posted on Jan, 24 2019 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to:
Yep Kev's point was a salient one. Everyone thinks everyone else knows something more than they do. That's how they pull you in. It is even rumoured
that people
billionaires have been conned out of huge sums of money in exchange for this 'secret' knowledge.
Although I will also say that the evidence is no more than circumstantial.
Bringing this back to the thread at hand, I would postulate, that this may explain why Valee / Nolan left TTSA due to "conflicts of interest".
I believe that they were indeed trying to "trade-up" with Kit, Semivan and others.. probably realized they weren't going to get any more information,
probably handed over their data first....and then left to setup on their own in a more private setting.
Taking this "trading up" theory, there are quite a few characters throughout UFOlogy that you can attribute this too... TDL probably falls into this
What we have to be careful of here is that while Semivan is on the board at TTSA. Dr. Green has no formal association with them. Nor to my knowledge
does or did Dr. Vallée . Garry Nolan was part of TTSA's advisory team but (probably wisely) chose to avoid conflicts of interest and decided to end
his links to them.
Now of course we know that formal associations are one thing. These characters often have 'previous' together and we can add plenty more from the
worlds of business, the media, certain new age/pseudo science research establishments and military industrial complex into the circle of confusion.
Please note that I have nothing to do with the site that pulled this together and do not necessarily endorse any of what it claims. Yet they made an
attempt at addressing this circle of fiends. There is an overlap with this discussion andthe incestuous relationships of this crowd.
ISGP Studies
Now we see that certain social media accounts have been pulled. The puppet masters are all desperate to control narratives. Basically it's a tactic
that goes back to the dark ages (probably much longer). There also seems to be a push by this group (
who really knows how far its tentacles
spread?) to promote ideas of Ancient Civilizations from Atlantis (Mu Mu anyone?), Extra-terrestrial knowledge, time travel, psychic-powers, sci-fi
tech and a coming apocalypse.
They're almost all Americans, mainly from the South Western states of America and despite their academic qualifications seem utterly insane on the
But remember the words of a certain Frenchman:
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”
edit on 24/1/2019 by mirageman because: ...