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Bigelow, UFOs, MUFON and ‘DeLonge’ Road to AATIP

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posted on Jan, 12 2018 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

CERTAIN chemicals can be bonded/inserted to/into our DNA via a "superconductive state" by TWEAKING with the electron spin resonance (ESR) ... THUS allowing quantum-like "spooky" effects upon CONSCIOUSNESS.

-the right chemistry/chemicals
-the right frequency/resonance
- a super conducting state at the subatomic level

"They" call it "hyper-light communication"... I just call it "weirdness"

posted on Jan, 12 2018 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

There are studies that purport that even the hot wet brain that should decohere all quantum states may use a bit of quantum processing.

It wouldn't surprise me; nature is quite energy efficient.

As we've discussed privately, it is also my observation that there is no super or supra natural...only the still unknown natural.

Thanks BP

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 12:39 AM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

Ummm... Lol did you connect with maria orsic?

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 12:54 AM
a reply to: Guest101

the real hard and verifiable data on those materials will never be made public imo

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

imo ufo are anti grav time machines and nearly will always produce mind and dna altering unknown radiation

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 02:53 AM
a reply to: Hyperboles

nope just a bird. not a fan of the vril

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 02:54 AM
a reply to: Hyperboles

how do you know they're using anti gravity. and why time machines.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: mirageman

I've been thinking whether or not this is simply the latest attempt at social engineering
to create another wave of "Gellermania".

I mean, the original UFO waves created after WWI, seem to have been engineered by Occultists
and intelligence officers.

There have been various mini-waves that have gripped the USA and world.. various forms of
spiritism, new age, mars geopolitics, "stargate conspiracy", "gellermania", etc.

It can't have escaped the bright boys that anomalous effects often follow in the wake
of mass conversion disorder.. so to study that effect, you have to trigger the conversion

Now.. the "dangerous kind" of conversion disorder is "religious conversion disorder", which
is what happens when you overstimulate religious people.. who then create demons
out of thin air, where they never existed before... (by the power of their mind).

And of course the government has hated religion for a long time... historically the
"crown" fought for power with the "church" you know Until Constantine manufactured
a powerful religion out of pure vapor, and then merged with it.. to revive the
Roman empire.

So the easiest way to entice people into conversion disorder, so that they may be
studied, would be to start a religion THAT THE RESEARCHERS COULD CONTROL.

So it would HAVE to be something like UFOlogy.

You would then HAVE to convince people of nuts and bolts craft, if possible,
so that they don't start going on about UFOs being demons and what not.

But the deluded, excited minds, of people who believe in nuts and bolts
UFOs enough, would be VERY prone to conversion disorder too.

I think if you go through the various waves of conversion disorder in the
USA, you should be able to find a "hidden hand" working on this very

I'm not a UFO scholar however.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

You should look into a chap going by the name Blue Resonant Human who had much contact with and stunning insight into the occult aspects and associations of certain Aviary members. A practitioner himself. Brother Blue dropped off the scene rather mysteriously, however, but a lot of his writings are still around.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: DanteGaland

"They" call it "hyper-light communication"... I just call it "weirdness"

Would that be anything to do with this 20 year old patent ?:

All known radio transmissions use known models of time and space dimensions for sending the RF signal. The present invention has discovered the apparent existence of a new dimension capable of acting as a medium for RE signals. Initial benefits of penetrating this new dimension include sending RF signals faster than the speed of light, extending the effective distance of RF transmitters at the same power radiated, penetrating known RF shielding devices, and accelerating plant growth exposed to the by-product energy of the RF transmissions.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 03:52 PM
I am most disturbed. Those close will be nodding appropriately and giving each other meaningful looks, but I remain adamant. I’m being jacked around, fed a load of crap and blamed when it emerges at the other end. Twenty pages and I’m no better off than when I started. I’m a Stan Friedman nuts and bolts kind of guy. No, I don’t mean the aliens use metric and my sockets don’t fit. I mean that theses follow an understandable format. Antecedent: Where the hell did you get that idea? Argument: Here’s some new information and facts for your perusal. Conclusion: What the hell is your point? Straightforward and logical: A implies B; B implies C, therefore A implies C.

But what I get is a Jacques Vallee approach. Things are murky, opaque, and the issues are hidden behind archaic academic text and symbology wallowing in the indecision of passive voice to feign objectivity and pretend eruditeness. Or perhaps to ensure deniability. What the hell is a “control mechanism” anyway? What rev level is it? What software does it run? When can I expect an update? Instead I get psychobabble, claims of conspiracy that don’t mean anything, that you cannot parse into a single coherent sentence. You’re insane, therefore everyone else must be as well because, you know: You’re so damned smart. What I think you have done is take a skein of yarn, wound it into a ball of string, and now you are probing the ball speculating there is a deeper truth inside, not remembering it is you, yourself, who created the ball of string on the first place.

You’re digging in the wrong place. To use the conspiracy minded, you’ve been snookered. You’ve been talked into exploring a ball of string, adroitly or not, just to keep you out of the way, not because you are about to “discover the truth,” but because you are a nuisance. Or maybe you are just naïve and impressed by your own mental meanderings, mistaking them for deep intelligence and knowledge. There are some very smart people who believe Jesus died for our sins or martyrdom is a surefire ticket to heaven, PhDs who still believe because their Mommy told them so. So when you say you want to get to the bottom of this I suspect you are already at the bottom. That’s the problem.

For if there is one thing I know myself it is this: I don’t know anything at all. I have studied these phenomena for over fifty years. I've gone from ETH to IDH and back again. Every time I think I’ve found something relevant, (EVERY SINGLE TIME!), it has turned into a pile of glitter on the floor, absolutely meaningless, more often than not fostered either by charlatans carefully channeling the naïve into parting with their money, or people with something to hide who want to keep it hidden. That doesn’t mean aliens from space or the next dimension. It could just mean the SR-99, and frankly, I don’t have a problem with them trying to keep it a secret. That’s not conspiracy; it’s common sense.

So along comes someone like Tom DeLonge with his gun camera footage that is supposed to be such a revolutionary sighting. So he gets an article in the NYT and thinks he’s made a breakthrough. I look at that footage and my first reaction is, “Is that all you’ve got?” Of course, I’ve seen similar stuff to that before. I know he’s doing high fives with everyone, but I’m thinking the common man is saying, “Cool! Now, what’s next? Oh yeah. I gotta pay the water bill.” I think Tom DeLonge is one of the most naïve people I’ve ever heard speak. He’s totally clueless and makes a great patsy. His fans are certainly not impressed. And I’ve actually read “Sekret Machines.” Let’s just say he won’t win any literary prizes, though some regional Mufon groups continue to think he’s hot stuff..

So after twenty pages I’m thinking, well, what have we learned? And the answer is that we have discussed the same stuff, once again, in a closed loop, in an obscure manner, while being monitored by the denizens of ATS at least, hardly a benevolent group, and who knows who else. And if so, they continue to grin, knowing that whatever they think they know continues to be safe from the likes of us.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: schuyler

The point of the journey is not to arrive......

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: schuyler

The point of the journey is not to arrive......

I heard it as, "The journey is the reward." but if the Mac had not arrived on time, there would have been hell to pay.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: schuyler

if you approach some of the scientists with something new, or close to what they are working on,
they will probably talk to you. I've had two papers read by "the hidden college" so far, and
commented upon. Not everything I write is taken seriously either.. trust me.

My gist, is that most "internet UFOlogists" are not considered rational/innovative/mature enough
to bother to talk to.. you must understand that top minds can be rather "uppity".

If you just rant about the usual nonsense, it is crickets.

I imagine that us little people will NEVER be invited to share in the conclusions..
as the research gives some people an edge over others.. and that very kind of
knowledge (that might help an average person) would NEVER be shared.

In this world, people kill each other over military and trade secrets.. that's how it
goes. That's how it will always go, unless some super-genius-industrialist decides
to do something good for the human race, knowing that it will cost him his life.

Taking this stuff personally.. emotionally.. will just unhinge you and you will hurt
yourself. I know from experience.

But the ETH? I'd find it far more likely that invisible flying unicorns would fly
out of my nose and impeach trump, than that theory having the slightest

All evidence points to that particular theory, being developed as a psyop.

My 2 cents.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 04:58 PM

originally posted by: The GUT
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

You should look into a chap going by the name Blue Resonant Human who had much contact with and stunning insight into the occult aspects and associations of certain Aviary members. A practitioner himself. Brother Blue dropped off the scene rather mysteriously, however, but a lot of his writings are still around.

Thank you very much my friend. It's always good to compare notes.

I imagine it will show the "aviary" eats babies.. I suppose it's possible that some of them do..
but nobody that I know.


posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: schuyler

All evidence points to that particular theory, being developed as a psyop.

Not in any way my major point, but I'm used to that. Take an aside and blow it into a major argument. But "all evidence"? I don't think so. What evidence? Not that there isn't a psyop involved, e.g. Serpo, one of the more gullible stories ever put out there, but if there is, it came after the theory and simply utilized it. It's like Governor Brown saying, "I can use that!" after someone else called one of his opponents a b****. It's not very original and certainly did not get invented by some psyop. One does not not preclude the other. Both could easily be true. ETH is basically true. IDH is the mechanism whereby they can get here, the highway that circumvents those niggling little details like FTL travel. It's like traveling from San Francisco to Oakland via Tokyo. Sure, you can get there that way after quite a long time and 24,000 miles. Or you can take the BART East and get there in ten miles and a few minutes.

Besides, it doesn't matter. We don't know how it can be done, but that's not the essence of the issue anyway. Worrying about it is looking inside that ball of string. Imagine a cartoon: The aliens have landed. They come out in their best uniforms, scarlet with gold epaulettes, expecting to be presented to the President. And here a couple of guys staring at this fancy spaceship and one says, "I think the use warp drive." and the other guy says, "No, it's got to be fusion drive."

So spending a great deal of time arguing about how they got here, when we simply do not know the answer to that, is virtually meaningless.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: The GUT

I love this quote from Terrence McKenna:
[Indeed, even as our Dear Brother Terence McKenna hath said, "We are part of a symbiotic relationship with something which disguises itself as an extraterrestrial invasion so as not to alarm us." -B:.B:.]

Now I know where TM got his inspiration from.... and I'm not terrible much for that sort of thing.. but I must agree..
the "terrible truth" is such that being invaded by human-eating aliens with death rays, is much easier to accept.

I went through a phase where I was convinced that I understood "the terrible truth". It about destroyed me. But with the
passage of time, I came to feel the "truth" wasn't so awful after all.. that I had a corrupted perception of it.

I suppose that in some "worlds" (as in the many worlds theory") the "symbiotes" are truly evil (inconvenient to humans). In others they might be truly "good" (whatever good means.. humans don't much believe in it anymore).

but I would suspect that the "symbiotes" (should they not just be a 10,000 year old figment of shamanic imagination)
are as I posted in another post recently.. neither good nor evil.. but rather by "hatching" within humans, they pick
up what the humans has.. so yes.. "messed up" would be a common result.

I know that this kind of talk makes some people salivate.. and a great many roll their eyes.. I understand..
originally my second major desire in life was to invent the warp drive, like on Star Trek.. and I absorbed a lot of science.. being offered to skip multiple grades.. science is the most honest discipline..

Now I'm going to get off my vague ass, and share something that I'm wondering about..

In my experience, which may be totally vacuous, I learned many years ago, that the "little fellows"
were very comfortable in the lower part of the human body, but what they yearn for is access to
the brain, which is impossible for them, unless very specific things are done to the human nervous
system / brain.

Now obviously Yoga is the sort of thing that the little guys had us develop, as it took no technology..
and with yoga, you can rewire your body to open a door to your brain, for the "inner divinity"
(the little lifeforms).

Now i'm not talking "demonic posession" type stuff.. imagine rather that we have living within us
little fellers much like gut flora.. in a neutral/symbiotic relationship.. but given that they live
for millions/billions/(whatever) of years.. they might be 'dormant" for untold millennia in a human
body.. with nobody the wiser.

but if you wake them up with "kundalini syndrome" or maybe... a blast of microwave radiation..
then maybe you open a door for them..

Now.. I'm not even saying that all this is "true". But it's something that Brother Blue might have said..
and from a certain perspective, if you've spent say 50 years researching metaphysics, this might
seem to be a reasonable hypothesis.

Then again, it could all be hogwash.

I think it could be proven/disproven in the lab.. if I had a lab..

I posted this for THE GUT's enjoyment.

edit on 13-1-2018 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 06:02 PM

originally posted by: schuyler

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: schuyler

All evidence points to that particular theory, being developed as a psyop.

Not in any way my major point, but I'm used to that. Take an aside and blow it into a major argument. But "all evidence"? I don't think so. What evidence? Not that there isn't a psyop involved, e.g. Serpo, one of the more gullible stories ever put out there, but if there is, it came after the theory and simply utilized it. It's like Governor Brown saying, "I can use that!" after someone else called one of his opponents a b****. It's not very original and certainly did not get invented by some psyop. One does not not preclude the other. Both could easily be true. ETH is basically true. IDH is the mechanism whereby they can get here, the highway that circumvents those niggling little details like FTL travel. It's like traveling from San Francisco to Oakland via Tokyo. Sure, you can get there that way after quite a long time and 24,000 miles. Or you can take the BART East and get there in ten miles and a few minutes.

Besides, it doesn't matter. We don't know how it can be done, but that's not the essence of the issue anyway. Worrying about it is looking inside that ball of string. Imagine a cartoon: The aliens have landed. They come out in their best uniforms, scarlet with gold epaulettes, expecting to be presented to the President. And here a couple of guys staring at this fancy spaceship and one says, "I think the use warp drive." and the other guy says, "No, it's got to be fusion drive."

So spending a great deal of time arguing about how they got here, when we simply do not know the answer to that, is virtually meaningless.

But that's the thing... nobody came here, not in any sort of ETH way.

When we consider how "aliens" supposedly act when they get here.. you know.. the rapes, the anal probes,
the vivissection of cattle.. the radiating of people... the leaving of nothing solid at all really..

that is NOT rational for our conception of an ETH alien.

Now, I know we cannot understand a truly "alien mind" and I suppose there are litle aliens on every
streetcorner, who are under 1 plank length in size, in their sporty little craft that we cannot see
because we can' generate enough power to see things that small.

But be that as it may, the ridiculous "stage production" that UFOlogy has been, since (apparently) the
Theosophical society and their antecedents, participated to create the first "UFOs", so that they
could push their theory of the "infinite worlds of mystic masters" theory..

You see, they wanted to sell theosophy and voluntary posesion of "masters" to the public,
but wanted to warm up humans with the concept of "UFO's" first.

I imagine that undertaking may still be in effect.. it's no wonder that people like that might
fall in with Intelligence types.. who want to sell us ETH for their own twisted reasons.

I guess I don't see what your major point is? Your feelings seem hurt, that's all I'm certain of.

And OH... last edit... I've always been a fan of your writing.. i've said that many times..
I'm not trying to be obtuse/abrasive/argumentative.. I continue to be a fan of your

edit on 13-1-2018 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 06:05 PM
Interestingly, we always believed intrinsically that God was in some extra terrestrial realm or place in “heaven” which certainly wasn’t in this world.

So in the final analysis are we not just dealing with semantics? ET , God…


ALIEN= Anagram for the angel Aniel

Aniel : Aniel is generally associated with the planet Venus and is also the archangel of the Sephirah Netzach. Aniel was sent to protect Maria during her pregnancy. He is the ...

ANGEL=ALIEN plus the G for our Mason friends

Masons love Venus

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 06:08 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
Interestingly, we always believed intrinsically that God was in some extra terrestrial realm or place in “heaven” which certainly wasn’t in this world.

So in the final analysis are we not just dealing with semantics? ET , God…


ALIEN= Anagram for the angel Aniel

Aniel : Aniel is generally associated with the planet Venus and is also the archangel of the Sephirah Netzach. Aniel was sent to protect Maria during her pregnancy. He is the ...

ANGEL=ALIEN plus the G for our Mason friends

Masons love Venus

Humans have always created gods and devils.. it's the twisted thing that humans do.

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