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Miss America ends swimsuit competition

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posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 10:49 AM

originally posted by: JAY1980
This is just another step in dismantling true femininity and replacing it with some green haired land whale who thinks beauty consists of being able to eat an entire brick of cheddar cheese in one sitting.

3rd wave feminist lunatics wont be happy till we are all as miserable as they are...

No. I don't think femininity is going anywhere.

What is happening is it seems more grown men are turning in to drama queens and like to complain about stupid stuff like this.

Worried about a beauty pageant on TV and how feminists are trying to change it?

Hand in your man card, pansies.

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: JAY1980
This is just another step in dismantling true femininity and replacing it with some green haired land whale who thinks beauty consists of being able to eat an entire brick of cheddar cheese in one sitting.

3rd wave feminist lunatics wont be happy till we are all as miserable as they are...

1. 3rd wave feminism was almost 30 years ago at this point.
2. Women can be, and still are, sexy as all getout (and are more free now with sexuality than ever before). But we are smart enough now to know that they shouldn't being pitted against each other in some archaic model set up for/by repressed dudes.
3. Quit crying and mixing things up that don't go together for partisan idiocy.

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: InTheLight
When will we all stop catering to the almighty buck?

What would you prefer to replace capitalism?

Miss America is doomed.

They can go back to attempting to court the superficial crowd by adding something even more extreme than a mere swimsuit portion of the competition, or they can follow progressive whims down the rabbit hole in attempts to keep hold of ever-fleeting progressive interests.

The rabbit hole would lead them to eventually stop being sexist (by allowing men) and becoming nothing more than a once-a-year version of the sea of mediocre variety shows like American Idol, America's Got Tallent, X-Factor, etc..

They're now stuck between a rock and a hard place in a lose/lose situation.
edit on 6/6/18 by redmage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: redmage

originally posted by: InTheLight
When will we all stop catering to the almighty buck?

What would you prefer to replace capitalism?

Miss America is doomed.

They can go back to attempting to court the superficial crowd by adding something even more extreme than a mere swimsuit portion of the competition, or they can follow progressive whims down the rabbit hole in attempts to keep hold of ever-fleeting progressive interests.

The rabbit hole would lead them to eventually stop being sexist (by allowing men) and becoming nothing more than a once-a-year version of the sea of mediocre variety shows like American Idol, America's Got Tallent, X-Factor, etc..

Are those shows really mediocre via a popularity and revenue take or just your opinion?

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: InTheLight

In my opinion the variety show market is currently quite saturated, but who knows? Perhaps as those shows eventually fade off there might be room for a once-a-year version.

Either way, it's not going to be "Miss America" if/when men are allowed into the competition.

Miss America is doomed.

edit on 6/6/18 by redmage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: redmage
a reply to: InTheLight

In my opinion the variety show market is currently quite saturated, but who knows? Perhaps as those shows eventually fade off there might be room for a once-a-year version.

Fade off? They keep renewing them.

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: InTheLight

Do you not understand the definition of the word "eventually"?

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: redmage
a reply to: InTheLight

Do you not understand the definition of the word "eventually"?

Where is the eventuality when they are renewing the show every year? Can you predict the future?

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: InTheLight
Where is the eventuality when they are renewing the show every year?

Tell that to Star Search or the countless other variety shows which preceded it, and which preceded those who are currently flooding the market.

These shows are run by people, and all people eventually make mistakes. For instance, if Simon Cowell gets hit with something like a #metoo allegation, then American Idol falls off the map. A judging scandal on America's Got Talent? Bye bye, AGT.

They're also watched by people who, as a society, have tastes that constantly change.

Be it "scandals", or simply the ever changing tastes of viewers... the odds of this current crop of variety shows continuing on into the future forever are slim to none.
edit on 6/6/18 by redmage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: redmage

originally posted by: InTheLight
Where is the eventuality when they are renewing the show every year?

Tell that to Star Search or the countless other variety shows which preceded it, and which preceded those who are currently flooding the market.

These shows are run by people, and all people eventually make mistakes. For instance, if Simon Cowell gets hit with something like a #metoo allegation, then American Idol falls off the map.

They're also watched by people who, as a society, have tastes that constantly change.

Be it "scandals", or simply the ever changing tastes of viewers... the odds of this current crop of variety shows continuing on into the future forever are slim to none.

The underlying issue here is these types of shows are popular and all don't have to have a swimsuit segment to be rolling in the dough.

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 11:56 AM
These contestants have been groomed by parents since they were toddlers. They must be so confused now by their looks not being a part of it anymore, after all it is the world "they" live in, thanks to their parents.

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight
The underlying issue here is these types of shows are popular and all don't have to have a swimsuit segment to be rolling in the dough.

Nope, no "swimsuit" competitions in variety shows, but be careful what you wish for. Lulu keeps 'em coming back!

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: redmage

originally posted by: InTheLight
The underlying issue here is these types of shows are popular and all don't have to have a swimsuit segment to be rolling in the dough.

Nope, no "swimsuit" competitions in variety shows, but be careful what you wish for. Lulu keeps 'em coming back!

Ask yourself why they keep coming back? It's not because of that one person on that talent show.
edit on 16CDT12America/Chicago003121230 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: UKTruth

I would say confidently the majority of men like to look at women in bikini's.
I would also say confidently that many women like showing off their bodies in swimsuits and love the attention.
However because someone else has hurt feelings about it, neither men who want to look nor women who want to show are allowed to do it.

Both of those are biological impulses.

Every single species of animal has a mating ritual. Among many animals, the male is the one who attracts females. The Tom turkey has a strut where he fluffs his feathers up and struts, while some appendages on his head grow and turn bright red. The peacock has the fan that extends. These serve not only to attract the female, but too show their ability to protect the females. Females are attracted by the shows of 'masculinity' and perpetuate the species.

Human females are the extravagant gender that show off to attract males. Male humans are visually programmed to be attracted to the females, and human females are programmed to try to be attractive to the males. This is how the world has worked for millennia. We are also intelligent enough to be able to look beyond these biological impulses and
control the natural reproductive behavior, but that does not mean we are completely immune to it.

I am a big fan of equality between the genders. Women should be treated with the same respect as men. A woman doing the same job as a man should be paid the same. A woman has the same rights as a man. But a woman is not the same as a man, nor is a man the same as a woman. And like everything else in life, not all are created equally in all respects. I know this very well, as a man who is, to be frank, ugly as sin and socially incompetent. But, acceptance of who I am and what my limitations are has allowed me to have a full life regardless of being dealt a less than perfect hand. At the beach or in other situations where attire is generally sparse, I enjoy looking at the ladies as much as anyone... I simply understand that looking is the maximum I can do.

We have in our society, however, those who cannot seem to accept who they are. We have too many who believe that because they weren't blessed with the kind of body that would win a beauty pageant, no one should be able to enter such a pageant. These individuals, admittedly the majority, have tried for years to have beauty pageants closed down for being 'sexist.' That failing, they are simply trying a new tactic: make the pageants so dry, so boring, so unexciting that no one will want to look any more, and let economics take its course. It is no different than me trying to take down weightlifting competitions or railing against the male role model coming out of Hollywood. I will never be Arnold Schwartzeneggar or Tom Cruise or Burt Reynolds... I don't have to be. I only have to be me.

It is selfishness and vengeance, make no mistake about it.


posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight
Ask yourself why they keep coming back? It's not because of that one person on that talent show.

Of course it's not because of "that one person". It's largely because of the MANY failed auditions, and the producers know that's what sells. It's why American Idol and AGT specifically feature so many horrible auditions out of the thousands of participants, because their viewers love to laugh at others' humiliating auditions. The current crop of variety shows specifically cater to the lowest common denominator when it comes to their viewers.
edit on 6/6/18 by redmage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: TinySickTears

The swimsuit competition did not really serve a respectable purpose. Sure, it gave the old men and goobers something to gawk at, but it did nothing to perpetuate the idea of empowering women and education.

Well actually there was a time where women viewed it as empowering to be allowed to display their sexuality and wear what ever they wanted... and lets be fair it's a modelling competition and not exactly a career path for those aspiring to unlock the secrets of nuclear fusion. But it's perfectly fine if a women wants to use her beauty as way to make a living, women are naturally creatures of beauty so it's no surprise the majority of models are female. Sure we should encourage them to focus on more fulfilling careers but I'm quite certain if actually asked the models who have chosen to be in that career a large fraction of them will tell you they don't mind showing a bit of skin... but if the directors want to keep it as classy as possibly so be I don't care because I've never watched a pageant competition in my life. I just find it quite sad how all the fun is being sucked from society in the name of political correctness and the overall trend in that direction worries me.
edit on 6/6/2018 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: UKTruth

I would say confidently the majority of men like to look at women in bikini's.
I would also say confidently that many women like showing off their bodies in swimsuits and love the attention.
However because someone else has hurt feelings about it, neither men who want to look nor women who want to show are allowed to do it.

Both of those are biological impulses.

Every single species of animal has a mating ritual. Among many animals, the male is the one who attracts females. The Tom turkey has a strut where he fluffs his feathers up and struts, while some appendages on his head grow and turn bright red. The peacock has the fan that extends. These serve not only to attract the female, but too show their ability to protect the females. Females are attracted by the shows of 'masculinity' and perpetuate the species.

Human females are the extravagant gender that show off to attract males. Male humans are visually programmed to be attracted to the females, and human females are programmed to try to be attractive to the males. This is how the world has worked for millennia. We are also intelligent enough to be able to look beyond these biological impulses and
control the natural reproductive behavior, but that does not mean we are completely immune to it.

I am a big fan of equality between the genders. Women should be treated with the same respect as men. A woman doing the same job as a man should be paid the same. A woman has the same rights as a man. But a woman is not the same as a man, nor is a man the same as a woman. And like everything else in life, not all are created equally in all respects. I know this very well, as a man who is, to be frank, ugly as sin and socially incompetent. But, acceptance of who I am and what my limitations are has allowed me to have a full life regardless of being dealt a less than perfect hand. At the beach or in other situations where attire is generally sparse, I enjoy looking at the ladies as much as anyone... I simply understand that looking is the maximum I can do.

We have in our society, however, those who cannot seem to accept who they are. We have too many who believe that because they weren't blessed with the kind of body that would win a beauty pageant, no one should be able to enter such a pageant. These individuals, admittedly the majority, have tried for years to have beauty pageants closed down for being 'sexist.' That failing, they are simply trying a new tactic: make the pageants so dry, so boring, so unexciting that no one will want to look any more, and let economics take its course. It is no different than me trying to take down weightlifting competitions or railing against the male role model coming out of Hollywood. I will never be Arnold Schwartzeneggar or Tom Cruise or Burt Reynolds... I don't have to be. I only have to be me.

It is selfishness and vengeance, make no mistake about it.


If you want to see women in bikinis then keep going to the beach where the women have chosen to show their bodies. In the meantime, women involved in this issue can and will define and redefine what beauty is within a beauty pageant, not you or anyone else.
edit on 16CDT12America/Chicago012121230 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: redmage

originally posted by: InTheLight
Ask yourself why they keep coming back? It's not because of that one person on that talent show.

Of course it's not because of "that one person". It's largely because of the MANY failed auditions, and the producers know that's what sells. It's why American Idol and AGT specifically feature so many horrible auditions out of the thousands of participants, because their viewers love to laugh at others' humiliating auditions. The current crop of variety shows specifically cater to the lowest common denominator when it comes to their viewers.

Not all, maybe that one does.

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 12:12 PM

Do any of you actually watch that # regardless of any stupid event being in or not being in it?

I'm more of a Hustler kind of guy anyways.

Buncha Playboy sissies.

(what is this 1994?)
edit on 6-6-2018 by Lysergic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2018 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Well actually there was a time where women viewed it as empowering to be allowed to display their sexuality and wear what ever they wanted... and lets be fair it's a modelling competition and not exactly a career path for those aspiring to unlock the secrets of nuclear fusion.

As I said, the competition does not serve a respectable purpose.

But it's perfectly fine if a women wants to use her beauty as way to make a living, women are naturally creatures of beauty so it's no surprise the majority of models are female.

It is their right to do as they wish.

Sure we should encourage them to focus on more fulfilling careers but I'm quite certain if actually asked the models who have chosen to be in that career a large fraction of them will tell you they don't mind showing a bit of skin... but if the directors want to keep it as classy as possibly so be I don't care because I've never watched a pageant competition in my life. I just find it quite sad how all the fun is being sucked from society in the name of political correctness and the overall trend in that direction worries me.

I still do not see how this is about political correctness.

It's about the culture that is shifting.

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