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Radioactive prehistoric gravesite of elongated skull people in my back yard.

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posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 01:05 AM
a reply to: eriktheawful


You asked for proof that you were wrong about the local Indians and the local museum and I gave it to you. I guess you can play the card: "but the sign says they flattened their skulls NOT lengthened them!"
Relax already, I'm not going to run outside and take pics for you in the middle of night or during rain or work or at nearly any other time than when I have absolutely nothing at all going on and then it will be considered as a gift for those that are patiently and politely waiting. *SNIP* Although I'm not sure if that's suppose to be a bad thing, as it sounds a bit silly if Skunk Works is a place people can openly brainstorm ideas without constant demands of "more pictures! More angles!"

Take a deep breath, wait patiently, more pics soon. Meanwhile we can all take a moment and reflect on how not everything is always going to look perfect:

And for the stone you keep talking about, well the backside is way jagged and looks nothing like the carved smooth front side at all. Lol. Actually if it didn't have such a sharp cut V for an eye socket then it would be easier to let go of the idea of it being an effigy. Still though, it would be odd to be merely a coincidence in it's perfect placement embedded in the red clay hillside like a picture hung on a wall about 4' high, directly across (10' away) from artesian spring source, and 1' further uphill on flatter surface was the toppled 300lb stone (the one I said needed to be rotated).

edit on 9-2-2018 by apdjbs1 because: The elusive spell check monster ran through and destroyed everyspring.

edit on 2/9/2018 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 06:04 AM

originally posted by: randomthoughts12
a reply to: apdjbs1

You are smart enough to test those things but you can't work out a pic or link?? ummm....

Spare us the condascending comments ok....lots of us dont know how to do some basic functions online....thats why we find the stuff you are interested in ....we are busy learningother things....maybe you should offer some directions before you get all Scottish on us ok.

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 06:13 AM

originally posted by: apdjbs1
Here is a museum collection as compared to the "chunkey game" pieces I found:

A few of the other stones were well over a hundred pounds, with at least 2 that were beyond my ability to pick up or barely could roll them onto side.
The pictures are actually a terrible representation. You simply can't see the weight nor size and they are extremely dirty. I can see that a couple of these have a very white marble-like appearance to them and some have shiny flakes that are gold in appearance that shines brightly in the sun. I could line them all up and get them cleaned and in the correct position and I think it would become a bit clearer to those that can't see it now.

Its flesh and bones and bits and pieces of dead things.....thank you for posting pictures...I also have pieces of flesh and bone like these and I didn't know how to post pictures.....they are literally everywhere....remnants of the last great set of Global Continental Displacement Waves which hit us every 3657 years like one due in 2021 according to Gill Broussard and David Hamel.
edit on Fri Feb 9 2018 by DontTreadOnMe because: trimmed overly long quote Quote Crash Course

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 06:26 AM

originally posted by: eriktheawful
a reply to: apdjbs1

Burden of proof is on you. This is not the Skunk Works forum.

If you insist that those rocks you are showing are fossils then they should pass the vinegar test, as quartz, granite and basaltic rock will not pass that test.

Make a video of you doing the test and then post it here.

Again: burden of proof is on you.

SNIP is clear you have fossils in not bother to argue with people wimpering about their idea of have provided enough proof already IMHO.

The fossils were created by a massive global event I call Global Continental Displacement Waves....caused by Wormwood/The Destroyer/Nibiru which transits our solar system every3657years and is due again in 2021 according to Gill Broussard and David Hamel.

To be SPECIFIC scientists pumped a slurry down a deep hole and proved ROCK forms in several years....not decades not centuries not eons or epochs....just a few years under the correct conditions.

Just watch the movie 2012....the last 2 digits of the title reversed are the next date of arrival..during the movie you will see good examples of the scale and type of damages we will recieve.....trillions of living things are ripped literally to shreds and immediatly buried under in some cases miles of mud and water.

Show ALL of your friends these mud fossils ...pass them around and let people feel can find some of these artifacts in the dark once you feel their textures....especially meat shards and flakes and pieces.

Get peoples hands on these things one believes nor trusts their schooling...only fools......I have only had one person give me a guess different than MEAT when I show my YEARS only one idiot who refused to see of the people you show this stuff to will be very very receptive and when you explain how it was made they will believe you before the garbage they learned in school......only a very small minority will fight reality.
edit on 9-2-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 2/9/2018 by bigfatfurrytexan because: Civility Is Required

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 07:40 AM
Righto - so it's coming in 2021 now, is it?

Thanks for the heads-up.

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 07:44 AM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: apdjbs1
Here is a museum collection as compared to the "chunkey game" pieces I found:

They're not very similar. The rock you're holding has not been modified (smoothed, shaped) as is clear from its surface.
Gaming stones, at least from Iroquoian sites, are also typically made from pottery sherds that have been ground into discs.

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: one4all
remnants of the last great set of Global Continental Displacement Waves which hit us every 3657 years like one due in 2021 according to Gill Broussard and David Hamel.

Well, that's something to look forward to, at least.

(post by apdjbs1 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: apdjbs1

Would you kindly expand upon these Global Continental Displacement Waves of yours?

What are they and where do you get this idea from?

Is your David Hamel the same chap as the one on youtube who says he met aliens at his house who told him how to build a flying saucer spaceship?

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 03:19 PM


posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: apdjbs1
Here is a museum collection as compared to the "chunkey game" pieces I found:

They're not very similar. The rock you're holding has not been modified (smoothed, shaped) as is clear from its surface.
Gaming stones, at least from Iroquoian sites, are also typically made from pottery sherds that have been ground into discs.

I had thought that they'd be pottery, but couldn't tell from the photo. At some of the more primitive rock shelters here in Texas they've found stones that appear to be gaming pieces with designs on them - but they look nothing like the ones shown by Apdjibs1. The stone gaming pieces I've seen are decorated and have very smooth surfaces.

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: one4all
The fossils were created by a massive global event I call Global Continental Displacement Waves....caused by Wormwood/The Destroyer/Nibiru which transits our solar system every3657years and is due again in 2021 according to Gill Broussard and David Hamel.

That can be shown to be false fairly easily. The "last showed up" date would be 1638 BC. Across the globe we had many civilizations (Egypt and the Middle East and India and China and Japan) that were writing during that time period. None of them write about any massive disruption.

To be SPECIFIC scientists pumped a slurry down a deep hole and proved ROCK forms in several years....not decades not centuries not eons or epochs....just a few years under the correct conditions.

First... that's not a real experiment.
Second... that's not a fossil...that's a concretion and we bury things in concrete all the time.

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 11:59 PM

originally posted by: oldcarpy
a reply to: apdjbs1

Would you kindly expand upon these Global Continental Displacement Waves of yours?

What are they and where do you get this idea from?

Is your David Hamel the same chap as the one on youtube who says he met aliens at his house who told him how to build a flying saucer spaceship?

Yes that is the David.The one who built craft which defy gravity....very similar in ways to Otis T.Carrs craft.David was trying to show the world how to build giant 50+ mile wide and long crafts out of pieces of granite so we could save more people from the next set of GCDWs.

They are Global Continental Displacement Waves.......not Tsunamis type waves ....the Continents shift and move but the oceans do not....pieces break loose and begin to move first dipping slightly down and then forward....dunking the frontend underwater...travelling a distance ...then stopping and leveling hours.....Velikovskys work is now validated in part by hard fact.GCDWs are what produce MudFossils....and Oil.The process used to fortify wood as in the link below takes into consideration some of the natural science behind what happens to materials displaced and buried by the GCDWs.
edit on 10-2-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 12:15 AM
a reply to: one4all

Plate movement that's been (and still is) measured at different rates of movement, mostly in centimeters or inches per year, driven by the mechanism of convection currents withing the mantel of the Earth.

What is the mechanism of this GCDW?

How does it suddenly release enough energy to move an entire continental plate?

How is it able to suddenly move that quickly over the ocean plates?

With it being a global event, there would surely be scaring left,especially if only 3,600 years have passed as that's not enough time to erode away the many tons of earth that would be moved by such a large volume of water.

As has been asked (both in this thread and the many, many, many Nibiru threads here on ATS back in 2012): why have no civilizations that existed back then recorded such an event? The Chinese kept very detailed records of not only current events, but the weather and astronomy during that time. But we do not see it in their records? Why?

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 12:36 AM
a reply to: Byrd
Thank you for handling that, because every time I try to correct someone on the false flags I get "post off topic" or deleted. Wrongly attributing gravity waves or aliens to me and then my responses get removed is just silly playground antics.

As for the game pieces - the curator didn't disagree with me as I held one up against the glass for a very striking comparison and we talked at some length about other aspects of my land, including how I had ditches that resembled the ones on their display, of which I had previously attributed as being sink holes.
Not sure why the pushback on these things, but I can take some guesses. It's not like scavenging around Germany after the genocides, or is it? I'm fairly certain these stones are prehistoric, although it's possible the game pieces that were found further away could be around the age of museum's exhibit due to extreme similarity. Yes, there was different lighting in pics, but in person it is an obvious match.
It's not that much of a giant leap of logic to think that the people that built these fishing weirs probably lived/played/died not far from their food source, and after thousands of years there should be a huge amount of evidence of such existence, which of course ultimately gets found and recycled and the story goes on.

In at least one 300lb stone it looks like it was hit with a sledgehammer one time and the piece that broke off was buried not far away. They didn't do a good enough job at hiding it if that was the intention.

Looking more closely around the creek today I can readily see at least 3 large evolutions of brick work, and in more modern times possibly 2 smaller evolutions.

I'm still a bit curious to this 3" wide band of black layer in the clay which contains a large amount of sparkling pyrite in it. It's about 4' down in cliff. Horizontally it went at least 5' in all directions, can't tell how much further because that's just where I stopped digging.
Reminds me of the volcanic ash layer, but surely that can't be the case here, I have no idea.

edit on 10-2-2018 by apdjbs1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: eriktheawful
The plate tectonic discussion is very off topic, but as long as you're going to discuss it, well I think you're both wrong.

No need to impress with a quick and smart Google supplied answer, I am already aware of what is claimed. Intuition indicates (to me anyway) that the water continues to accumulate on Earth from space, concentrating at the poles. As it builds up in ocean so does pressure, and it presses deeper into the Earth and the continents drift at whatever rates the water can soak deep beneath and around and ultimately move them.

Of course this would be in conjunction with the lava flows and heat and steam pressures etc, but still likely the largest contributing factor of the "drift". I think I discussed this in my previous thread. But nobody wants to believe in the big scary "interstellar fluff" monster, so let's get back to talking about Bigfoot, or whatever the topic once was.

edit on 10-2-2018 by apdjbs1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: eriktheawful
a reply to: one4all

Plate movement that's been (and still is) measured at different rates of movement, mostly in centimeters or inches per year, driven by the mechanism of convection currents withing the mantel of the Earth.

What is the mechanism of this GCDW?

How does it suddenly release enough energy to move an entire continental plate?

How is it able to suddenly move that quickly over the ocean plates?

With it being a global event, there would surely be scaring left,especially if only 3,600 years have passed as that's not enough time to erode away the many tons of earth that would be moved by such a large volume of water.

As has been asked (both in this thread and the many, many, many Nibiru threads here on ATS back in 2012): why have no civilizations that existed back then recorded such an event? The Chinese kept very detailed records of not only current events, but the weather and astronomy during that time. But we do not see it in their records? Why?

The mechanism is not where I begin.....the volume or speed of energy release is not where I begin......the global scarring is EVERYWHERE AND OBVIOUS AND UNAVOIDABLE....this is where I personally begin - WITH PROOF....discerning causality is simple once you recognise and accept the PROOF STARING YOU IN THE FACE ALL OVER THE PLANET...the event takes hours not years.....the TRILLIONS OF TONS of material moved happens in fact you hit on a core value pillar of this see ONLY HYDRAULIC action could move classify and bury this much material .....this is how the material making up oil is moved and placed and is why oil is FRESH...not millions of years old in every case.. I know I have drilled holes in the Earth for many years and I have TASTED fresh oil straight from the ground.....and even spending years in the heart of the Petroleum Industry from exploration to endline development I NEVER MET A SINGLE PERSON who could overcome their brainwashing in school to see the truths even I myself was oblivious because I TRUSTED my education...ROFLMAO......every single Continent bears the scars of this event........the timeline is bastardised and is simply another goose is a choice to believe current science...not a BETTER CHOICE...just a personal one...I do NOT believe much of anything science says because it is full of lies and deceptions....obviously much of what science propagates is good data but when it is bastardised it becomes useless and the entire pickle barrel must be spilled out and cleaned up.

Yes the scarring is obvious and everywhere....and according to Gill Broussard there are recorded events all throughout history in sequence....every passing of this planet impacts Earth to differing degrees....this is IMHO a closer than usual fly-by....every 3657 years we have a fly-by and every so often we come so close we get re-arranged in terms of Continental placement.

I was not clear enough in stating the events are cyclical and happen every 3657 years...I did not address severity of impacts on Earth which occur with each passing...the events are of differing degrees....the GCDWs are an ELE event and are at the high end of the damage spectrum which happens due to this planets passing....sometimes it is simple Global warming or cooling....once in a while it is an ELE level set of GCDWs that impact us all.We can map the exact movement of every land mass and we can even discern the degrees of impact on each can even use currently defined oil/coal/mineral deposits to build our macro-map....which will bring us to ALL oil/coal/mineral deposits WITHOUT ANY WILDCATTING or searching.

However I don't have the time to spend explaining everything step by learn expeditiously one must posess a belief system capable of taking leaps and bounds not one chained down by convention and peer approved defined proofs.I can only have fun tossing around theories....pointing to the proofs....without peer approved data supporting me along the way.
edit on 10-2-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: apdjbs1

Read all of the above for ROCKS! I ll get you back for that

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: one4all

So apparently your answer is "No.", you don't know what the mechanism is.

It's important to know. Very important to know considering the amount of energy require to move entire continents, who's mass is mind boggling numbers. Mainly: where is this energy coming from?

I remember back in 2012, all the people going on and on about how PlanetX was going to cause the Earth to physically flip over......which showed how ignorant they were of how gravity works. It doesn't work that way. You want a planet to flip over, you smack the crap out of it with an impactor. Venus is proof of that. Hit so hard, it flipped over, which is why it spins on it's axis different from all the other planets in the solar system (sun rises in the west, sets in the east there).

Energy can neither be created from nothing, nor destroyed. It can only be changed from one form to another. So you're going to have to show where this energy is coming from in order to move the continents that fast.....and it's going to have to be some massive energy.....enough so that when you work out the physics problem, you'll find that the crust of the Earth can't handle that amount of energy being applied to it everywhere and at once........bye bye Earth.

It's cool though. Believe what you want to believe. Everyone back in 2012 that believed it would happened were greatly disappointed once January 1st, 2013 came fact, most of them don't post here anymore.

I'll make sure to get back with you come January 1st, 2022.

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: one4all
First I was leading onto we will not be seeing what he claims from the OP.

Second ..or first I will spare none of my words as I love free speech and will laugh at, hate, love, agree disagree but accept most what anyone says.

Third I thought we were being punked! As I was wrong I would have retracted the comment.

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