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-@TH3WH17ERABB17-Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings- PART 3

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posted on Mar, 4 2018 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

I was looking into your rainmaker and the link doesn't work. In fact even most of the rainmaker info seems deleted from wikileaks itself...but I found one page left there. It's a program to hack computers while listening to a music player onsite. Just like... Seth Rich did.

Then I came across this autist's work on reddit. It is a bit beyond me wondering what all the coding brains here think of his deductions?

Ok guys, today, we are going to do something different. This is going to be very exciting. I will use some of the skills I have developed throughout the years reading the Bible and the Quran, breaking them down in sequences and finding their hidden mathematical patterns, to decipher Q’s latest post.

We will focus on Q#830 where he is asking these very important questions:
Define false flag? - What event(s) change the news cycle? - Why didn’t LV change the news cycle?

He is obviously telling us that the focus here is the Florida shooting which, unlike LV, successfully changed the news cycle. So, we have:

Q#830: you have more than your know
Q#831: Misspellings matter. Sentence formation matters. Learn. Q

We deduce from these 2 lines that the ‘r’ purposely added to the ‘you’ is where the code is.
‘r’ is the 18th letter of the alphabet. Let us pick in Q#830 every other 18 character and start at the next line every time we have a word or the anagram of a word. Follow through. This is what we get:

She Nesw Eldpi ?Gf ?n ?n ?n

Re-ordering the anagrams, n being the 14th letter of the alphabet and dropping the irrelevant question marks, we can write it like this:

She news piled gf 14 14 14

Which, translated in common language reads:

She piled on the news because of Guccifer 14 14 14.

These 3 14’s are the 3 BOOM in Q#830, Q#833 and Q#838. This is code for the shooting that happened on Feb 14th.

And of course, everybody knows who ‘she’ is...

So there you have it: the Florida shooting was to pile on explosive news that was about to come out regarding Guccifer. That is what Rosenstein was about to reveal and could not because of the news cycle being taken over by the shooting. Since the poor guy had to say something because the press was already invited and first leaks started showing up , he came up with that 13 Russian hacker nonsense.

For confirmation, ask yourself why, in November 2017, Mueller added to his team Ryan Dickey, the very prosecutor whose highest-profile case was... Guccifer.

Yes, Mueller is on our side, if you did not know. Re-read: Q#14. Mueller has a highly honorable military background. He is a patriot. He is in the network of the Military who convinced Trump to run. He was never after being appointed as FBI Director by Trump, that was not possible, as explained in Q#18. So why did he meet with Trump one day prior to FBI announcement? If you don’t know, ask Nancy Pelosi, she knows: read. They have been played.

They will never attack Mueller, they all have something to hide and know his retaliation could be deadly. It’s Sunday, good time to re-watch Troy.

Guccifer is the smoking gun. Mueller figured it out. Tracy Beanz too.

Basically they are saying parkland happened to cover up the Seth Rich truth coming out. There sure is a lot of Seth Rich coming up all over right now. If he were found to be murdered for being the leaker of DNC corruption to wiki leaks that would sure wake a lot of people up...I was just thinking this a few days ago. What do you code breakers think?? Does this guy's math make sense to anyone? I am mathematically, very, challenged.

posted on Mar, 4 2018 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

No...I just linked a Wiki page. And it italicized my user name too. Wouldn't let me edit either, so I thought it was just this stupid phone. But nope, someone else saw that weirdness too.

Ghost in the machine, maybe.👻

posted on Mar, 4 2018 @ 11:58 PM
Just a random thought about the various SEC in posts:

Could they relate also to Securities Exchange Commission who are supposed to enforce federal exchange laws?

posted on Mar, 4 2018 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: Aallanon

Oh well then definitely some kind of glitch. I only saw mine in italics, so I immediately thought I had left something in or out but it wouldn't let me edit. That's probably why.

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 12:31 AM

originally posted by: tiredoflooking

originally posted by: tigertatzen

originally posted by: Perfectenemy
a reply to: tigertatzen

Yeah the comment about HRC,NK and "factories" posted under the bizare video is not wrong. In fact it's highly accurate to be just a mere coincidence. The best and most effective way to bury any conspiracy is to make it sound unbelievable and outlandish as possible. They did it to PG. They did it to LV. They did it to Seth Rich.

It's a good way to wear people down emotionally, very quickly, to the point of disengagement as well. Too much stimuli of any kind will cause a good number of folks to simply disconnect from the situation.

Usually I am pretty good to research. When I read that sentence about "factories" HRC and NK it made me shut down. I do not want to know what's in those factories. I know we all need to know, but still.

I think that's why it's being done this way. So that people can process it at their own pace, in their own way. Free will is absolutely paramount here. If people were to have so much emotionally charged truth shoved into their faces all at once, it would be very difficult for most people to take that. They would turn away, and their free will would not have been exercised, because it is a natural, innate defense mechanism at that point...not a conscious choice.

There are many nights when I'm researching and I have to physically get up and walk away from everything. And I'm a pretty damned strong person. But I routinely stumble across things that test my strength...and it's getting more intense all the time.

We need the truth. But it's going to hurt before it gets better. We're gonna need each other. And a whole lot of people are gonna need us.

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 01:15 AM
Q Post #844 March 5, 2018 @


A lot of "Booms" from Q this weekend.

edit on 3/5/2018 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 01:45 AM
Ok, so this Church of the Subgenius linked to the weird video. The person who is credited with founding it, but apparently denies, Ivan Stang, led me to Robert Anton Wilson as I linked a ways back. That led me to this place:

They've got something called a Mind Spa. And they use mind machines, and also biofeedback and a sensory isolation tank.

That is interesting. Now, it could be perfectly innocent. I know people who routinely undergo hypnosis and never think twice about the vulnerability of their psyche whilst under the control of someone they know nothing about and see for an hour every couple weeks. I'm sure some of them would be thrilled to try these devices.

However, for the purposes of the discussion regarding the connection of this interesting place with two people connected to the creepy vid and this church, and mind control in general...those contraptions are routinely used in the subconscious control of human minds through programming.

Somebody said earlier...maybe the producer of that vid was matching the Q drops for a marketing boost. Well. What if someone is trying to lure people in for a different purpose?

They mirror things. The Qllective is growing, minute by minute. Not everyone understands it all, but that isn't important. Only that people are becoming aware that there is an illusion. Their free will takes it from there.

So a lot of people...normies, I think y'all call them...are searching for anything Q related. They really are. Because we're spreading memes and hash tags and people are getting curious.

Well. If you were an evil villain and knew your worst fear was happening at a rate you had underestimated going in, you'd probably want to head that off in a way you know is guaranteed to snag a good percentage of those truth seekers if they've already been previously prepped for it without their knowledge or consent.

Could be something, could be nothing. Damned intriguing either way. At best, good old weird serendipity (because, synchronicity and all that). At worst, there's some really sketchy whatnot going on.

Maybe we're just actually that open to the idea of trusting other people with our most vulnerable areas in this society. That's more disturbing than anything else to me, actually. That people are OK with the idea of that.

Of course, my perception comes from a place of extreme bias. I think I come here sometimes because it's the only place where people don't think any of this # is acceptable. Makes the world feel a little more real.

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 01:58 AM
a reply to: carewemust

I'm hoping the BOOMS represent the House Intelligence Committee sending out 4 subpoenas tomorrow to Obama's top people. Chairman Nunes said Friday that only 2 of the Dossier-related questionaires were completed and returned, and that subpoena's would start "flying out" this week.

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: tiredoflooking

Math is one of my worst enemies, but I'm always trying to conquer it. I was with him/her/it until the part where they count every other 18th character. Why not every 18th?

Then it just sort of made less and less sense from there. I think they skipped some parts in the explanation. Nerds do that. My brother is a giant nerd and he does that. It drives me bat#.

I don't get how they extrapolated that out of this:

She Nesw Eldpi ?Gf ?n ?n ?n


...translated in common language reads: 

continues to make me giggle. Probably because I'm a commoner.😹😹😹

I don't think this sounds very plausible:

These 3 14’s are the 3 BOOM in Q#830, Q#833 and Q#838. This is code for the shooting that happened on Feb 14th. 

How is that code for the shooting? Besides, there have been more booms since that. I think they're trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Or just leaving out information in their excitement.

I have no doubt the shooting was to distract from something. That part makes perfect sense...they immediately had license to blast nothing but the shooting all over everywhere, nonstop, with the perfect excuse to ignore everything they don't want people to see. I have no doubt that was the intention. And they might be right about Guccifer. I really didn't pay that person much attention because of that ridiculous moniker.

I will say this. I suck at math because it makes no sense to my brain. But my brain is really great at seeing patterns. In fact, I almost can't help but look for them. Especially in words. And when I first glanced at those drops, my brain saw a pattern starting with the extra letter R. I haven't been able to focus on it, but there's something in there. So they could be right and I'm just not understanding. brother could probably look at it and instantly comprehend the whole shebang. He would think it's all BS though. Zombie all the way.

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 02:38 AM
a reply to: tigertatzen

I am the same with numbers, almost dyslexic with number running. I wonder if he isn't doing just what you said, squishing in those square pegs. I like the theories in the comments on that thread and the rainmaker leak to vault 7 wikileaks does connect nicely to the info. I guess we wait and see!

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 02:55 AM
Feb 7 2018 21:01:41
ID: a5e9c1
This has to mean China did this for/with us somehow. Q wouldn’t livestream it without some kind of permission.
Feb 7 2018 21:08:09
ID: 5aa63d
People asked for arrests.
Gave one example.
Just because you can’t see doesn’t mean it’s not ongoing.
Trust the plan.

So I just found this article , came out before the day of these above drops in conjunction with all the photos of King Tower in Shanghai, the open window with white powder. I was looking for articles in China about anything to do with that tower or arrests and found nothing. Today I just found this one, arrested in new york this ex clown (maybe the takedown had to do with some of his people) The article is weird though. It makes this guy sound like he was a double agent and comprimised CIA assets or something like that. I guess no article is going to say all clowns are evil opetating outside the law HAHAHA! Just kidding I am sure there are some good ones, maybe

Ex-CIA officer arrested after US spy network is exposed in China

It was one of the worst intelligence failures for years

Andrew Buncombe New York 

Wednesday 17 January 2018

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 03:00 AM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
GOOD deduction on Q POST #714...

Took me a long time to realize this, but “[44] remaining” is a reference to BO (Hussein). Next target, “best for last.”

That reminds me of something I wanted to mention re #788 and #791 before I went down a different rabbit hole and forgot.

#788 had an old Trump tweet about HRC running for president followed by

Thoughts of the [current] President of the United States.


"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
: Protect 6/14-46
: Protect 6/14-46

Which was widely interpreted to be Trump's birthday (June 14, 1946) but why the repetition? And the doubled emphasis in [current] (brackets and boldened). Are those crumbs also pointing to the NEXT POTUS, the 46th President? Possibly coming into office on Trump's birthday or even before?

In that case also the Bible reference could refer to the FUTURE President: "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 03:04 AM
a reply to: carewemust

One of those was Susan Rice correct?

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 03:31 AM

originally posted by: Greenanon
a reply to: carewemust

One of those was Susan Rice correct?

Yes, she is one who received the 10-questions. If she didn't respond by Friday, or formally request an extension, she will be subpoena'd to appear before the H.I.C. again. The last time Rice appeared, it was behind closed doors and was related to her "unmasking" several Americans.

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: tiredoflooking

That's what I think is so great about this whole process. There are so many really awesome ideas and theories out there. No one person knows everything. No one. We all have something to learn. I love reading the comments...there are some really intelligent folks who chime in on things. And the rabbit holes just never end.

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 05:08 AM
a reply to: tiredoflooking

That and


In 2013, American private security firm Mandiant published a 60-page report that detailed about the notorious Chinese hacking group 'Unit 61398', suspected of waging cyber warfare against American companies, organizations and government agencies from or near a 12-story building on the outskirts of Shanghai.
China Finally Admits It Has Army of Hackers

This Building Is Home to the Chinese Army Unit Hacking the US

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: carewemust

fifth "worst ever summer song"

Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!!

I shudder to think what could possibly be qualifying as worse than that "song". Moving on...

Adly-Guirgis’ new comedy Boom Boom-Boom Boom is set on the S.S. El Fayoumy, an Egyptian cruise ship that is in no hurry to take business from Carnival Cruise Lines and is centered around love on the Nile-more specifically, the fat boy getting the beautiful girl.
edit on 5-3-2018 by MindBodySpiritComplex because: (no reason given)

Egyptian cruise ship? There is some potential here.

Maybe this one:

Boom Boom Boom Boom(ers), Gonna shoot you right down

edit on 5-3-2018 by MindBodySpiritComplex because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: tiredoflooking

The article is weird though. It makes this guy sound like he was a double agent and comprimised CIA assets or something like that.

Yes, he was a double agent who compromised American (and allied) assets in PRC. His arrest has nothing to do with the White House, nor some ongoing secret "plan." On the other hand, Russia has reason to exploit China's espionage as a diversion from its own. Look for conspiracy theorists to turn their attention towards China, further distracting them from events in the real world. Russia might try to drum up anti-Chinese feeling in order to cause ethnic tension between the Chinese-American community and the "Euro-American" community.

If the administration finally has its ducks in a row, we should see a round of diplomatic expulsions soon.

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 07:06 AM

Mar 05 2018 01:39:53Q!UW.yye1fxo554846


posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: carewemust

The 4 Booms are arrranged to look like stairs. This could point to a downfall of a person or company. Ironically if you mirror the drop you get another [V]. Perhaps 4 news articles are about to drop as well.

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