posted on May, 18 2018 @ 09:09 PM
Well, the Georgia Stones seem to say that they want about 99% of the population wiped out, at least that seems to be a stated end game of TPTB.
Until about 1900, the population of the world was about 1 billion, which appeared to be very sustainable. There was no strip mining, resources were
plentiful for anyone that needed them, and the planet was (mostly) happy.
Then robber barons came long, starting in the mid 19th century really. Industrialization made large-scale operations possible from what until that
point had been a largely agrarian society.
This was really the starting point of the Earth's demise.
Industrialization meant more crops could be harvested and grown, which meant a larger population could be supported, which meant more
industrialization, and the loop of over population started.
The military industrial complex started up in the early 1950's, shortly after World War 2, and used the Cold War to keep the world frightened at each
other. Fake reports circulated about the power of the Soviet Union in order to keep everyone cowering under their desks.
Then the 21st Century version came along. By this point, Income Disparity was at a level never seen before in the world, but the (by design)
uneducated masses accepted the word of a Billionaire that he was the answer to all their problems and that he'd make everything great again.
The unclean masses continued to be hoodwinked and divided against each other instead of against the rich that are raping the planet and stealing the
wealth of the world.
Never in human history has so much been owned by so few without a major revolution.
Unfortunately for Americans, they're so divided right now that they'll never realize this. They're more inclined to shoot their neighbor for being
black than they are to realize that everyone is the working poor, and that the poor should be rising up against the rich, no matter race or
The rich realize that while they can keep the overpopulated planet divided, they will sit back and let every one wipe each other out, eventually
realizing their dreams of having the 99% gone from the planet that they can then keep for themselves afterward.