posted on Mar, 23 2018 @ 09:40 PM
meathead - no, and someone else said the same somewhere. I don't even say taters unless I am referencing something american. I usually say tatties, or
spuds, so I'd have used hotbakedtatties but that sounds a little... naughty.
Night! I would hand you some of my rations of pain meds, but I am hoarding them. Since the start of February we need a script for any meds with
codeine in it, and I hate feeling like a drug seeking nut to my docs.
At least I found a doctor at the same practice who genuinely believed my pain
and wrote a nice script for nice meds and a referral for a gyno to have a laparoscopy. I felt vindicated when after all that, they found stage iii
endometriosis! Hooray!
I have on the 13th, finally, an appointment through the hospital to see an orthopaedic surgeon to do something about my foot. I had been waiting 2
years. My foot has arthritis in several joints, bone spurs, resulted from untreated avascular necrosis of the 2nd metatarsal head (Freibergs disease,
which is apparently rare/uncommon) 20 years ago this month! It still hurts after all this time, I walk funny, my posture sucks, and almost all the
joints through my body hurt to heck with snapping and cracking, grinding and clicking - a dull inner burning like the feeling of abrasions/gravel
rash. And I don't drive, I walk. Orthotics made pain worse, physio helped for a little bit. I have had times when I have nearly lost my mind and
wanted to cut my foot off, or get a mate to run over my foot with a car so the hospital would have to fix my foot.
The lesson I want to impart on everyone - when someone says their toe hurts really bad for days, weeks and months...and years... don't fob them off
with 'You can walk, it's not broken' - if only my family and teachers believed me, and didn't think I was being a whiny teenager looking to get out of
PE. Which was sad because I loved running, especially long distance/cross country. I only wanted out of PE in later years because me foot hurt! and
the teenagers in my pe classes were bullies and I'd rather sit out and read a book. Or do sports/games with my mates.
Now I have rambled.
I don't know where my brain is going, and what I am doing here - lost my train of thought on a tangent.
Time for a cup of tea!!!