a reply to:
Honestly I could see this technology staying secret really long term, and not being used too extensively in it's entire tenure as a black
Not only would it provide some pretty commanding advantages in select applications, but the other side getting ahold of it and using it really
extensively could potentially make your life harder than only using it where absolutely necessary.
But then you get into the whole it's a really out there theory on the very edge of some very dubious speculations... Which it is.
Which is why I was trying not to bring it up because the magic technology argument sucks just due to it being so frustrating and disappointing wrt
The shielding thing is a very good question though.
Really my one question would be how the hell are they keeping people alive and healthy up there if such a base exists? The shielding thing and the
general way being in space seems to fairly quickly screw humans up as well as food etc issues are pretty major.
If you go the minimize time at the base route, you're probably looking at somewhere between 3&6 months per person up there. That gets you into crazy
large number of people who would have to have been there for at least one rotation disturbingly fast.
For example if you figure that the base has a 16 man contingent at all times (really I'm convinced you'd need something closer to 50%-75% the crew
size of a los Angeles or sea wolf class attack sub for the base to actually be useful) but even with 16 men and 6 month rotations you're looking at
needing right around 4 full complements plus 12-16 guys in the training pipeline at all times just for base crew. So that's 72 people at any one time
with 12-16 new people brought in every year. You'd be at several hundred people pretty quickly who had actually been there and done 2-12 years worth
of rotations.
And the option is either that or figure out how to dramatically increase the amount of time people can spend in space, lift a medical team and a
daycare team, and a bunch of other craziness.
I just don't even know man, I think it probably could be done and even kept secret but if it was it has to be for something that's really worth it!
You're talking hacking space probes to hide any telltales you can't adequately disguise, massive numbers of people, big money, and a very ruthless
Manhattan project style security apparatus around the whole operation. (Only better of course because Manhattan leaked like a bucket after I've used
it as a shotgun target.)
Projects like this have existed in other countries. As an example, we know very little about the Chinese nuclear weapons programs or even their
strategic weapons forces. So it's totally possible here too.
But if it has happened, we'd need far more information about at least a piece or two of the effort before we can even start building a picture of what
it looks like.
I'm not saying that I don't believe a secret moon base has been built though.
All I'm saying is that I can't answer a large number of your questions in a way that satisfies my own standards, much less yours.
Any specific answers I gave you would be rank speculation on my part which is why I've avoided specifics. I just don't know!
It seems at least somewhat plausible to me, and I'm very comfortable and reasonably confident in my reasoning when it comes to my own position on the
But even if i could lay out the thousands of little things that all combine to give me my position on the subject, I highly doubt they'd be anywhere
near as compelling to you. And really they shouldn't be!
Anyway, what do you think they'd do about the food thing? If you had a secret moon base would you grow fresh vegetables up there?
Bonus questions: how do you feel about space bacon?
I also wonder about moon fish... Aquaponics could be really helpful when it comes to life support, but would fish survive in moon gravity? If not
them, what about shrimp or crayfish? I wonder if they'd get massive?