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Bill Cosby Found Guilty in Sexual-Assault Trial

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posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:03 PM
I still have mixed feelings. Part of me thinks some of it is true, but I also think he is being railroaded. It is far too easy for women to claim some type of sexual harassment with nothing more than he said, she said.

I have no doubt, Coz was dropping roofies, drugs or whatever in drinks. However, that was fairly normal behavior in his time. It doesn't necessarily mean anything as a lot of women consented.

All I know is that anyone who is rich and famous better walk with caution when messing around with groupies and thots these days. All these strippers and "instagram models" are looking to be someone's baby mama or get someone in a compromising position so they can get a check.

It is really a shame that this man's legacy is ruined. He has literally done more for the black community than any one right up to Dr. King. Just sad...

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:03 PM
I'm not sure how I feel about an 80 year old going to prison, but I'd have no problem with forcing him to give all his money to the women he molested. All of it.
edit on 26-4-2018 by kaylaluv because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:04 PM
Maybe he'll cut a deal and do his time in a Canadian prison. Much easier environment.

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
He wont last long in prison.

I hope everyone is happy that this senile old guy is going away while truly evil people like Hillary keep on committing crimes.

Are rapists only mostly evil?

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:11 PM
Perhaps Trump will cut a pardon for the "Coz"

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: intrepid

Cosby was always one of the funniest. There's been a widely talked about fact in the comedic world that the best comedians are those who have some manner of personal tragedy or demons chasing them. "Tears of a clown" comes to mind.

I've noticed that many comedians end up committing suicide. I suspect that quite often, they're using comedy as a defense mechanism to cope with depression.

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
He wont last long in prison.

I hope everyone is happy that this senile old guy is going away while truly evil people like Hillary keep on committing crimes.

Yes, because serial rapists aren't truly evil.

Just a little bit naughty.

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: 3n19m470

The video of him walking out of the Court House is extremely telling. Previous recorded videos of Cosby walking into court show him needing support and walking extremely slow using his cane. After the verdict he leaves walking at a fast pace and not using his cane! At times he's raising the hand holding his cane!

Clearly he faked the extent of his debilitating physical condition to get sympathy from the jury. Guilty was the correct verdict.

Who else would be able to leave the court house, not being handcuffed and going home after being found guilty? He won't get 30 years, more like probation and being required to wear an ankle monitor. If he does get prison time, I wouldn't be surprised if it's less then 3 years. Just another example of how the U.S. has two forms of justice. One for the rich and one for average American.
edit on 26-4-2018 by WeRpeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated
I still have mixed feelings. Part of me thinks some of it is true, but I also think he is being railroaded. It is far too easy for women to claim some type of sexual harassment with nothing more than he said, she said.

I have no doubt, Coz was dropping roofies, drugs or whatever in drinks. However, that was fairly normal behavior in his time. It doesn't necessarily mean anything as a lot of women consented.

All I know is that anyone who is rich and famous better walk with caution when messing around with groupies and thots these days. All these strippers and "instagram models" are looking to be someone's baby mama or get someone in a compromising position so they can get a check.

It is really a shame that this man's legacy is ruined. He has literally done more for the black community than any one right up to Dr. King. Just sad...

But he actually raped people. His legacy deserves to be ruined. He did a lot for the black community. None of that is taken away....he trailblazed a path still being followed today by all the people that he positivily influenced. But all the while he was raping women. His personal legacy should be ruined. Just like The guy from Penn STate who did nothing while his assistant raped young boys. Again, that legacy should be ruined. Should have been a better person.

You say Roofies were fairly normal but I never dropped drugs in a women's drink so that I could rape them.

Someone else said the poor old senile guy but too bad. He should have not been a rapist.

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

I think it was Louie Anderson who talked about having grown up with an extremely abusive, alcoholic father and how he turned tragedy into comedy to cope with it. It makes sense, really. Turning anything serious into a joke is certainly a way of dissociation and a symptom of PTSD.

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
What I really don't understand is why he allowed himself to stand trial in the first place. He's worth somewhere north of $400 million... in his shoes I'd have hopped a flight to Morocco, the UAE, or Qatar and lived out my years there, free from concern over extradition and with enough money to live quite comfortably in a country that is relatively well to do. Stand trial? Hell no, not with those kinds of resources I wouldn't.

The truth in all these cases is they truly think they are innocent, and many time based on old society norms they are not incorrect in their beliefs.

In Andrea Constand case it is hard for me to feel sorry for her and not think much of this is about 400 million than justice. In her case I can not say one way or another as to her claims being true or not, but I do wonder why was a 30 year old dating a 66 year old in a relationship that kept going after the alleged claim.

I also see a lot of #MeToo going on here where people are now demonized for what people today label as inappropriate behavior.

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

He did the crime anyone else would have had their Bail revoked and been taken into custody on the spot it's unfair that celebs or people with money get treated different.

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:24 PM
Justice is served..

Hope he will experience all the love he gave to his victims back at him in prison.

Sleep tight

Zip zop wop boopity bop

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Robin Williams comes to mind. One of the best.

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: 3n19m470

His ties to Hugh Hefner make him very suspect. There was some creepy/evil stuff going on there in the 70s/80s. I'm not sure why they let him fall, maybe since he was so careless and are in need of a scapegoat?

Due to his shady past with the MK Ultra linked Playboy Mansion in addition to other stories from that circa, I am confident that at least some of the allegations in the trial against him were in fact true.

edit on 26-4-2018 by JosephKnecht because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:29 PM
The problem is the justice is being wasted on a drug war

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:30 PM

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: Edumakated
I still have mixed feelings. Part of me thinks some of it is true, but I also think he is being railroaded. It is far too easy for women to claim some type of sexual harassment with nothing more than he said, she said.

I have no doubt, Coz was dropping roofies, drugs or whatever in drinks. However, that was fairly normal behavior in his time. It doesn't necessarily mean anything as a lot of women consented.

All I know is that anyone who is rich and famous better walk with caution when messing around with groupies and thots these days. All these strippers and "instagram models" are looking to be someone's baby mama or get someone in a compromising position so they can get a check.

It is really a shame that this man's legacy is ruined. He has literally done more for the black community than any one right up to Dr. King. Just sad...

But he actually raped people. His legacy deserves to be ruined. He did a lot for the black community. None of that is taken away....he trailblazed a path still being followed today by all the people that he positivily influenced. But all the while he was raping women. His personal legacy should be ruined. Just like The guy from Penn STate who did nothing while his assistant raped young boys. Again, that legacy should be ruined. Should have been a better person.

You say Roofies were fairly normal but I never dropped drugs in a women's drink so that I could rape them.

Someone else said the poor old senile guy but too bad. He should have not been a rapist.

The claim is he actually raped people. Look, if he truly did it, then he should rot in prison. My point is that it isn't all that clear that he truly did it. Allegations are not proof.

I've known four different guys who've been falsely accused of rape. My next door neighbor was arrested for falsely being accused of rape. When I was in college, a couple of guys I knew were falsely accused. All of them nearly had their lives ruined by women just trying to be vindictive. Not a single one of the accusers spent time in jail.

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:31 PM

originally posted by: amazing

But he actually raped people.

And there lies the problem....needing two trials to suggest it was rape. If what he did was so bad why did the woman continue to see him after the incident? I don't think we are talking about a situation where he one dated people just to rape them. What many didn't seem to see as a big deal back when the events happened all of a sudden see it that way today. I wonder if someone who was into consensual bondage would have #MeToo women coming forward suggesting that person tied them up for sex if that person was extremely rich.

With that said I have no issues with him going to jail for a crime, I just wonder how much of it was considered a crime by the alleged victim(s) back when these things happened.

edit on 26-4-2018 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:32 PM
If he is guilty, as this court seemed to think (as do I of at least many of the charges) then I dont care what his age, he should be held accountable for his crimes.

I dont care if he is old or not.

I hope that this helps bring closure to some of the victims, and serves a warning to powerful people that think they can abuse people, sometimes justice is serve, even if it takes years.

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: Edumakated
I still have mixed feelings. Part of me thinks some of it is true, but I also think he is being railroaded. It is far too easy for women to claim some type of sexual harassment with nothing more than he said, she said.

I have no doubt, Coz was dropping roofies, drugs or whatever in drinks. However, that was fairly normal behavior in his time. It doesn't necessarily mean anything as a lot of women consented.

All I know is that anyone who is rich and famous better walk with caution when messing around with groupies and thots these days. All these strippers and "instagram models" are looking to be someone's baby mama or get someone in a compromising position so they can get a check.

It is really a shame that this man's legacy is ruined. He has literally done more for the black community than any one right up to Dr. King. Just sad...

But he actually raped people. His legacy deserves to be ruined. He did a lot for the black community. None of that is taken away....he trailblazed a path still being followed today by all the people that he positivily influenced. But all the while he was raping women. His personal legacy should be ruined. Just like The guy from Penn STate who did nothing while his assistant raped young boys. Again, that legacy should be ruined. Should have been a better person.

You say Roofies were fairly normal but I never dropped drugs in a women's drink so that I could rape them.

Someone else said the poor old senile guy but too bad. He should have not been a rapist.

The claim is he actually raped people. Look, if he truly did it, then he should rot in prison. My point is that it isn't all that clear that he truly did it. Allegations are not proof.

I've known four different guys who've been falsely accused of rape. My next door neighbor was arrested for falsely being accused of rape. When I was in college, a couple of guys I knew were falsely accused. All of them nearly had their lives ruined by women just trying to be vindictive. Not a single one of the accusers spent time in jail.

I understand what you're saying about a false rape allegation, but in Cosby's case there's dozen's of accusers, many of whom aren't trying to sue him or make money from it. You don't get accussed that many times if something bad isn't going on. You could say he's famous and rich...but most famous and rich people don't get accused of rape.

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