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North and South Korea reportedly set to announce official end to war

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posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 05:34 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I fundamentally agree with the limitation of the power of monarchs, although I respect and enjoy the fact that my nation still has a monarch, albeit a monarch whose role in terms of power is strictly limited to a largely ceremonial one.

But you have to understand that either the definitions of left and right are the same no matter where one happens to be, or they are not. Factually speaking, they are, and its the understanding of these things that is broken. For example, there are many people in America who believe that the Republican, right aligned people, are all about limiting the power of government. What they fail entirely to realise is that limiting the power of government means handing rights to ALL, equalising the footing of all communities, groups, no matter how defined or by what metric described. In reality, the right have no interest in ANY nation, of truly limiting the power of government. Their actual interest is limiting the power of anyone who falls outside a series of meaningless perceived norms.

For example, its not lefties who have been advocating for conversion therapies, or banishing people from the country simply because they pray differently, or bare a passing resemblance to a person that the population were told was responsible for an attack on America, despite the fact that the attack, the group that performed it, and its leader, are likely as not products of failed US foreign policy, more than they ever are an event that would have occurred without the support of the CIA. Look at the issue of cannabis. Its lefties who have spent the most time advocating for the legalisation of the stuff. Again, this takes the power to arrest, to investigate, to interfere, away from government.

What you need to understand is that where someone is placed along the political spectrum, is EXACTLY what measures whether they are on the left or the right.

You stated in your post that:

When I say American left is not EU left I'm not suggesting different basic fundamentals as much as where everyone is placed within the political spectrum.

Its the fundamentals a person adopts as their totem, that decides their placement on the spectrum. This means that a lefty in the UK believes the same things, about the same subjects, as a lefty in the US, regardless of how well or not these things are understood in either place.

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 05:44 AM
a reply to: Commoner123

I understand the points you have made and the reasons you have given for their continued presence in the national consciousness in America.

I think the problem is that regardless of the reasons and the drivers for these things, its imperative that people stop prioritising their survival as individuals, and start thinking about the survival of the things that once made America great. None of which, by the way, are being advocated for by the current leadership in the country, all of which are threatened by that leadership.

Its also imperative that people stop accepting exceptionalism from either themselves, their leaders or their neighbors. There is no excuse for it, its a slippery slope to place oneself on, a slope down which far too many permit themselves to slide, all the way to borderline acceptance of, if not direct involvement with, fascism. These things were ALWAYS wrong, and have not gotten any less so because of the passage of time!

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

I agree fully, but the view from the ground(what the tv/internet tells me )is very 1930s germany. When I was a child I used to think "how could those germans allow all those bad things happen" but now I totally understand. Morality is second after survival. They teach it, and we know no better. The few of us that understand have no power to change it and the ones that accumulate the power to change it are corrupted by it. It is noble and just to fight fascism, but anyone who draws outside the line gets put in place or medicated.( many milita members removed due to national security(too many guns), and many many incarcerated for breaking the law. and at the end of the day no movement can get traction when your spoon fed information. The american saying of "give me liberty or give me death" died long ago. We chose security over liberty and lost both. Just like the founding fathers said we would. you make this open air zoo into the reality you can handle. Not trying to excuse. Just saying most of us are mad as hell but too comfortable to act. We still do ok locally but when it's the "goverment" we have no control.
edit on 20-4-2018 by Commoner123 because: Add for clarification

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: Commoner123

That is the read I get from an external observation of the situation, and to be blunt, the same read I get from the streets of my own country, all too often. Few are they who agree with the actions of government, but fewer still are those who not only disagree, but have either gained enough financial stability to abandon work in favour of protest without threatening their survival or that of their families, or those hardy enough to devote themselves to protest regardless of the cost to their livelihoods and that of their families.

And yet it is people who were quite willing to turn aside from selfish concerns, and fight for a better tomorrow for all, who have done the most to positively shape our present. It is to those in the pasts of both our nations, who fought to correct the imbalances of the past, that we owe real fealty and respect, to whom we owe what few liberties remain to us. It is a debt that can never be fully repaid, but one which requires devotion to things far greater than family or flag, greater than the notion of country or government. It is a debt which is only ever honoured, when we marry our hearts and our minds, to notions and actions in support of principle over concerns about patriotism, when we uphold the common person in spite of the efforts of the powerful to divide us against one another.

You and I, I feel, can discuss these things on an even footing, because I believe we both understand that these things are the truth, that they are not mere whimsy, that they have value greater than the land we were born on and walked on all our lives.

But we are, none the less, few, in a great many.

posted on Apr, 20 2018 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: TrueBrit

For example, there are many people in America who believe that the Republican, right aligned people, are all about limiting the power of government. What they fail entirely to realise is that limiting the power of government means handing rights to ALL, equalising the footing of all communities, groups, no matter how defined or by what metric described. In reality, the right have no interest in ANY nation, of truly limiting the power of government. Their actual interest is limiting the power of anyone who falls outside a series of meaningless perceived norms.

The problem in America today is everyone uses extremist examples on both sides to make or support their point. Republicans do not want to limit Government, they want it to be the right size in the right areas to minimize over reach and oppression.
As example we need socialized programs, we all know that, but what is the right amount to not put a huge burden on the working class to support it with high taxes and to not create a society of entitlement ingrates.

To live under government programs will never lead to a successful life and will barely meet living standards, but human nature many times will pick the "money for nothing" even though it leads to a very poor and unhappy life. This also opens up total Government control if a large portion of the population is totally reliant on the government. Boy, talk about oppression...

Its like baking a cake, a pinch of the left and a pinch of the right and you have a great cake. When I told you that UK left is not America left once again we are talking where on the spectrum both sit. Right now America left is swinging rather far left with wanting huge Federal oversight that leads to huge spending and massive control with the Constitution be damned.

For example, its not lefties who have been advocating for conversion therapies, or banishing people from the country simply because they pray differently, or bare a passing resemblance to a person that the population were told was responsible for an attack on America, despite the fact that the attack, the group that performed it, and its leader, are likely as not products of failed US foreign policy, more than they ever are an event that would have occurred without the support of the CIA.

Conversion therapy is religious extremism and is not a political position. Who is being removed or prevented from entering based on religion? That is like saying to secure our borders is to keep the browns out. Both are great examples of my first line "everyone uses extremist examples on both sides to make or support their point". Our immigration system sucks, the original Trump action was to put a hold on immigration for X number of months to take a good look at it to find the holes in it. His country list was created by Obama, so who is to blame there. We do not need 10s of millions of undocumented people in our country, period, and just because a person is physically located better then others in the world they do not have special rights to just come here. We do need workers, so short term working visas would fix that without over burdening our schools and social services that unfortunately are limited. The left doesn't like the real word here...they like "undocumented immigrants" sounds so nice, but on the right we just call it for what it is...human trafficking..

Look at the issue of cannabis. Its lefties who have spent the most time advocating for the legalisation of the stuff. Again, this takes the power to arrest, to investigate, to interfere, away from government.

Obama had 8 years to remove it from the schedule 1 drug list and he didn't. That is all we would need to do, so why didn't he do it?

Its the fundamentals a person adopts as their totem, that decides their placement on the spectrum. This means that a lefty in the UK believes the same things, about the same subjects, as a lefty in the US, regardless of how well or not these things are understood in either place.

You are mixing two things there. I didn't say anything about beliefs I said they are at different points of the political spectrum with follow up posts to my very simple statement of "America left are not the same as UK left" that you took for different beliefs while I meant the political spectrum with the assumption everyone knew I was talking about the same left beliefs.

edit on 20-4-2018 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2018 @ 08:34 AM
Instead of removing all those minds. It would be easier, to blow them all up. Then come in with some heavy earth moving equipment and work the land over to some real nice contours. Possibly agriculture lands because it would be nice to not see North Korea people suffering under that crazy dictator.

posted on Apr, 24 2018 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

Get ready for yet another false flag. On March 30th Trump announces he will be pulling our troops from Syria. Apparently Assad had enjoyed getting pummeled by US forces so much that he decided to answer this great news by ensuring we not only remain but strengthen our numbers by using chemical weapons against the very people he has been protecting for 6 years just 4 days after Trump's announcement.

Yeah...totally makes sense to me.

So what should we expect now from the Deep State that God forbid peace seems to be breaking out between N and S Korea? The Military Industrial Complex is planning something. Peace is not profitable.

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