong to explain things in such a bitchy way.

What you mistake at bitch is intelligence, perhaps you need to get out more.

Your intelligent post just quoted me.

I wasn't that bothered to fix it, not important.

So, what are you doing this weekend?

Running around with hubby, to look at new pick up trucks. What about you?

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: InTheLight

Does Subaru still make pickup trucks????

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: InTheLight

Telling Redneck to stay out of the discussion wasn't because he disagreed with me, I disagreed with him too, it was mutual. He just can't seem to have a debate without getting emotional.

Not emotional... more along the lines of flabbergasted. I will admit it is quite frustrating to hear someone so clueless and yes, dangerous, trying to claim regress is progress and evil is good. You are quite the case: absolutely oblivious to reality, yet convinced you live amid it.

Hint: There are no unicorns in reality. If you are watching one run across a rainbow, it's time for a reality check. Trust me on this.

You remind me of someone barging into a brain surgeon's operating room, determined to help hold his hand steady... instead causing his scalpel to slip and perform a lobotomy, then explaining that if he had just let you help this wouldn't have happened and it's all his fault...

Now stop trying to help before you destroy something else.


posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: InTheLight

Yep, you definitely need a dictionary.

Please, I beg you... DO NOT help me. I've had all of your kind's help I can take.


Sorry, that is my calling, to help explain things to people like you so that there may be an inkling of understanding others' needs. If you can't stand the truth stay out of this discussion.

And one more thing, nobody needs people like you to explain ANYTHING.
You have no idea of understanding other peoples needs.
None. Your posts have proven this. You only care about you.
If it is your "calling" to help explain this, you need another calling.
Telling people to stay out of a discussion because they don't agree with what you think, is bitchy.

Yes, they do need explaining....EVERYTHING. Most are clueless in this thread.

I have a full understanding of the need to rid our society of sexual objectification and exploitation.

I certainly care about me and others too. I can't say that for others who have posted here.

My calling is just fine, no need for you to second guess me.

Telling Redneck to stay out of the discussion wasn't because he disagreed with me, I disagreed with him too, it was mutual. He just can't seem to have a debate without getting emotional.

I find your post bitchy.

I find most of your posts bitchy.

So far, I find the same with your posts. You come on here with no discussion only insults.

What you believe to be insults are usually pointing out those who are wrong, or telling those with a "calling to explain things" that it is wrong to explain things in such a bitchy way.

What you mistake at bitch is intelligence, perhaps you need to get out more.

Your intelligent post just quoted me.

I wasn't that bothered to fix it, not important.

So, what are you doing this weekend?

Running around with hubby, to look at new pick up trucks. What about you?

Going with my wife to sell a pickup truck.
I am not even joking. That is what we are doing.
It's at our farm. 73 F100 Ford.

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 10:17 PM

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: InTheLight

Yep, you definitely need a dictionary.

Please, I beg you... DO NOT help me. I've had all of your kind's help I can take.


Sorry, that is my calling, to help explain things to people like you so that there may be an inkling of understanding others' needs. If you can't stand the truth stay out of this discussion.

And one more thing, nobody needs people like you to explain ANYTHING.
You have no idea of understanding other peoples needs.
None. Your posts have proven this. You only care about you.
If it is your "calling" to help explain this, you need another calling.
Telling people to stay out of a discussion because they don't agree with what you think, is bitchy.

Yes, they do need explaining....EVERYTHING. Most are clueless in this thread.

I have a full understanding of the need to rid our society of sexual objectification and exploitation.

I certainly care about me and others too. I can't say that for others who have posted here.

My calling is just fine, no need for you to second guess me.

Telling Redneck to stay out of the discussion wasn't because he disagreed with me, I disagreed with him too, it was mutual. He just can't seem to have a debate without getting emotional.

I find your post bitchy.

I find most of your posts bitchy.

So far, I find the same with your posts. You come on here with no discussion only insults.

What you believe to be insults are usually pointing out those who are wrong, or telling those with a "calling to explain things" that it is wrong to explain things in such a bitchy way.

What you mistake at bitch is intelligence, perhaps you need to get out more.

Your intelligent post just quoted me.

I wasn't that bothered to fix it, not important.

So, what are you doing this weekend?

Running around with hubby, to look at new pick up trucks. What about you?

Going with my wife to sell a pickup truck.
I am not even joking. That is what we are doing.
It's at our farm. 73 F100 Ford.

Oh that's a classic. We're going to try them all and see if my feet can reach the pedals.

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