posted on May, 31 2018 @ 11:37 PM
a reply to:
Night Star
Once upon a time, there was a rock. This rock wasn't special. It wasn't a big rock, or a small one; it wasn't round, or shiny... You'd be hard pressed
to assign it a color, even. It was a rock, and it was roughly "there"(wherever that was) and that was about it.
Now this rock sat, and sat, and sat, perfectly at one with everything as is the natural state of things. Thoughts and ideas came and went, but these
weren't rock thoughts, they weren't the rocks thoughts, and we're of no concern.
Then one day, the rock had a thought. This one was it's thought, but it wasn't a rock thought. The thought was "I wish to do amazing things. " And
this rock sat and tried with aaaall it's might. But it simply could not do anything rocks don't do. And rocks... Rocks sit.
The rock became sorrowful, and depressed, filled with all kinds of inner turmoil as its reality battled its ideology and won. But the rock never gave
up, no matter what. This went on for quite some time, and truthfully, would have gone on indefinitely until its atoms decayed.
But one day, someone came and took this rock. They loaded it up into a sling, and shot a giant. Someone else came and used the rock to pin his cloak,
and went on many adventures. Someone else found great power in the rock, (the result of it's futile yearning) and channeled it to do all sorts of
amazing things.
Then, it died. The end.