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Oaklahoma to use Nitrogen for executions

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posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 01:01 AM
maybe the 'raccoon' method is an option, if they really must kill people;

edit on 15 3 2018 by RoScoLaz5 because: spelling

posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 01:21 AM

originally posted by: truthnlies
its because in our sad society the condemned have more rights than those they killed or their loved ones. take the SOB's outside and tie em to a pole and pull the trigger. problem solved guaranteed dead and a whole lot cheaper.

Or feed them to snapping turtles for class shows.

When did we start to regress back to gladiators...

posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 01:25 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Just stick them in a room with a Good TV show and slowly put in nitrogen and they will fall asleep and die. Start with nitrous oxide so they can laugh themselves to sleep. Sounds way to cheap I suppose, nobody will make any money off that.

It would keep reality tv going for millennia.

Imagine it - "Tonight on Executions, Bob the savage watches Sally and Frank get it on in the hot tub, on Big Brother Uncut. Will he last till the money shot, or will he expire first? Tonight, after Public School COPS."

posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 01:25 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: silo13
a reply to: [post=23230133]FredT[/pos

Oh please. Get over it already.

Firing squad or rope and be done with it.

The U.S. penile system suffers from a guilty conscience. It makes them feel better if they kill respectfully.


You just said "penile".

posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 01:30 AM

originally posted by: penroc3
getting stuck over and over and over is a nightmare, even more so when nerves are hit. IJ/EJ's are awful even if ultrasound is used.

Tell me about it, I needed a blood test in hospital and Doogie Howser swaggered in, with the lights still off and tried over and over, inner arm, outer arm, hand, and I kept telling him to put the lights on. When he did, I said, now go where the nurse went yesterday, and he got me first go... then made a comment about how I was sweating.

Well most people would if someone was poking holes in them, hitting muscle, nerves, and generally being a 12 year old with lots of needles.

Useless hospital that was...

I can imagine those tasked with administering lethal doses of poison to crooks would care even less.

posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: MteWamp

You want inmates on death row to inhale helium balloons and sing happy trails with funny voices till they die?


posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 01:33 AM

originally posted by: ANNED
Wrap 200 gr primercord around the neck and add a blasting cap.

Pop goes the head instantaneously at 30,000 feet per sec.

The condemned will never feel it.

Saddam's mate called, they need a new leader.

posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 01:34 AM

originally posted by: RoScoLaz5
maybe the 'raccoon' method is an option, if they really must kill people;

That would cost to much, at least 6 officers and 3 vehicles would be required for each kill, not to mention how many would escape....

posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 02:05 AM
They usually end up spending 20 years on death row don’t they? On average it’s about 10 to 15 yrs, some have spent 30 yrs. That in itself is a harsh punishment. Deserving of course. So long as they’re not there by mistake. Then again I think after a few years you can get used to being locked up and it gradually becomes tolerable.

After they’ve gone through the long and suffering wait, what’s the point of worrying how the job gets done?

posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 02:30 AM
a reply to: violet

It's worse than that, it's not that inmates find being locked up tolerable they actually become institutionalised and literally cannot cope living outside of prison.

posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 03:12 AM
a reply to: MteWamp
If I remember correctly, nitrogen is an inert gas that displaces oxygen.

posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 03:37 AM

originally posted by: FredT
In an interesting move the state of Oklahoma, citing a problem with obtaining medications necessary to perform lethal injections, is going to use nitrogen to perform its executions.

Nitrogen is not toxic per say but if used in increasing percentages it would be lethal causing hypoxia. Sea Level oxygen percentage is 21%. If you introduce a greater concentration of nitrogen the body will be starved of oxygen and succumb to hypoxia. Given the difficulties they hav ebeen having this may be a better way than lethal injection.


1) What is all this nonsense about not being able to obtain vascular access on the condemned? I can get an IV into a dehydrated chubby infant which is a high degree of difficulty. Why are these guys so hard? They need better people. Or better yet, lidocaine the shin and drill an interosseous cathether. Done and done

2) This focus on this cocktail of drugs. The problem is the drug being used are no longer commonplace. Once they fall off of the emergency resuscitation algorithms they are difficult to obtain. Simply shoot that person up with enough medical grade morphine or fentanyl and they will stop breathing. Done and done. Its foolproof, painless, and cheap. Better yet, if you cannot get the IV, the drugs can be administered via enema.

I'm really perplexed as to why any of this is an issue. Nitrogen seems needlessly complicated

Liquid nitrogen is better, can shatter their heads like a vase.

Geeze with all the ways to kill someone they want to asphyxiate them?

Plastic bag and duct tape would do it.

A friggin zip tie.

Nail gun.

3/4 in drill bit.





My first wife's cooking

posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 04:44 AM
I can't believe I'm reading a 'how-to' on killing people. Some of you are medically trained too.

I know the ones condemned to die have done bad things in their lives, but all you folks coming up with new ideas to efficiently kill them makes you just as bad as them. I'm horrified that medically trained people with their valuable and wonderful skills are discussing ideas of killing other people. It's psychopathic. Here's me thinking you're supposed to help save lives, not end them.

Execution is pre-meditated murder. How can planning with intent to end the life of another person be a crime when perpetrated by a member of the public, but not a crime when perpetrated by government?

I know what the condemned have done are very bad things but killing them for it doesn't undo their crimes, it just makes the state a murderer too.

posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 06:50 AM
I don’t know what’s wrong with the reliable old noose, personally.

posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

Execution is not murder. Murder is the unlawful killing of another person. There are a couple of instances where killing is legal. This is what courts decide when murder trials happen.

Execution being one of them.

posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 07:05 AM

originally posted by: doobydoll
I can't believe I'm reading a 'how-to' on killing people. Some of you are medically trained too.

I know the ones condemned to die have done bad things in their lives, but all you folks coming up with new ideas to efficiently kill them makes you just as bad as them. I'm horrified that medically trained people with their valuable and wonderful skills are discussing ideas of killing other people. It's psychopathic. Here's me thinking you're supposed to help save lives, not end them.

Execution is pre-meditated murder. How can planning with intent to end the life of another person be a crime when perpetrated by a member of the public, but not a crime when perpetrated by government?

I know what the condemned have done are very bad things but killing them for it doesn't undo their crimes, it just makes the state a murderer too.

Right, we are just suggesting humane ways to kill someone.

Like a D and C. or the way they killed their victim.

There is a reason an eye for an eye is in the bible.

Freeze their head and shatter it with a hammer is ok.

They would be dead anyway so no prob.

posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 07:42 AM
Here's my take on the whole death penalty thingy.....medical experiments. I mean damn if your on death row what goddamn difference does it make how your dispatched. Use them for medical experiments...oh some of you say that's inhumane. Was in inhumane when Timmy gutted and cooked his old girlfriend Martha? Was it ? In my opinion the same type of death should be used in the death penalty. Point meaning...if the convict killed his or her victim in a horrendous way, then when they are given the death penalty, their death should mirror who they killed and HOW they did the deed. If a perp cuts a throat then he/her gets their throat cut. If he/her beat the victim to death.....then he/she should be taken out and beaten to death. Etc etc etc. Medical experiments & space exploration are two alternatives that come to mind......I mean who wouldn't have wanted to shoot Charles Manson off to Mars or beyond, or just dropped him from an aircraft from about 25 thousand feet. I mean a few big ole red splatter marks are bound to deter violent crime. Non violent crime as well...a double whammy of good.
edit on 15-3-2018 by openyourmind1262 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: notsure1

An eye for an eye. I'm sure many families who have lost a loved one due to these evil murderers would agree with that.

I agree with the previous poster that courts have more concern for the lives of the criminals and murderers than their victims. Murderers can torment, mutilate and take a victim's life to satisfy their sick needs. Yet our courts make sure even when all the evidence and witnesses clearly point to the murderer, they make sure the evil doer has their day in court. They preserve their life or make sure they die a peaceful death something their victim was never granted. In the meantime, taxpayer's money is used to preserve and feed the lives of these evil murderers.

(The judge in the current school shootings, on behalf of the shooter gave a plea of not guilty for him just so he could have his day in court! Even after the shooter said he was sorry for committing the mass shooting!) So taxpayers will have to pay for this murderers court costs and loved ones of the victims will have to endure an emotional court proceeding. We call that justice for the victims and their families?

posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 08:40 AM

originally posted by: Blueracer
a reply to: MteWamp
If I remember correctly, nitrogen is an inert gas that displaces oxygen.

Trust me, if you're in high school, and you and your friends are taking huge hits of helium from a tank because you're young and stupid, and think the "helium voice" is really funny, and you take it a bit too far, your O2 WILL get displaced.

Helium is usually much safer because it's significantly less dense than air at the same temperature, so it tends to rise fairly quickly. Nonetheless is can still be dangerous in an enclosed space.

The problem with N2 is that we tend to use it in it's liquid state, which is very, VERY cold which makes it much more dense than room-temperature air. As a consequence, when used is an enclosed area, it tends to form a layer that hugs the floor. If someone in that situation loses consciousness, they usually slump to the floor where there is a 12 inch layer of pure N2.

If that person happens to be alone in the above-mentioned enclosed area, there's a pretty good chance they'll need a coroner, as opposed to an ambulance.

That's exactly what happened at a local chicken plant a few years back. Without taking the necessary precautions, one of the maintenance guys went down into a closed space which just happened to be filled with N2. He passed out in seconds. To make a tragic story even MORE tragic, another worker saw that he was unconscious, and ran in to help. As a result, not one, but two guys lost their life.

My point earlier was in reference to it probably being a 100% painless form of execution. Or at least it was with helium.

Well, except for the near concussion I suffered as a result of my painless noggin instantly attacking the floor with extreme prejudice.

On the bright side, we probably got a standing ovation for an absolutely STUNNING rendition of "Happy Trails".

It could also be really funny to hear the convict's last words if they used helium. It could turn what was once a somber occasion into wholesome entertainment for the entire family!

Bomba Deeda, Bomba Deeda....

posted on Mar, 15 2018 @ 08:41 AM
I don't care either way, regarding death penalty, but isn't a humane way of killing someone an oxymoron?

It seems strapped to a gurney waiting for a drug to run through your veins to the target organ is pretty grim, drop of a rope worked for years, milliseconds of a wait.

Guillotine was also pretty effective.

Or is removing a head too barbaric but a chemical cocktail ok?!

It's crazy, if you OK the death penalty then any talk of humane dispatch seems a mute discussion.

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