originally posted by: tigertatzen
originally posted by: nikkib0421
a reply to: tigertatzen
This! This is exactly what I told my husband after I read the first few sets of Q drops. It will turn into a mass consciousness....a gigantic, mass
energery raise and direction. Magick at it's best.
That's what we are feeling. The literal energery shift. I have wanted to point thus out for a long time, but I didn't want to spook the good people
here with metaphysical ramblings.
Most people look down on those things.
I also thought how ironic that we are using collective magick, which by most beliefs doesn't exist or is considered the devils thing....to expose all
the other stuff that people thought didn't exist.
Consider that perhaps we've been told that Magick does not exist because "They" were afraid of something just like this happening, should we ever find
out it did. Should we ever discover our potential for changing our reality.
It is a thing of beauty. Don't worry about offending anyone with metaphysical whatnot. This is ATS. The real ATSers live and breathe this. We KNOW
we're all Magickal beings.😉😉😉
From what I've learned (from a certain source, combined with my own research and knowledge) whether white or black, the basic principal of magick is
the same.
It involves a kind of universal hack of sorts involving space and time utilizing might be thought of as the
divided middle between what is, and
what shall be (future proves and unlocks past), within the context of a "conspiracy" (conspiring) or what Napoleon Hill in the book "Think and Grow
Rich" referred to as a "mastermind alliance" of two or more people working together to realize a definite aim in a spirit (or covenent), of mutual
harmony and mutual agreement (think Think Tanks).
It requires 2 ingredients. Intent, or the use of the will to action, and a sacrifice of some kind involving energies expended or released, to bridge
the gap, and MAKE the future happen, whether in service to an evil and selfish agenda in the gathering up and use of "power" in the form of a
domination system (seen or unseen), OR in service to the greater good and the best mutual interests of one, and all, ie: where we go one we go all -
according to universal principals and a standard of authentic Justice (or there is no justice, at all).
The wicked and the evil use this principal in a conspiracy with the devil, where the sacrifice isn't their own, but that of others, and on the back of
this black magick sacrificial covenenting, in blood, the future order arises from chaos in a Hegelian dialectic of problem/reaction/solution (think
9/11 and the ME wars), which also, as another dialectic(s) and wedge issue(s), seeks to divide the public in any and every way they can, whether
racial divides or class warfare, left/right, Democrat/Republican, etc., while they perch on top of this abominable hiearachy and harness the energies,
and the money, and the power, for which they are prepared to kill and murder and sacrifice (others), but not really to perform the kind of work and
self-sacrifice involved that serves the the cause and principal of Civilization in an authentic leadership, where Civility may be defined as:
Consciously motivated organizational behavior that is ethical in willing submission to a higher power (that isn't the devil, and for those who lack
faith or claim the right not to believe in a supreme being, the higher power could be an imagined perfect observer where "to be is to be percieved" is
an operative principal at the very heart of reality).
Once this distinction and point of differentiation arises in the public consciousness, the rule and the AUTHORITY of black magick falls. "Babylon is 3
times fallen!"
Where God's own irony kicks in, for the sake and cause of the very process of Civilization, and of authentic Justice, there is always a
hoodwink, let us say, where all forms of black magic slide headlong into a black hole of their own making, or what Jesus, through the angel to
John called "the abyss" where they themselves and their own evil becomes the sacrificial offering in a great atonement (at one ment) on the alter & in
the frame of a doorway upheld for everyone else to pass through, who's frame are the pillars of Justice and Mercy, and which stands as tall as the
heavens are long - and for Christians, with a universal "person" standing in that doorway with opened arms who was awaiting our arrival the whole time
and who made a provision of pure WHITE MAGIC to make the passage and the journey possible. On the other side? the domain of limitless possibility with
people working hand in hand together and in partnership, even a type of marriage in a spirit of
koinonia, or simply put - table fellowship within a familial relationship of the brotherhood and
sisterhood of mankind. (brings tears to my eyes to really consider).
Thus, via the great awakening, we are NOW, at last in a position to say, with Authority, real Athority (and thus, real power) to this fruitless tree,
where whatever fruits it produces are the fruits of evil (ultimately counter productive) - UPROOT, and be cast into the abyss!!!, or to the wicked
mountain of evil, move, and slide straight into the abyss!!! (but not without a full "grokking" to borrow an interesting word from Robert Heinlein's
"A Strager in a Strange Land").
WE, THE PEOPLE! have the power and the Authority. The only authority that Trump (and Q) have comes from two directions, from us, and from God.
Our job, isn't and can't be to overthrow the democratic state ie: the leftist globalists trying to make a sacrifice of Trump, politically - with JFK
they just shot him in a triangulation, and then performed a satanic ritual to try to hang him upside down with Marilyn Monroe [king/queen] (her dress
over her head), while they then proceeded (past) to try to bring about an inversion of heaven and hell of God and satan (small s).
This whole awakening completely and utterly reverses that process, so it also brings back the authentic energy of what JFK was setting out to do,
before they severed that historical tree, while making of him a sacrifice, to graft on another and very wicked tree (George HW Bush: "If the public
knew what we've done..."), the fruits of which we've seen and experienced ever since, summed up in the 9/11 event where the beast in the system reared
it's ugly head and made it's true presence known, and it too was a ritual black magick sacrifice who's "slight of hand" didn't really pass muster in
the final analysis it was so brazen.
The great hoodwink is at hand, people, and it's God's doing, while we are also given the opportunity to participate in whatever way however big or
small even as the greatest or smallest part of WE (that too is in the Revelation of John).
So all the principals of true
White Magick are ours, and more, if we really consider the issue and universal controversy surrounding the issue
of authentic
Authority, both legal and spiritual and psychological.
We even have a sacrifice offered up nearby in the form of a two horned ram caught up in a thicket.
God and his angels are good, and ours is a good good God who even gave us a model of authentic leadership in the greatest hoodwink and Great Work of
all time, which was itself capped off to the very hour in the form of a blood red moon hidden over the horizon!
Be blessed!
edit on 29-1-2018 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)