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How are those Gun Laws working out for you, England?

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posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 05:21 AM
The OP is in really bad taste , you shouldn't use someone's death(s) in London too make a point about gun control in America .

And London is not a true representative of Britain as a whole it's just one city where a lot of crime happens , mostly by young black men who the system has failed .

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: ScepticScot

Speaking of selective stat mining, notice how I said three things; robbery, rape, and murder, yet you chose to just go for murder because it's the weakest of the three. That's laughable. The rape and robbery rate in london has been much higher than the US for a while now.

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 05:39 AM

originally posted by: Dfairlite
a reply to: ScepticScot

Speaking of selective stat mining, notice how I said three things; robbery, rape, and murder, yet you chose to just go for murder because it's the weakest of the three. That's laughable. The rape and robbery rate in london has been much higher than the US for a while now.

Has it? Show me a study using the same definitions and we can discuss it.

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 05:50 AM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: vonclod

Give Me Liberty , or Give Me Death !

Got it ?

The True Meaning of Life is to Preserve Life .

By shooting people?

Bloody pansies, if you can't take down a couple of people with knives or are that terrified of people breaking in your house your first reaction is to shoot them/threaten to kill you're a special kind of soft arse. A little kid can take down a full grown man bare knuckle with basic awareness.

Personally I prefer being part of Tough Guy Special Forces (six times harder than US SF/Hell Week) - may be disabled but no one will dare touch me as been trained to use my brain, body and psychology to stop any problem before it happens.

In August Prince Harry and Prince Williiam open up the Tough Guy academy - working with police and ex armed forces to make hoodlums, gangs, and no-erdowells too scared to cause trouble - get them to muck out farms, and train them how to be real mean with morals, dignity and respect for life.

edit on 4-4-2018 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 06:11 AM
If a white guy stabs a black guy, or if a black guy stabs a white guy, it isn't being racist to state it, in fact, it would be disingenuous not too. The simple fact is, London's crime wave IS mostly being committed by black ethnic youths. Where one, of whichever ethnicity one is, can sympathise with their economic and social status, one cannot sympathise with the crime, and they need to be dealt with. London's crime wave IS because of its ethnic diversity, which has not truly integrated with the host culture. Currently, the stabbings and shootings in London are primarily black-on-black gang warfare and the drug culture.

It has just been reported today that a pensioner stumbling in on his home being burgled, struggled with the burglar and ended up stabbing him to death.

Notice how the PC BBC do not report on the ethnicity of either party. The BBC is trying to push the agenda that ethnicity plays nor part in anything, but it does, because each ethnicity's mindset is different from the others. It'll come out, but I am willing to bet that the pensioner is white and the burglars black. Crime does indeed breed in cultural diversity, because different ethnicities see each other as enemies, or competitors for local resources. The capitalist world breeds that..

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 07:15 AM

originally posted by: elysiumfire
If a white guy stabs a black guy, or if a black guy stabs a white guy, it isn't being racist to state it, in fact, it would be disingenuous not too. The simple fact is, London's crime wave IS mostly being committed by black ethnic youths. Where one, of whichever ethnicity one is, can sympathise with their economic and social status, one cannot sympathise with the crime, and they need to be dealt with. London's crime wave IS because of its ethnic diversity, which has not truly integrated with the host culture. Currently, the stabbings and shootings in London are primarily black-on-black gang warfare and the drug culture.

It has just been reported today that a pensioner stumbling in on his home being burgled, struggled with the burglar and ended up stabbing him to death.

Notice how the PC BBC do not report on the ethnicity of either party. The BBC is trying to push the agenda that ethnicity plays nor part in anything, but it does, because each ethnicity's mindset is different from the others. It'll come out, but I am willing to bet that the pensioner is white and the burglars black. Crime does indeed breed in cultural diversity, because different ethnicities see each other as enemies, or competitors for local resources. The capitalist world breeds that..

Total and utter bull#.

So when violent crimes went down up to 2013 was London noticeably less diverse then?

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: Dfairlite
a reply to: wmd_2008

It's hilarious to watch you guys plod on in your ignorance, pretending you still have the high ground, when your societal issues have surpassed those of the USA. But hey, at least your being killed by weapons other than guns amirite!

Nobody has stated that we don't have murders done using weapons do you think nobody is stabbed in the USA

Murders in USA 2016 by Weapon

1604 deaths knife/sharp instruments.

For example 168 people died due to knife/sharp instruments in the UK during 2015 even allowing for population difference the rate in the USA is almost twice as high

Also when comparing any violent crime between countries you have to look at how crimes are recorded.

For example 58 people were found in a shipping container in 2000 all dead they were added to the murder statistics for the UK although they could have died at any point during the long journey.

As for gun related murders Gun Crime

I live in Scotland total gun deaths 2001-13 5O in total.

Gun deaths USA from 2001-2013

Over 400,000 people died from guns in the US 2001-2013

153,144 were homicides population difference 61x so 153,144/60 = 2510
so even allowing for population 50x higher that shows how far out you are.

Most gun deaths in the UK are confined to criminals/gangs against each other, not a gun owner going to a school/office/hotel and shooting anyone within range.

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 07:59 AM

Total and utter bull#.

For an opinion, that is rather short.

So when violent crimes went down (from? and) up to 2013 was London noticeably less diverse then?

Technically, Yes! We have had five more dramatic years of immigration since then. Regardless of what you think, all the points I made are relevant and factual!

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: elysiumfire

Total and utter bull#.

For an opinion, that is rather short.

So when violent crimes went down (from? and) up to 2013 was London noticeably less diverse then?

Technically, Yes! We have had five more dramatic years of immigration since then. Regardless of what you think, all the points I made are relevant and factual!

No they are made up and false. Long term trends in crime are down as diversity has increased. You don't even have correlation never mind causation.

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 11:20 AM
Guns would just make the situation worse. Most kids carry knives because they're all hemmed in by gang rivalry, etc. It's most definitely nothing to do with poor defenceless victims who wouldn't be at ris k if they only had a gun to protect themselves. It's all gang-related, they all carry knives, and if guns were legally available, the situation would spiral out of control rapidly. You're looking at this as an outsider. Having lived in London, in an area notorious for young gang members & violence, it's got zero to do with gun control. A lot of them get guns anyway, after the age of 17 or so, when it gets deadly real quick..

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: vonclod

Give Me Liberty , or Give Me Death !

Got it ?

The True Meaning of Life is to Preserve Life .

Your Post is Stupid . Please Rethink it.............

Well regardless of right or wrong, you go against the authorities and you will be labeled a traitor or even a terrorist and the majority of your countrymen will say good riddance, you won't reach martyr status.

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: router404


Many believe Thomas Hamilton was supplying child pornography, and possibly young boys, to a network of high-level individuals, including politicians and law-enforcement officials, many of them with Masonic connections.

. . . this book is a real eye opener into Thomas Hamilton & in particular the cover up orchestrated by Lord Cullen & other leading politicians who, at present, will never be called to account because of the 100 year gagging order. A decent Society would call for a 2nd enquiry tomorrow . . .

I was so gripped by what I was reading I had finished the book within 24 hours from opening the front cover. Sandra raises more questions than answers. Why did Central Scotland Police allow Thomas Hamilton to have a Firearms Certificate when there was doubts as to his suitability to hold one? Why was there no vigorous investigation into allegations of Thomas Hamilton's paedophile activities and contacts. Who were the men in chauffeured vehicles that made regular visits to Thomas Hamilton's home? He exstinguished the lives of a teacher and 16 innocent little children at Dunblane, of that there is no doubt, but who killed Thomas Hamilton? Why were Central Scotland Police allowed to carry out the investigation when they were implicated? Why did Lord Cullen not read the preparatory material prior to his Inquiry, and fail to call vital witnesses? Who was he protecting? Why did he put a 100 year gagging rule on the information . . .

. . . Mr Scott and Miss Uttley have managed to obtain the statement made by the off-duty police officer who was present at the school just as the shooting stopped. His evidence about the state of Hamilton's body, how he was clothed, the number and type of pistols he had on or near him at the time differed significantly from that of the Scene of Crime Officer who attended the scene some hours later. the off-duty police officer's evidence was not even presented to the Inquiry nor was the officer asked to testify at the Inquiry. You may say: 'So what? If Hamilton murdered all those children and their teacher, does it matter how many guns he brought with him or how much ammunition he had or, even, how he actually died?' It only matters if the evidence was deliberately tampered with (as would appear to be the case . . . eNumber=3

To avoid making a fool of oneself it is advisable to check who Sandra Uttley is before passing comment.

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: bastion

" By shooting people?

Bloody pansies, if you can't take down a couple of people with knives or are that terrified of people breaking in your house your first reaction is to shoot them/threaten to kill you're a special kind of soft arse. A little kid can take down a full grown man bare knuckle with basic awareness. "

You ASSume Much here . Self Defense takes Many Forms . Go Win a Lottery with your Vast Knowledge of Reading People on an Internet Website , then get Back to me with a Intelligent Retort , Ok ?

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: vonclod

Give Me Liberty , or Give Me Death !

Got it ?

The True Meaning of Life is to Preserve Life .

Your Post is Stupid . Please Rethink it.............

Well regardless of right or wrong, you go against the authorities and you will be labeled a traitor or even a terrorist and the majority of your countrymen will say good riddance, you won't reach martyr status.

Okeydokey, carry on then and thanks for the intelligent response.

edit on 4-4-2018 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Those people were SAS in 1955 and current and ex UK and four other nations ex special forces (including nato) with mines going off in your face, live sniper fire from turrets. various explosions, a death warrant mandatory to sign before enterying due to how dangerous it is (far to danerous for any army, hance why they test them there). Read the 40 years= history I posted.

Come back when you've been trained by them or completed t roughly the Tough Guy course roughly $20,00 for completing one obstacle next year its so hard. Itll give you $50,000 if yiu complete it and $300,000 foir completeing
the race with all obstacles done.

A couple of blows, harmerfist, teetch, knee, keys jabbed behind ear or in eyes, - for knives you keep circing the attacker maintaing distance - main stabs are slahes, grab the wrist break the scaphoid, no more tumb, knee to the goin, dirt in he eyes and run. That's non lethal polite; method,

Official defence from SAS for guns is gain 50m distanceuy HQ and ask for and find cover - major difference. - Feel free to ring up Tough Guy HQ and ask for Billy Wilson pr the 40 taking off SF tou vouch for me here, have unfrm to prove it - have pics if I knew how to upload -but here's a wee vid - It's to comoemorate three SAS who died on he course,

P.s involves using lots of guns and gun training, helicopters firing missiles bhind youj to hurry you up - havino skin on oyur feet for days - that kind of thing.

Look me up - Initernational Special Forces Elite Crack Team
Writer and runner for Tough Guy
Writter and runner for Team Muddy Race made world top 25
Elite athlete since 14-ish with training in various form, ninjitsu belts - mainly squash so lightning fast reaction.oof?
Cycled sollo nearly miles arounnd Europe carry nearly twice my body weight with no rest days.

Can post email proof if you want and video proof? Or will you wind your kneck in.
edit on 4-4-2018 by bastion because: (no reason given)

You no knowthing compared to seasoned vets advice, training and basic self defence.

edit on 4-4-2018 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2018 @ 05:53 AM

No they are made up and false. Long term trends in crime are down as diversity has increased. You don't even have correlation never mind causation.

I don't think you understand what you are saying, or about the subject you're talking about? This thread is about an increase in crime in London, yet you want to claim that there isn't an increase. The rate is now up to 50 people, one of which is mistaken identity.

I've already stated the rate increase is due to fighting amongst gangs and drug culture as they go about tit-for-tat retaliations. We now have a pensioner who cares for his dementia-ridden wife arrested for defending himself against two burglars, one apparently white, and one apparently black. The white guy forced the pensioner into his own kitchen while the black guy went upstairs (where I presume the wife was) to ransack what he could find?

A struggle ensued in the kitchen, with the outcome that the white burglar sustaining a fatal wound to the chest, fled the house but later died in the street some distance from the house. His black accomplice tried to get him into a van, but fled the scene without him.

Here in England, you can defend yourself, but only with proportionate force to the threat. (although it has been stated recently that disproportionate force can be used). You can chase an intruder out of your home, but you cannot continue that chase into the street to exact any form of punishment upon them. I should expect this pensioner to be given a caution for his actions, and not be prosecuted for them. However, this is England, and our laws are designed to not allow one to 'actually' defend oneself. The proportionate defence has no real substance. Personally, I would encourage anyone being invaded to defend themselves in their own home, because they are the king of that castle. Just know that you 'll have to accept the potential for punitive punishment against you if you happen to hurt the poor defenceless intruder.

Nothing about this case has anything remotely racial about it. Just two guys seeking to take what someone else has. I am glad that it proved my assumption and expectation that it would be two black guys wrong.

posted on Apr, 5 2018 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: elysiumfire

No they are made up and false. Long term trends in crime are down as diversity has increased. You don't even have correlation never mind causation.

I don't think you understand what you are saying, or about the subject you're talking about? This thread is about an increase in crime in London, yet you want to claim that there isn't an increase. The rate is now up to 50 people, one of which is mistaken identity.

I've already stated the rate increase is due to fighting amongst gangs and drug culture as they go about tit-for-tat retaliations. We now have a pensioner who cares for his dementia-ridden wife arrested for defending himself against two burglars, one apparently white, and one apparently black. The white guy forced the pensioner into his own kitchen while the black guy went upstairs (where I presume the wife was) to ransack what he could find?

A struggle ensued in the kitchen, with the outcome that the white burglar sustaining a fatal wound to the chest, fled the house but later died in the street some distance from the house. His black accomplice tried to get him into a van, but fled the scene without him.

Here in England, you can defend yourself, but only with proportionate force to the threat. (although it has been stated recently that disproportionate force can be used). You can chase an intruder out of your home, but you cannot continue that chase into the street to exact any form of punishment upon them. I should expect this pensioner to be given a caution for his actions, and not be prosecuted for them. However, this is England, and our laws are designed to not allow one to 'actually' defend oneself. The proportionate defence has no real substance. Personally, I would encourage anyone being invaded to defend themselves in their own home, because they are the king of that castle. Just know that you 'll have to accept the potential for punitive punishment against you if you happen to hurt the poor defenceless intruder.

Nothing about this case has anything remotely racial about it. Just two guys seeking to take what someone else has. I am glad that it proved my assumption and expectation that it would be two black guys wrong.

No I understand perfectly. 2013 was lowest recorded homicide rate in 40 years. It has increased since then but from a very low base and remains way below previous levels. % increases from low base figure can look scary but fail to tell the real story that London has far fewer murders than 20 years ago.

I am not really sure what your point is regarding the specific case. Self defence is very much allowed under UK law. Do you think you should be allowed to chase down and punish people?

posted on Apr, 5 2018 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: bastion

OK Captain , Carry On ........

posted on Apr, 6 2018 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: BrianFlanders

originally posted by: SoEpic

I don't see myself as a target but too many people carry knives. Unfortunately there have been too many cuts to the police force.

Carrying a knife doesn't cause anything. Stupidity does. I carried a pocket knife every single day when I was a kid all the way up until I was in my 20s and it never cut anything living. Where I grew up it was normal for people to carry a pocket knife and there was no knife violence to speak of. I guess people around there weren't psychologically conditioned to believe that if they carried a knife they were supposed to be violent.

The only reason I stopped carrying one was because I moved to the city where it was not the norm and might have even been illegal depending on what kind of knife it was.

i've carried a Swiss Army Knife ever since I got one aged 12. Had it on me during arguments, never felt the urge to stab anyone. Even had it on me one night someone kicked me in the face as they were coming down stairs I was going up (deliberately). When I confronted him, he pulled a knife on me. Mine stayed in my pocket. Short version, I riled him up so much he ran at me, all it took was a sidestep and to move his arm back, to help him run face first into the wall I had my back to. I walked away, kicking his knife down a drain. I did send an ambulance for him.

posted on Apr, 14 2018 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: djz3ro

And I've carried a firearm my entire adult life and had open/unrestricted access to them since around 6 or 7. Never killed anyone, harmed anyone or broke any laws (OK, sometime I litter Cig buts)

My girls have had access to firearms since an early age as well.

Every neighbor and every child is in a similar situation, at least up here. The idea that firearms contribute to violence? Debunked.

Worthless thugs create violence, not firearms. Trump should've ordered those airstrikes last night on gang infested parts of Chicago/LA/Baltimore/etc etc
edit on 4/14/2018 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

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