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can america win their first ever war with iran ??

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posted on May, 3 2018 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: yuppa
a reply to: SATURN66

So you are a Iranian shill then.

1. SHutting the Canal wouldnt last more than a few weeks because the Shipping missiles have a limited range. And Outside of the straight in the ocean is outside their engagement zone. I guess thats too hard to grasp though eh?

If we go to war with Iran Immigration and refugee laws do not apply in Total war doctrine. Iranians would all be declared COmbatants and war resources.
The US dont want Iran for anything. we dont need their Resources.
The S-300.s in Syria were not Russian controlled. the S-400s were though,and none even locked on to any AIrcraft.


Russia didnt strike back because they were not the targeted party and didnt suffer any losses at all.
4th. your english is very poor for someone living in England,which is a dead giveaway you are not actually from there.

omg there not talking to you guys
syria own the s200/300 system russia controls the s400 and some of the s300 around the russian bases and port and if you belive that5 there systems did not work against your superior tommer hawks then i would not like to be in the same fox hole as you in a war becouse you would get us killed as for why do you want iran then why are you threatning a soverieng nation to do as they are told or we will beat over the head with our suppirior weponry then??

oh and just to remind you incase you forgot all russian s/systems were told to stand down on that day it was only the syrian air defence that was shooting at you thats why they only hit 70% of the rockets fired, oh and a added bonus turkey a nato allie has just purches the s300 system rather that the forad sytem from the US that must hurt lol

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: Whoisjohngalt
a reply to: SATURN66

Kinda oversimplifying things to say its all about the oil. Its geopolitical and jockeying for positions of strength. Every country does it.

i thought i would keep it simple for our US folks to join in with the chat

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 06:56 PM
oh quick question what is a Iranian shill is is slang in america for something or just another insult to anyone that dont agree with america

out of america and russian i would trust russia over america anyday of the week and then some

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 07:30 PM
4th. your english is very poor for someone living in England,which is a dead giveaway you are not actually from there.

lol so im not from england becouse my english is poor lol
my english is fine its my spelling that is poor there is a big dfferance

edit on 3-5-2018 by SATURN66 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 07:34 PM

originally posted by: Whereismypassword
Going to have to stand up for the Americans on here and say their rules of engagement and the modern times we live in have not realy allowed them to win the wars they have been in recently

exactly its hard to win a war while playing by the rules when the enemy doesn't , if it werent for the geneva conventions we'd turn the whole country into a sheet of glass , war over.

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: SATURN66

Can a war actually be won anymore? you can fly over and destroy places, after a while it comes down to putting boots on the ground, then the body bags come home because you have forced the enemy to become a guerilla army. Russian and American soldiers as far as the middle east goes is not like a war in a temperate zone. Both sides have to rely on high tech, which will in the end fail and force the soldier to just fight the old fashioned way. If your fighting on you own home soil for your own right to be free, and not be invaded , then the numbers for the actual invading force has to be something like eight times the number of the enemies forces. That's the personnel that America has to front up with to stand a chance of winning, I don't think its prepared too .So they would use Arabs as an instrument of Washington's foreign policy, look at how that's turned out so far.
You have a load of rich people telling a load of poor people to go and risk their lives for them, for what? so the rich become rich and the poor get their ass blown away, it cant happen anymore.

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: SATURN66

Can a war actually be won anymore? you can fly over and destroy places, after a while it comes down to putting boots on the ground, then the body bags come home because you have forced the enemy to become a guerilla army. Russian and American soldiers as far as the middle east goes is not like a war in a temperate zone. Both sides have to rely on high tech, which will in the end fail and force the soldier to just fight the old fashioned way. If your fighting on you own home soil for your own right to be free, and not be invaded , then the numbers for the actual invading force has to be something like eight times the number of the enemies forces. That's the personnel that America has to front up with to stand a chance of winning, I don't think its prepared too .So they would use Arabs as an instrument of Washington's foreign policy, look at how that's turned out so far.
You have a load of rich people telling a load of poor people to go and risk their lives for them, for what? so the rich become rich and the poor get their ass blown away, it cant happen anymore.

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: makemap
#1 Will be conscription issue to combat 80 million people.
#2 US will have to go genocide mode to even win Iran.
#3 Iran is simply too far from US mainland to supply.

So no, US will not be able to take on Iran alone unless it can go conscript people and go on a genocide.

Stage out of Iraq... easy
I'm not sure if the population of Iran would all want to fight the US. They are an religious extremist society that were not that way back in the 70s. Hell women wore mini skirts there in the 70s, so I wonder how does most of the young population feel about a regime change?

The only problem will always be Israel or Saudi. Once they send troops into Iran don't expect any regime change. It will be seen as an invasion instead so GG. If US manage to go alone without those two, then prepare to accept millions of refugees or get caught in genocide mode. Once genocide mode happens US will lose all respect and BRICS will jump pushing US forces out like the Korean war.

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 07:47 PM
geneva convention??

i am struggerling to think off 1 country that has ussed that rule in a war zone

i think its only used to make the judges and loyars feel like they took part in that war while being safe back in their luxary houses ??

i know we brits did not abide by that law

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: truthnlies

originally posted by: Whereismypassword
Going to have to stand up for the Americans on here and say their rules of engagement and the modern times we live in have not realy allowed them to win the wars they have been in recently

exactly its hard to win a war while playing by the rules when the enemy doesn't , if it werent for the geneva conventions we'd turn the whole country into a sheet of glass , war over.

If we use Total war doctrine. Screw the Geneva conventions paper.The Geneva conventions only legally apply IF BOTH SIDES ARE USING THEM.

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: yuppa

Genocide is the only way to win a war, because if you don't kill everyone their children will grow up and come after you. No one wants to go down that track, so no one wins a war.

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 10:43 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: yuppa

Genocide is the only way to win a war, because if you don't kill everyone their children will grow up and come after you. No one wants to go down that track, so no one wins a war.

Yup. Just the other day i almost got hit by one of the constant attacks by the german, Italian, and Japanese people on american soil......

posted on May, 4 2018 @ 01:18 AM

originally posted by: makemap

The only problem will always be Israel or Saudi. Once they send troops into Iran don't expect any regime change. It will be seen as an invasion instead so GG. If US manage to go alone without those two, then prepare to accept millions of refugees or get caught in genocide mode. Once genocide mode happens US will lose all respect and BRICS will jump pushing US forces out like the Korean war.

Really genocide to OK... I don't think Israel wants genocide...they just want to be left alone and not fear a nuke killing them all off...

Also, neither will send troops...

posted on May, 4 2018 @ 01:37 AM

originally posted by: SATURN66

oh quick question what is a Iranian shill is is slang in america for something or just another insult to anyone that dont agree with america

out of america and russian i would trust russia over america anyday of the week and then some

You know the difference between Russia and America is Russia will do what is needed to occupy correctly, and that means killing lot of people. The problem with America in Iraq was once we won we then just sat back and did little as Iraqis and other groups went crazy with new founded freedom from Saddam and his hard rule. They rape pillage and plundered each other as the Sunni and Shiites went head to head killing each other and we stepped out of the way.

Was not good

edit on 4-5-2018 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2018 @ 01:40 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: yuppa

Genocide is the only way to win a war, because if you don't kill everyone their children will grow up and come after you. No one wants to go down that track, so no one wins a war.

Actually you just kill all men over the age of 12 and indoc the rest...ask the Russians they know it well. This is why America should not go to war to occupy...we can not do it right, and that is a good thing, though war is a bad thing.

posted on May, 4 2018 @ 01:47 AM

originally posted by: SATURN66
geneva convention??

i am struggerling to think off 1 country that has ussed that rule in a war zone

i think its only used to make the judges and loyars feel like they took part in that war while being safe back in their luxary houses ??

i know we brits did not abide by that law

Well there are two areas one is the grand level of it all and yes we did, then at the micro level of troops there were mistakes. Being in both wars and then some I can tell you the level of requirements to bomb anything was huge to say the lease. Afghanistan was even more restrictive..

I could follow two guys on a motor bike that were shooting an AK at the troops, they even went to a house got more mags and continued... as one point they got off their bike and went into a cafe and at that point our direct engagement with them was bombing the cafe, no killing the guy who gave them the mags etc...

If that is not following something I don't know what is...

edit on 4-5-2018 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2018 @ 02:47 AM

originally posted by: truthnlies

originally posted by: Whereismypassword
Going to have to stand up for the Americans on here and say their rules of engagement and the modern times we live in have not realy allowed them to win the wars they have been in recently

exactly its hard to win a war while playing by the rules when the enemy doesn't , if it werent for the geneva conventions we'd turn the whole country into a sheet of glass , war over.

Yeah, we had the MOD in the UK giving a press release saying that in 1,600 strikes on Syria over a few years a civilian driving past a target on a motorbike was killed in the blast wave

personally there has to be more, but it shows you the ROE and changing times with a media ready to pounce they have their hands tied

posted on May, 4 2018 @ 04:54 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Iranian societies are the traditional and emotional societies with all the values since 6000 years ago (young and old male or female) it cannot be changed by any kind of forces ….

Again… when you are talking about the Iranian you should remember that the whole nation is a mixture! It build up by its surrounding nations and beyond, when the western countries aiming for any sort of attack, they should considering the outcome of their actions, local terrorism/revolts/economic damages to name a few, so it is not just to aim the missiles and start the war, as any wise man/commander would think about the outcome of the day after!

We’ve had our dire misery with western world back in ww1 and 2 (staying as neutral but getting “effed up” all over)

In addition 2-8 (reported by some sources) millions of death by hunger/disease as british military decided to destroy 90% of food storages during their occupations..!–1919

Perhaps we should start making (our holocaust) like the Zionists did for extortions and blackmailing the others, before the americans start doing it to us again….

Memories and histories.. one thing that cannot be changed nor forgotten…!

edit on 4-5-2018 by Kkintekk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2018 @ 07:37 AM
One on one maybe, but with very heavy casualties. However, it won't be one on one and as soon as the US attacks Iran, even before amphibious landing Russia and China would be dragged into the war because they get spooked and think they would be next if the US annexes Iran.

posted on May, 4 2018 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: expatwhite

It was mainly France and Spain and Holland that won the revolution war for Americans. Americans were bleeding dry by the British army and they cannot keep the war going unlike the British can who have far bigger population than America did at the time.

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