posted on Jan, 29 2018 @ 06:32 PM
Since there is a lull in the Q posting and we are awaiting the SOTU speech the crankyoldman will weigh in a bit on perspective as seen through Q.
If you ponder the responses to the Q postings you see a variety of reactions based in the poster's perspective. As many here have noted, even if the
reactions reference different aspects of our reality then our own. Some have talked about feeling an under-layer of connection in the Q stuff, which
is more a "feeling" then a obvious reference point. So what does this have to do with perspective?
If we examine the Q sequence in the last few months we see folks reacting to the part of the effort they believe is the primary process. Some folks
believe government is a benevolent force working to make a level playing field for all. They see the Q process as weeding out the bad apples so we can
get a true Representative Republic (not a democracy). Some folks believe the corporatocracy is the real controlling political interest and the Q clues
are exposing that by inspiring us to link all the connections. Some believe a rogue faction within all government systems is the target. Some believe
the Dems are the target and or the Repubs or even HRC personally. Some believe all of government anything at all is the target. Some believe Q
reflects something greater is in play, global or even interdimensional.
Who is right? Does this matter?
Everyone is right. The perspective you have SHOULD be your own. Sadly the controlling system we live in wants everyone to share the same perspective
because it is easier to control people that way. Tragically the idea of developing your own perspective is considered heresy in the world we live in;
if you are a democrat you must hate the republicans, if you hate both you are an anarchist and so on. The default in our brain has us finding that
accepted perspective first, then either agreeing with or fighting against it. "Which polarity are you" is the handshake greeting of the last 100
The Q process is a prism that allows each who wishes to participate in it to find their perspective within the clues and corresponding experience. Why
am I posting this? The SOTU is likely to upset many because the event will not reflect their perspective.
Their perspective might be ahead of those the speech is designed to assist. Your perspective might get a tidbit, instead of the entire speech. Some
might get a clue, instead of a shout-out. The next Q drops may be a challenge too. They may not serve to prove one's perspective enough to show their
friends or the provocateurs who post here what is really happening. It's possible the information shared in both cases will be beyond what your
perspective expected or it might even be tragic disappointment. We are taking this personally, as we should, but too we often fail to see there are 7
billion perspectives!
The vagueness of this entire process is by design. Trump/Q/Group is not a dictatorial system of information dissemination. This process is about
aiding you in using your freewill in a manner that is not dictated by the controlling systems that are in place now. Q isn't telling, but showing a
Dictating perspective is what TV is for, TV tells you what to think, what to feel and where to put your energy. The Q process is working to avoid that
on purpose. Of course this fact gives the provocateurs an easy target to attack the whole process. Yet it allows you to find your perspective in order
to help you find a deeper understanding then is handed out on CNN or the WSJ dismal OP ED page.
This is a bit esoteric I know, but it is important that this informative, shared, global, clue-based process aid you in finding a truer sense of self.
It really is less about the destruction of the bad guys and more about allowing the enslaved, all of us, to reach inside and find the key to walk out
of the prison door. This is the first time in eons that this is possible on a mass and global scale, and this is the first time ever this has happened
with all of us in real time.
All will be revealed, in a manner each and every one of us can handle, but NOT so each of us can point to it and say "I told you so." We are all in
it, and we must respect those who are just now, today, waking up out of their slumber in part, literally, in part, because folks in this and other
forums have connected.
RE: "It's possible the information shared in both cases will be beyond what your perspective expected or it might even be a tragic disappointment."
I will address the tragic disappointment. My perspective is that this process is in fact multidimensional and far to complex to be distilled in any
meaningful way. This is a non-linear process, the part we see is the linear representation of it, and the complexity is actually mind blowing. T
he process will bear fruit, the Q sequence is also about us accessing patience. It will bear fruit when it is determined, by folks way smarter then
us, that the time is right, possibly too much fruit to be honest. If the next few days is not what you expected, avoid letting yourself feel or
express disappointment like it is the plague, disappointment is another controller tactic and must be avoided.
Strap in.