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-@TH3WH17ERABB17-Q- Questions. White House Insider's posting twitter account- PART 2

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posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 10:10 AM
8 is awfully shilly today. I think a new bombshell awaits us.

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 10:14 AM
It now seems obvious that there were people thaat were etremely biased against Trump in the FBI.

It also now seems obvious that the FBI (as it has done historically) is not above losing or altering evidence to push their agenda.

Given the recent developments, are we still suppose to just take the FBI word with no proof that the wikileaks files from the DNC was a russian hack?

Keep in mind, the FBI was just taking crowdstrikes word for it, and was never allowed to see the server from themselves.

Yet the media and dnc beat us over the head for months saying to even question why the fbi didnt look at the server was disgusting. Remember, 17 intel agencies said it was russia (of course that was a lie that later became four of five agencies).

Now we are to believe that these fbi people, who felt no need to look at the most important piece of physical evidence in the server, and who we now know were texting about hating trump and insurance policies and secret societies, despite the fact they have shown no evidence of russia hacking the server?

What a joke.

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 10:15 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
The New York Post has an OP ED on the scandal. Not much new in here, but it's good to see they aren't on press blackout which they do note.

Something similar is happening now at the FBI, with the Washington wagons circling the agency to protect it from charges of corruption. This time, the appropriate tag line is “too big to believe.”

This is interesting for a couple of reasons. Why the sudden turn? Going down this road early prevents the orwellian spin of "well there of course a few bad apples in the FBI, all large organizations have them, but the real question is why does Trump have a vendetta against the FBI and the CIA..."

More interesting is the Q posts and others suggest that most of the FBI guys are pretty decent in the overall scheme, so why are the good guys circling the wagons around the "secret society" group?

I have noticed an uptick in headlines at least alluding to the topics at hand. Q's basic theme of late has been MSM is going down too, since they are nothing but mouths for rent, could it be they have turned sides to save their jobs? If CNN is included in memo or the detailed report as complicit, who would watch or advertise?

Q recent post have been far more threatening to the media folks. Media themes, headlines and loyalties should be another area to watch per Q posts as we go forward.

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: Perfectenemy
8 is awfully shilly today. I think a new bombshell awaits us.

Thank you for following 8chan and bringing it here. That is a platform I have NEVER been able to navigate.

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: Perfectenemy

Was the meeting of secret society members after Hillary lost to:
1) Activate a plan to "stop" President-elect or President Trump?
2) Activate a plan to erase/cover-up their efforts at sabotaging his candidacy?
3) Both or Neither.

I'm glad we're talking about recent history. The traitors are still alive and interrogatable. But I doubt that they'll be sitting idle, waiting for the subpoenas. There might be a Secret Society meeting/retreat occuring right now.

edit on 1/24/2018 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: Grambler

Is your implied solution to let Trump put together a crack team of new FBI agents to investigate him and all other related issues?

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: Grambler

Well i guess we now know why the FBI didn't take a look at the DNC server because they already knew what they would find. They were in on it all along and all the outrage was fake. Floodgate is gonna sink a lot of careers.

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: Wayfarer
a reply to: Grambler

Is your implied solution to let Trump put together a crack team of new FBI agents to investigate him and all other related issues?

Investigate what? A fake dossier?
What a nothing burger.

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 10:25 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Perfectenemy

Was the meeting of secret society members after Hillary lost to:
1) Activate a plan to "stop" President-elect or President Trump?
2) Activate a plan to erase/cover-up their efforts at sabotaging his candidacy?
3) Both or Neither.

I'm glad we're talking about recent history. The traitors are still alive and interrogatable. But I doubt that they'll be sitting idle, waiting for the subpoenas. There might be a Secret Society meeting/retreat occuring right now.

I think they were operating as "Insurance" Agents.

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 10:26 AM

originally posted by: Perfectenemy
a reply to: Grambler

Well i guess we now know why the FBI didn't take a look at the DNC server because they already knew what they would find. They were in on it all along and all the outrage was fake. Floodgate is gonna sink a lot of careers.

That's a very similar scenario being played out with Chuck Schumer and Democrat Congressmen right now. See the Q post of that Schumer photo from 1.19.2018, with the caption "He's Scared".

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Both. That's why Bernie got booted. He wasn't that reliable to cover-up all the crimes they commited. It had to be HRC to make sure of it. We would have never known about all of this if she had won. That's the scary part and i have no idea why this still has to be a partisan issue. This is no longer Left vs Right. This is Trump and We the People vs Them!

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Your transfer speeds are probably wrong. The Cable have potential to such data transfer rates if all fibers are connected and used together (still you are basically limited by TCP/IP protocol, ei one datastream). But this is not real world situation because not all fibers are teamed and some are reserved for private use. In fact NSA facility have few fibers for its own purposes and we can only guess how they use it.

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 10:44 AM
Damn i love the american people. They are flooding Schiffty and Ghostly Diane with calls to tell them they are not russian bots. Schiffty deactivated his mailbox.
Fight! Fight! Fight!

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: Wayfarer
a reply to: Grambler

Is your implied solution to let Trump put together a crack team of new FBI agents to investigate him and all other related issues?

No as I have said many times Trumps guilt or innocence is of less concern to me than the corruption of our intel, law enforcement agencies, and the media acting as a mouth piece to cheer it on.

Trump will be there 8 years at the most. If he illegally worked with russia to steal the election, jail him. I have no problem with that.

The problem is there is no evidence that has been put forth to show that.

What we have seen evidence of is far more disturbing than anything trump could have done with russia, the weoponization and politicization of these agencies to spy on political opponents, and to subvert our democracy in ways russia could only dream of, by having unelected intel and law enforcement agencies influence the elections in the manner they see fit. And that can last far longer than 8 years.

The fact that so many people are willing to ignore this or even cheer it on, and try to demonize anyone who questions some of the questionable things we are seeing because they hate trump is very troubling.

But as long as this occurs, no outsider, rather they be from the right or left, will ever be allowed to win, and the establishment on both parties (which are really one in the same) will be able to subvert the will of the people and maintain a hegemony on power.

Just ask Bernie.
edit on 24-1-2018 by Grambler because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: Grambler
It now seems obvious that there were people thaat were etremely biased against Trump in the FBI.

It also now seems obvious that the FBI (as it has done historically) is not above losing or altering evidence to push their agenda.

Given the recent developments, are we still suppose to just take the FBI word with no proof that the wikileaks files from the DNC was a russian hack?

Keep in mind, the FBI was just taking crowdstrikes word for it, and was never allowed to see the server from themselves.

Yet the media and dnc beat us over the head for months saying to even question why the fbi didnt look at the server was disgusting. Remember, 17 intel agencies said it was russia (of course that was a lie that later became four of five agencies).

Now we are to believe that these fbi people, who felt no need to look at the most important piece of physical evidence in the server, and who we now know were texting about hating trump and insurance policies and secret societies, despite the fact they have shown no evidence of russia hacking the server?

What a joke.

This is of course the core issue; people investigating themselves to make sure no maleficence has occurred per the policies they wrote themselves: poilicies which of course are subject to change at any time per the terms of service. So clearly the perfect protection circle has worked for thousands of years. This dismantling is different at the core as it appears there is no real effort to get these folks into a court for a 2 year trial based on whether they followed their own policies.

The least covered, and most remarkable Trump effort to date is the EO creating civil asset forfeiture for everyone one of these folks. They have been protected and now, without a warrant or the FBI being involved, the SOT can take what they got and leave them with nothing. In the past Storzk would have been "fired" to go on to private industry knocking back a 500k salary. Not now. How on earth is Storzk going to fight to get his money back if they can connect him to money used to undermine the government per EO (secret society is probably enough)? Clearly he falls in the category of future permanent homeless person.

The dismantling isn't about arrests, it is about some arrests but more about cutting heads off, posting them on poles if institutional office lobbies and demanding the rank and file take a good long look. This helps keep things from turning into Venezuela.

I think the reason this process is so complex is the effort not to nuke things and wind up with a planet full of #@it. If the US goes down in a heap the world goes with it, and then the scum have won - they play if the "if I can't win no one wins" game. The tax reduction was a way of helping to prevent companies from fleeing when this goes down. The EO is a way of looking at list of scumbags and saying, "eh, just put him/her on the street and try the other as a symbol."

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 10:47 AM
Know what?
maybe they are using this intel to whip up the plebs into a frothy frenzy before they dump the coup-de-grace.

cant wake people out of their flouride-coma too suddenly

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 10:49 AM
Q and his double meanings. SNOW WHITE and her seven dwarfs. HRC is SW
Not in a million years. More like Queen of the seven Leprechauns. Could be very interesting if Strzok used some references to the fairy tale.

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: dashen
Know what?
maybe they are using this intel to whip up the plebs into a frothy frenzy before they dump the coup-de-grace.

cant wake people out of their flouride-coma too suddenly

I think this is part of it. By the time they actually unseal the indictments against Bill, Hillary, Podesta, Comey, etc; most people will be ready for it, notwithstanding the MSM's phony shock, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 11:03 AM
OK, needed to log in, been following for a while now, and was just reminded of this, and don't remember seeing this come up.

Remember the campaign leading up to the 2008 election? Up until a certain point hillary held a relatively decent lead in the primaries over Obama. It, at the time, seemed like she was destined to get the nomination over Obama who was a fairly new and unknown political figure.

Then there was that day when Obama and Clinton were supposed to do joint press on a flight while on the campaign trail. So there's a plane full of journalists waiting for these two, the plane takes off, everyone realizes that bho and hrc ditched at the last second. ditched to go off to builderburg. Upon returning hrc conceded the nomination to Obama and we all know what happened from there.

We all know that hrc wanted, needed, desperately craved with all of her being to be president. Who was at builderburg that year that could would have been able to convince her to temporarily compromise and take the SOS gig? Who was there that year that could promise her a future presidency, a sure thing. If there really is/was a 16 year plan, that year and that meeting would have been a major point for implementation.

Who was there? Who made promises they couldn't keep?

Eta: List of those that publicly attended -

Rick perry and Timothy Geithner were there. Peter Sutherland, Richard holbrooke. Looking at this with hindsight is pretty enlightening. Lots of senior media ppl from all over the globe.

edit on 1/24/2018 by UtopiaDistopia because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/24/2018 by UtopiaDistopia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 11:10 AM
Hmmm. Wonder what this is about?

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