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Radioactive prehistoric gravesite of elongated skull people in my back yard.

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posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: Byrd
It has a museum. It's right there on the wall.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 10:46 AM
As for all those straw man arguments, and varied opinions - that is all they are, and rather boring at that.

But I have a few minutes to spare so let's play.
1. You think radon detector labeled for "household use" means to ignore it's readings when it says extremely hazardous levels of radiation was reached on something that I had brought inside.

2. You think high radiation readings should be ignored outside as well, because it's just normal, like the rocks.

3. You think even a child can pick up a rock and see what was carved in it thousands of years ago. Maybe so, and I might go ask one if they see any carvings in these. Maybe we'll start with the duck.

4. I never claimed these were fossils. I claimed fossils would be destroyed by the high acidic soil. To say I said otherwise is poor comprehension or purposely misleading. These are artifacts. At least some if not all.

5...oh why bother.

Some people really need things polished up and put on display and spoon fed all their understandings of their surroundings.

I'm not charging admission here. You are among first in the world to see these things even if you don't realize what you're seeing. It's at the outer edge of the wooded area of my property nearly 3 acres from my house so it's all distant enough to not concern me too much in relation to radiation etc. The rocks with the detector btw were all in a loosely covered plastic bucket I only had brought inside the sunroom for a day.

edit on 8-2-2018 by apdjbs1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: apdjbs1
a reply to: Byrd
It has a museum. It's right there on the wall.

Been there. Not far from me, and no. No elongated skulls.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: apdjbs1

Burden of proof is on you. This is not the Skunk Works forum.

If you insist that those rocks you are showing are fossils then they should pass the vinegar test, as quartz, granite and basaltic rock will not pass that test.

Make a video of you doing the test and then post it here.

Again: burden of proof is on you.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 11:05 AM

originally posted by: eriktheawful

originally posted by: apdjbs1
a reply to: Byrd
It has a museum. It's right there on the wall.

Been there. Not far from me, and no. No elongated skulls.

No, or you didn't pay attention like you didn't pay attention where I said the soil is acidic and surely no skulls or bones or anything other than rocks could survive. If chunkey game pieces are calcium carbonate then they could have survived as they were closer to the spring where its not so acidic.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: apdjbs1

me thinks your close to something

may god grant you the strength and time to dig a really much bigger hole

oh and don't let the holes on this site suck away your enthusiasm

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 11:40 AM
Sounds like you may be living on top of a prehistoric cone head burial ground. a reply to: apdjbs1

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: eriktheawful

originally posted by: apdjbs1
a reply to: Byrd
It has a museum. It's right there on the wall.

Been there. Not far from me, and no. No elongated skulls.

Well this is what I see:

and this:

edit on 8-2-2018 by apdjbs1 because: oh my aching skull...

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: apdjbs1
a reply to: AdKiller

My opinion, one that I'd bet highly on, is that over the span of time humans mated with animals and eventually EVENTUALLY (after millions of such encounters) an offspring was born which could crossbreed back with it's parent and ultimately create a new subspecies.

That doesn't work... too many genetic differences. Also, we've got a lot of bones and corpses and DNA from many of those and there's no indication of them being hybrids.

Another (not well discussed) issue is genital size. Humans are not a good match (often they're too small) for anything other than another human. Then there's mating practices - humans take too long (compared to other species) and annoyed females of other species are quite capable of killing fragile humans. Plus most females are not receptive to mating unless they're in estrus... and at that point, every male of their species is competing for them. Humans would get run over in the process. Humans (and bonobos, actually) are the only species I can think of where the females are willing to mate at any point in their cycle. Other species mate only when the female is in estrus and can become pregnant and then they're quite picky about males.

I imagine at some point in time (probably mainly the ancient Roman Cat Holics) would have encouraged the mating of humans with animals and attempting to help the species to thrive by placing the offspring in remote areas in the world.

That REALLY doesn't work. There were no Roman Catholics before 250 AD or thereabouts By that time, humans were established (and had been for thousands of years) in every part of the globe.

Having such a human would surely establish the Romans as gods and they could conquer lands through religion.

Romans were panthesists and believed in many gods. Jupiter was the head of their gods (but they had many more, including demigods and household gods.) Romans did not conquer through religion (they adopted the gods of other people) but by military strength and organization.

Some cultures would go so far as to deform their children's heads to mimic the hybrids, or perhaps were encouraged to do so as an experiment in ancient science thinking it might get passed down to the next offspring.

Head binding was done only to the nobles. One of the reason for this is that commoners could not then pass themselves off as noble.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: apdjbs1

originally posted by: eriktheawful

originally posted by: apdjbs1
a reply to: Byrd
It has a museum. It's right there on the wall.

Been there. Not far from me, and no. No elongated skulls.

Well this is what I see:

and this:

We have a human head and a rock (Quartzite, at that.) The rock is not sculpted (we know what their sculpted rocks look like) and it's certainly not a skull.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: apdjbs1

That is not a elongated skull.

THIS is a elongated skull, found in Peru:

Your 2nd picture is a rock, Quartz as Byrd said.

Good for making stone tools out of....not really good for sculptures though.

ETA - If you're insisting that these rocks are carved to look as you suggest, you need to take several pictures at different angles to show what the rock looks like from all angles. Not just the profile you pick that you think makes it look like something.

edit on 2/8/2018 by eriktheawful because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: apdjbs1
a reply to: AdKiller

My opinion, one that I'd bet highly on, is that over the span of time humans mated with animals and eventually EVENTUALLY (after millions of such encounters) an offspring was born which could crossbreed back with it's parent and ultimately create a new subspecies.


posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 06:15 PM
A flattened skull isn't known as alien,rather elongated. These have turned out to be due to head binding in extreme cases. Others are natural to unnatural variations in head shapes.
a reply to: hiddenNZ

Not always the case,some people in populations have been known to have it genetically-brachycephaly.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: apdjbs1

Radon doesn't mean radiation. Radon gas rather and is deadly the same but faster.

You can find maps online about areas that have it. Some mountainous to swampy for example.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: apdjbs1

Is it emitting, gamma, beta or alpha radiation? What kind of radiation meter are you using?

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 08:38 PM
C’mon buddy, I’m down w/ a conspiracy as much as the next guy, but this is ATS.
I’ve got a bunch of rocks, we call them field stones, that look very similar to what you’ve pictured.
I would show you pics that are nearly identical, however they are under about 30 inches of snow right now.
You’ll have to trust me on this.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 09:32 PM
Dude, you shouldn't be playing with radioactive rocks! Before you know it you'll start seeing skulls.

......too late.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: eriktheawful

Ok there's so much false information going around, I'm beginning to wonder the age of some of the audience, and ability for abstract thinking for a couple of others.

For those saying at any point in human history that cross breeding was "impossible" and that you know this because you are certain we have lab tested against every known and unknown species , fine believe whatever you want.

Believe that 2 headed people can't be born or live past childhood, or that a person can't have children whom show up on genetic test as not their child. I really don't care what anyone claims is impossible or 99.9% unlikely. There is a fundamental lack of abstract thinking, or understanding that 99.9% unlikely actually means 99.9% likely if given enough time.

You can go about thinking you are a special snowflake that is so very far removed from the animal kingdom to think it's laughable to consider it's more than just coincidence that we share so many traits with pigs.
Please don't bother telling me it's been debunked more than even Darwin, I already know. I can respect your belief in whatever you wish to believe. Its not my job to educate. Go ahead and say that life doesn't try to form in all sorts of strange "impossible" ways and I'll direct you to start your search on teratomas for an awkward impossible start. Please don't send me another boring an unimaginative definition. My Google works just fine.

It is extremely presumptuous to claim that you know how all the prehistoric people designed headstones. I agree that the material of the "elongated head effigy" is likely near impossible to carve, and that might be why it's very imperfect. The dirt may have been packed around it in such a way to make it look better, or it could have been painted for all we know. The biggest reason I felt it was an effigy was the fact the much heavier stone was just above it on the hill. I never spoke in confidence of what it was anyway. Except claiming the local museum indicates elongated skulls. I don't know how much I trust their depiction of the skulls, but maybe it's accurate.

On a hunch I went out and found a couple more in the woods today. Maybe I'll post more pics if I don't have to come back to another onslaught of accusations about "radon is not radioactive!" or "high radiation is normal!" or "DNA doesn't work that way, mutations are impossible!" or my personal favorite: "textbook is never wrong!" (Insert anything for 'textbook') It is humbling to know ahead of time there will be unforseen corrections.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: Byrd

As for ancient Roman history. oh boy...I don't want to derail the thread too much, but there's a reason we are delayed decades at a time in regards to pyramid secrets and migration patterns and everything else that could cause disorder and chaos if widely known. Don't marry your textbooks. Well go ahead. I have to occasionally remind myself life was better believing a dream. Once I read the hieroglyphs and discovered Isis was a wnwty of horus it all made sense. Oh look at the time, gotta go

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: apdjbs1

The problem is: you are acting like this is the Skunk Works forum where you do not have to provide proof of anything and that your opinion is good enough.

It's not. This is not the Skunk Works forum.

I highly recommend that you learn how things work around here. Especially since some of the people that you are talking down to have some pretty good credentials in this area.

How are your credentials by the way? Are you an expert in any of the areas you are addressing?

And again...pretty strange that you won't provide images of the rocks from different angles.

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