Okay, so over the decades there have been lots of great songs recorded by countless artists. Every now and then though, a song comes out of nowhere
and becomes popular as a result of some evil power in the universe, a song so awful it just makes you want to SCREAM and start breakin' stuff the
minute you hear it.
Sure, there's lot's of crappy songs, but that's not what this thread is about. There's billions of songs which aren't musical, the band sucks,
can't sing and the songs just plain stink, but those songs never get played, much less make the popular charts. This is about those songs which are
10,000 times worse than those songs, but somehow they manage to climb the popularity charts.
Oddly, some people must like some of these songs (else they wouldn't be popular, right?). And indeed, taste in music is subjective, but there are
just some songs which fall into the awful bucket every time.
What are yours??
I'll go first...
(note: I halfway tempted to just link the song and not embed it, because if the song wasn't bad enough, I almost vomited finding the video!)
After you've cleaned up your mess and changed your clothes, please join me in posting your selection for..."The Worst Song EVAR!!"