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Originally posted by DrHoracid
So because eye for an eye is in the old "book" it doesn't apply? BS. Nothing has changed the LAW. If the planet had followed that LAW there would be much less crime now. Extemination of evil............
You definitely do not know what Christianity is. Read what the Bible says about who will go to heaven instead of listening to what any nutcase who claims to be Christian says. One may murder all he wants, have sex with whoever he wants, eat whatever he wants whenever he wants, steal whatever he wants, rape whoever he wants, curse whoever he wants, lie all he wants, etc. and all he has to do to be forgiven by God is repent and accept Jesus Christ as His atonement for his sins. As much as I wish otherwise, a pedophile serial killer can go to Heaven alongside someone who spent his life feeding the poor and helping the oppressed. The only person unable to go Heaven is he who blasphemes the Spirit. People do not go to Hell because of their sins (if that was true everybody, Christians included, would go to Hell), but because they refuse to return to their Creator.
Originally posted by DrHoracid
Originally posted by amb1063 it stands now abortion is a legal right..........period. so as long as its legal then killing the physicians that perform the procedures IS is bombing their clinics and killing or injuring the workers in the facilities............
At one time, due to a supreme court decision it was "legal" to own a human and kill any (indian) that was seen drinking "whiskey". Being legal doesn't make it "right", especially when it was law from the "bench".
Don't forget there are "Marines" on trial for following "unlawful" orders.
[edit on 22-2-2005 by DrHoracid]
Originally posted by drbryankkruta
Dr H I am going to tell you something and I want you to listen closely. I once thought this way but thanks to God I now understand , violence in the name of an obscure proclimation that no longer applies has become the leading most cause of the demise of Gods most cherished creation. I once thought that the violence I commited in the line of duty was justified because of the fact I was enforcing the law, but you know I was wrong and people got hurt and in two cases died , that however does not make me right and the evidence is shown to me every day by God , I see the eyes of those whom I touched with violence day in and day out they haunt and persicute me to remind me I was wrong, I hope people never have to see the eyes of a dead man or for that matter two dead men for eternity like I do , because it hurts deep in your soul every second of every day and Ill tell you honestly when I go back on duty here in a little bit I will probably have to make those life and death , harm or dont harm descisions again , and although I wont like it I may be forced to repeat those actions , but know this just because my actions will be justified by the letter of the law does not make it any more right then the taking of life for sinful reasons, or misguided reasons. Violence is not going to get anyone anywhere except dead and fast.
[edit on 22/2/2005 by drbryankkruta]
Originally posted by DrHoracid
So when Christ returns his just going to say "oh never mind" and take the entire planet to heaven? Or is he going to throw a big bunch of humans into a lake of fire? "Judge not lest ye be judged" is about "instant" mob "justice" not due process.
Originally posted by amb1063
Originally posted by DrHoracid
Originally posted by amb1063 it stands now abortion is a legal right..........period. so as long as its legal then killing the physicians that perform the procedures IS is bombing their clinics and killing or injuring the workers in the facilities............
At one time, due to a supreme court decision it was "legal" to own a human and kill any (indian) that was seen drinking "whiskey". Being legal doesn't make it "right", especially when it was law from the "bench".
Don't forget there are "Marines" on trial for following "unlawful" orders.
[edit on 22-2-2005 by DrHoracid]
i understand your point................there have been some really bad laws in the past............both of those you mentioned would be 2 of them.....
and it pisses me no end for our boys to be on trial for following orders.....THAT is sooooo wrong.
but until roe v wade is overturned it is still wrong to kill the drs,staffers and whoever else involved w/abortion clinics.
Originally posted by drbryankkruta
and he reflects his dispersed anger in a way that promotes justification, this has been the start of wars all through time and what sparks terrorism now and those who commit or condone terrorism are mearly using violence as a scape goat of venting predisposed anger from an unrealted issue.
Originally posted by amb1063
the final judgement is from GOD...........period end of story. and forcing one's beliefs on another is just WRONG............seperation of church and state...........YES...........that's what the founders of our nation decided wayyyyyyy back when and IMO it still works today.
Constitution of North Carolina : December 18, 1776 (1) (2)
XXXII.(5) That no person, who shall deny the being of God or the truth of the Protestant religion, or the divine authority either of the Old or New Testaments, or who shall hold religious principles incompatible with the freedom and safety of the State, shall be capable of holding any office or place of trust or profit in the civil department within this State.
The Constitution of New York : April 20, 1777
XXXV. And this convention doth further, in the name and by the authority of the good people of this State, ordain, determine, and declare that such parts of the common law of England, and of the statute law of England and Great Britain, and of the acts of the legislature of the colony of New York, as together did form the law of the said colony on the 19th day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, shall be and continue the law of this State, subject to such alterations and provisions as the legislature of this State shall, from time to time, make concerning the same. That such of the said acts, as are temporary, shall expire at the times limited for their duration, respectively. That all such parts of the said common law, and all such of the said statutes and acts aforesaid, or parts thereof, as may be construed to establish or maintain any particular denomination of Christians or their ministers, or concern the allegiance heretofore yielded to, and the supremacy, sovereignty, government, or prerogatives claimed or exercised by, the King of Great Britain and his predecessors, over the colony of New York and its inhabitants, or are repugnant to this constitution, be, and they hereby are, abrogated and rejected. And this convention doth further ordain, that the resolves or resolutions of the congresses of the colony of New York, and of the convention of the State of New York, now in force, and not repugnant to the government established by this constitution, shall be considered as making part of the laws of this State; subject, nevertheless, to such alterations and provisions as the legislature of this State may, from time to time, make concerning the same.
Ordinances for Virginia; July 24-August 3, 1621 (1)
An Ordinance and Constitution of the Treasurer, Council, and Company in England, for a Council of State and General Assembly. Dated July 24, 1621
III. THE one of which Councils, to be called THE COUNCIL OF STATE (and whose Office shall chiefly be assisting, with their Care, Advise, and Circumspection, to the said Governor) shall be chosen, nominated, placed and displaced, from time to time, by Us, the said Treasurer, Council, and Company, and our Successors: Which Council of State shall consist, for the present, only of these Persons, as are here inserted, viz. Sir Francis Wyat, Governor of Virginia, Captain Francis West, Sir George Yeardley, Knight, Sir William Neuce, Knight Marshal of Virginia, Mr. George Sandys, Treasurer, Mr. George Thorpe, Deputy of the College, Captain Thomas Nence, Deputy for the Company, Mr. Pawlet, Mr. leech, Captain Nathaniel Powel, Mr. Christopher Davison, Secretary, Doctor Pots, Physician to the Company, Mr. Roger Smith, Mr. John Berkeley, Mr. John Rolfe, Mr. Ralph Harrier, Mr. John Potuntis, Mr. Michael lapworth, Mr. Harwood, Mr. Sarrvuel Macock. Which said Counsellors and Council we earnestly pray and desire, and in his Majesty's Name strictly charge and command, that (all Factions, Partialities, and sinister Respect laid aside) they bend their Care and Endeavours to assist the said Governor; first and principally, in the Advancement of the Honour and Service of God, and the Enlargement of his Kingdom amongst the Heathen People; and next, in erecting of the said Colony in due obedience to his Majesty, and all lawful Authority from his Majesty's Directions; and lastly, in maintaining the said People in Justice and Christian Conversation amongst themselves, and in Strength and Ability to withstand their Enemies. And this Council, to be always, or for the most Part, residing about or near the Governor
Maryland Toleration Act of 1649; September 21, 1649
An Act Concerning Religion.
Forasmuch as in a well governed and Christian Common Weath matters concerning Religion and the honor of God ought in the first place to bee taken, into serious consideracion and endeavoured to bee settled, Be it therefore ordered and enacted by the Right Honourable Cecilius Lord Baron of Baltemore absolute Lord and Proprietary of this Province with the advise and consent of this Generall Assembly:
That whatsoever person or persons within this Province and the Islands thereunto helonging shall from henceforth blaspheme God, that is Curse him, or deny our Saviour Jesus Christ to bee the sonne of God, or shall deny the holy Trinity the father sonne and holy Ghost, or the Godhead of any of the said Three persons of the Trinity or the Unity of the Godhead, or shall use or utter any reproachfull Speeches, words or language concerning the said Holy Trinity, or any of the said three persons thereof, shalbe punished with death and confiscation or forfeiture of all his or her lands and goods to the Lord Proprietary and his heires.
And bee it also Enacted by the Authority and with the advise and assent aforesaid, That whatsoever person or persons shall from henceforth use or utter any reproachfull words or Speeches concerning the blessed Virgin Mary the Mother of our Saviour or the holy Apostles or Evangelists or any of them shall in such case for the first offence forfeit to the said Lord Proprietary and his heirs Lords and Proprietaries of this Province the summe of five pound Sterling or the value thereof to be Levyed on the goods and chattells of every such person soe offending, but in case such Offender or Offenders, shall not then have goods and chattells sufficient for the satisfyeing of such forfeiture, or that the same bee not otherwise speedily satisfyed that then such Offender or Offenders shalbe publiquely whipt and bee imprisoned during the pleasure of the Lord Proprietary or the Lieutenant or cheife Governor of this Province for the time being. And that every such Offender or Offenders for every second offence shall forfeit tenne pound sterling or the value thereof to bee levyed as aforesaid, or in case such offender or Offenders shall not then have goods and chattells within this Province sufficient for that purpose then to bee publiquely and severely whipt and imprisoned as before is expressed. And that every person or persons before mentioned offending herein the third time, shall for such third Offence forfeit all his lands and Goods and bee for ever banished and expelled out of this Province.
The Act of Surrender of the Great Charter of New England to His Majesty : 1635
To all Christian People to whom this present writing shall come: The President and Council established at Plymouth in the County of Devon, for planting, ruling, and governing of New England in America, send Greeting, in our Lord God everlasting.
Frame of Government of Pennsylvania
May 5, 1682 (1)
XXXIV. That all Treasurers, Judges, Masters of the Rolls, Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace, and other officers and persons whatsoever, relating to courts, or trials of causes or any other service in the government; and all Members elected to serve in provincial Council and General Assembly, and all that have right to elect such Members, shall be such as possess faith in Jesus Christ, and that are not convicted of ill fame, or unsober and dishonest conversation, and that are of one and twenty years of age, at least; and that all such so qualified, shall be capable of the said several employments and privileges, as aforesaid.
Agreement of the Settlers at Exeter in New Hampshire, 1639
Whereas it hath pleased the Lord to move the Heart of our dread Sovereigns Charles by the Grace of God King &c. to grant Licence and Libertye to sundry of his subjects to plant themselves in the Westerlle parts of America. We his loyal Subjects Brethern of the Church in Exeter situate and lying upon the River Pascataqua with other Inhabitants there, considering with ourselves the holy Will of God and o'er own Necessity that we should not live without wholesomne Lawes and Civil Government among us of which we are altogether destitute; do in the name of Christ and in the sight of God combine ourselves together to erect and set up among us such Government as shall be to our best discerning agreeable to the Will of God professing ourselves Subjects to our Sovereign Lord King Charles according to the Libertyes of our English Colony of Massachusetts, and binding of ourselves solemnly by the Grace and Help of Christ and in His Name and fear to submit ourselves to such Godly and Christian Lawes as are established in the realm of England to our best Knowledge, and to all other such Lawes which shall upon good grounds be made and enacted among us according to God that we may live quietly and peaceably together in all godliness and honesty. Mo. 8. D. 4. 1639 as attests our Hands.
The Fundamental Constitutions for the Province of East New Jersey in America,
Anno Domini 1683 (1)
XVI. All persons living in the Province who confess and acknowledge the one Almighty and Eternal God, and holds themselves obliged in conscience to live peaceably and quietly in a civil society, shall in no way be molested or prejudged for their religious perswasions and exercise in matters of faith and worship; nor shall they be compelled to frequent and maintain any religious worship, place or ministry whatsoever: Yet it is also hereby provided, that no man shall be admitted a member of the great or common Council, or any other place of publick trust, who shall not profaith in Christ Jesus, and solemnly declare that he doth no ways hold himself obliged in conscience to endeavour alteration in the government, or seeks the turning out of any in it or their ruin or prejudice, either in person or estate, because they are in his opinion hereticks, or differ in their judgment from him: Nor by this article is it intended, that any under the notion of this liberty shall allow themselves to avow atheism, irreligiousness, or to practice cursing, swearing, drunkenness, prophaness, whoring, adultery, murdering or any kind of violence, or indulging themselves in stage plays, masks, revells or such like abuses; for restraining such and preserving of the people in deligence and in good order, the great Council is to make more particular laws, which are punctually to be put in execution.
Original Constitution of the State of Delaware, 1776
ARTICLE. 22. Every person who shall be chosen a member of either house, or appointed to any office or place of trust, before taking his seat, or entering upon the execution of his office, shall take the following oath, or affirmation, if conscientiously scrupulous of taking an oath, to wit:
" I, A B. will bear true allegiance to the Delaware State, submit to its constitution and laws, and do no act wittingly whereby the freedom thereof may be prejudiced."
And also make and subscribe the following declaration, to wit:
" I, A B. do profess faith in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ His only Son, and in the Holy Ghost, one God, blessed for evermore; and I do acknowledge the holy scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by divine inspiration."
And all officers shall also take an oath of office.
Charter of Privileges Granted by William Penn, esq.
to the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania and Territories, October 28, 1701 (1)
BECAUSE no People can be truly happy, though under the greatest Enjoyment of Civil Liberties, if abridged of the Freedom of their Consciences, as to their Religious Profession and Worship: And Almighty God being the only Lord of Conscience, Father of Lights and Spirits; and the Author as well as Object of all divine Knowledge, Faith and Worship, who only doth enlighten the Minds, and persuade and convince the Understandings of People, I do hereby grant and declare, That no Person or Persons, inhabiting in this Province or Territories, who shall confess and acknowledge One almighty God, the Creator, Upholder and Ruler of the World; and profess him or themselves obliged to live quietly under the Civil Government, shall be in any Case molested or prejudiced, in his or their Person or Estate, because of his or their conscientious Persuasion or Practice, nor be compelled to frequent or maintain any religious Worship, Place or Ministry, contrary to his or their Mind, or to do or super any other Act or Thing, contrary to their religious Persuasion.
AND that all Persons who also profess to believe in Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the World, shall be capable (notwithstanding their other Persuasions and Practices in Point of Conscience and Religion) to serve this Government in any Capacity, both legislatively and executively, he or they solemnly promising, when lawfully required, Allegiance to the King as Sovereign, and Fidelity to the Proprietary and Governor, and taking the Attests as now established by the Law made at New-Castle, in the Year One Thousand and Seven Hundred, entitled, An Act directing the Attests of several Officers and Ministers, as now amended and confirmed this present Assembly.
Originally posted by amb1063
but until roe v wade is overturned it is still wrong to kill the drs,staffers and whoever else involved w/abortion clinics.
Originally posted by drbryankkruta
Come on you know better than this DR H those who are punished have chosen there path and the due process will exist , they will be given the judgement of their tresspasses , but to even go as low as this makes me wonder do you even believe what you are saying or are you saying them as a way to justify a point you know to be wrong , and to do so just because you have other issues and have a way to vent them in a societarily common view that murder should be judged by murder even in the case of abortions as murder.
You know better than that search your soul you know this is wrong , you need to step back and look at this again.
Originally posted by riley
Originally posted by drbryankkruta
and he reflects his dispersed anger in a way that promotes justification, this has been the start of wars all through time and what sparks terrorism now and those who commit or condone terrorism are mearly using violence as a scape goat of venting predisposed anger from an unrealted issue.
Problem is with all terrorism that has god on their side they can justify anything.. and I have little faith in people of this type that the'll ever [want to] change as they validate their aggression by telling themselves their actions are sanctioned by and omnipotent being.. if they realise it's wrong they would lose that 'holy' power that justifies dominating others.
Originally posted by riley
Originally posted by amb1063
but until roe v wade is overturned it is still wrong to kill the drs,staffers and whoever else involved w/abortion clinics.
I'm wondering, if roe v wade is overturned.. forgeting about 'elective' abortions for a moment.. what to you propose doctors do when faced with women with life threatening ectopic and molar pregnacies? Let them die?
Originally posted by riley
I'm wondering, if roe v wade is overturned.. forgeting about 'elective' abortions for a moment.. what to you propose doctors do when faced with women with life threatening ectopic and molar pregnacies? Let them die?
Originally posted by DrHoracid
Originally posted by drbryankkruta
Come on you know better than this DR H those who are punished have chosen there path and the due process will exist , they will be given the judgement of their tresspasses , but to even go as low as this makes me wonder do you even believe what you are saying or are you saying them as a way to justify a point you know to be wrong , and to do so just because you have other issues and have a way to vent them in a societarily common view that murder should be judged by murder even in the case of abortions as murder.
You know better than that search your soul you know this is wrong , you need to step back and look at this again.
Yo, why did the US drop the A bombs and "kill" save millions.....
Too many "chirstians" throw out the old "don't judge thing" because they can't deal with making a decision about right and wrong. Christ was stopping a mob from "murdering" and aduterer without due process. He went on to say the standards you used to judge will be those appled to you when judgment comes. That implies personal judgement based on "knowledge" of right and wrong. Those who know the truth will be judged based on that knowledge.
Christ if on the planet now would stop the murder in the womb just as described in the old book. We as a nation know it is wrong yet do not rise up and stop it, just because 9 old men in robes say it's OK. Who is in denial there Doc? Would you shoot to stop someone from murdering your wife or child?
Originally posted by drbryankkruta
But my point is that that terrorism is not justified , and as to God condonin it he doesnt , he justified wars that cause the extermination of the enemy only not a group of people in the wrong place at the wrong time, they are not justified in Gods eye as holy warriors when they cause innocents to die and even less justified in his eye when they say that these deaths are justified as acceptible losses.
we are a hope for a brighter future then , but as to my friend DR H I cant give up on him , I know he realizes what I am saying is true , but he just cant see past his own issues , but that is not to say I am going to write him off , I only hope he finds his way back
Originally posted by riley
I completely agree that it is not justified.
Unfortuantly our interpritations of what is right and wrong [eg bible] are dependent on our perceptions.. many ignore 'love thy neighbour'.. basically because they don't want to 'love thy neighbour'.. they are quite happy to take an eye for an eye or tell themselves that the end justifies the means. Many follow 'the word' because they want compassion in the world.. but many want distruction. It is what lies in the heart that dictates how they 'spread' the word. I would much prefer people go to church than gunning down people.
DrHoracid will not change his attitude.. he is too empowered by it so has no insentive to change.
[edit on 22-2-2005 by riley]
Originally posted by riley
DrHoracid will not change his attitude.. he is too empowered by it so has no insentive to change.