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Someone want to explain to me how these folks died?

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posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: Rosinitiate
Were they driving the same smart car as Michael Hastings?

Any reports of explosions or just the initial crash?

I thought about Michael Hastings, too. He was driving a 2013 Mercedes and there were reports that he had said he was afraid to drive his own car. He thought it had been tampered with. I guess we'll never know.

BTW, the vehicle that went out of control at high speed and hit the car of Vladimir Putin's chauffeur (Putin was not in it at the time) was also a Mercedes.

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: LookingAtMars

Unlike in the movies cars rarely burst into flames from a wreck. This is the first time I have ever heard of a car catching fire from hitting a gate

In the case of Michael Hastings, his Mercedes exploded into a ball of fire when he hit a palm tree!

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

Mercedes is one of the safest cars on the road to have a crash in. With crumple zones and other safety devices built in to protect the occupants in event of a crash.

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: LookingAtMars
a reply to: queenofswords

Mercedes is one of the safest cars on the road to have a crash in. With crumple zones and other safety devices built in to protect the occupants in event of a crash.

And yet two of them crash at high speed and become engulfed in flames. The concern for me of course is when you find yourself in a car that can be overridden remotely.

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: jaws1975
52 and 53 is not elderly! Do you always believe everything you read?

it's all relative i guess

but you're right, that's not elderly. it still doesn't seem like that abnormal a thing to say. might even be more normal, given the shock of losing both parents at once, and relatively young.

but you didn't answer my question -- do you think the FBI paid off the kids to look the other way while their parents were killed? what are you getting at?

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: bknapple32
a reply to: opethPA

And yet youre here to talk about it . And you hit a sturdy tree.

These are nice dry Vegas roads. with turns... so hes not going fast.

You seem to know a lot about this crash. You know for certain, for example, that people in HoAs always obey the speed limit. But I'm here to tell you that in the last HoA I visited people drove down the main road, with a speed limit of 25mph, at least 50 mph without a care in the world. So much for that idea. You know for certain that the guy did not "just crash" into a wall. He could not POSSIBLY have had a medical emergency, for example. You know for certain this was a dry road with curves and conclude he was not going fast. You don't know any of that and the fact is, accidents happen on curves often enough. Or are you just jumping to conclusions and making up stuff as you go along? The fact is, you DO NOT KNOW the details of this crash, but because t was after the shooting you're making stuff up. What you are doing at this point is promulgating FAKE NEWS. You're letting your imagination run away with you. You don't know #.

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: Rosinitiate

originally posted by: LookingAtMars
a reply to: queenofswords

Mercedes is one of the safest cars on the road to have a crash in. With crumple zones and other safety devices built in to protect the occupants in event of a crash.

And yet two of them crash at high speed and become engulfed in flames. The concern for me of course is when you find yourself in a car that can be overridden remotely.

Three, if you include the Carvers.

And I cannot imagine they were traveling at high speed given the turn to the street their house is on was probably only several yards away.

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords

BTW, the vehicle that went out of control at high speed and hit the car of Vladimir Putin's chauffeur (Putin was not in it at the time) was also a Mercedes.

So interesting, QoS!

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: fiverx313

but you didn't answer my question -- do you think the FBI paid off the kids to look the other way while their parents were killed? what are you getting at?

I'm getting at the fact that everything about the LV shooting has been smoke and mirrors, did you watch the kids say those things about their parents, how do you know that they even said that?

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 06:00 PM

originally posted by: schuyler

originally posted by: bknapple32
a reply to: opethPA

And yet youre here to talk about it . And you hit a sturdy tree.

These are nice dry Vegas roads. with turns... so hes not going fast.

You seem to know a lot about this crash. You know for certain, for example, that people in HoAs always obey the speed limit. But I'm here to tell you that in the last HoA I visited people drove down the main road, with a speed limit of 25mph, at least 50 mph without a care in the world. So much for that idea. You know for certain that the guy did not "just crash" into a wall. He could not POSSIBLY have had a medical emergency, for example. You know for certain this was a dry road with curves and conclude he was not going fast. You don't know any of that and the fact is, accidents happen on curves often enough. Or are you just jumping to conclusions and making up stuff as you go along? The fact is, you DO NOT KNOW the details of this crash, but because t was after the shooting you're making stuff up. What you are doing at this point is promulgating FAKE NEWS. You're letting your imagination run away with you. You don't know #.

i find replies like this interesting aswell, cause the very same logic can be applied to yourself. so what do u want people to just shut up about this incident and not talk about it at all? do u realize what website we are on and what the core if it is about? comn people you gotta be smarter then this

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: jaws1975
I'm getting at the fact that everything about the LV shooting has been smoke and mirrors, did you watch the kids say those things about their parents, how do you know that they even said that?

how do i know you're not just a russian disinfo hacker bot?

how do you know i'm not?

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: TheScale

i find replies like this interesting aswell, cause the very same logic can be applied to yourself. so what do u want people to just shut up about this incident and not talk about it at all? do u realize what website we are on and what the core if it is about? comn people you gotta be smarter then this

well that would be better than jumping straight to wild a@@ conspiracy theories, playing like expert forensic investigators stating that this or this couldn't happen instead of looking for simple logical explanations.

ever heard of occams razor?

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: bknapple32

That’s the MO on this site. You post a benign story saying that it seems off. Not suggesting that it’s a conspiracy or anything and then one guy slams the poster and proclaims, IT ISNT A CONSPIRACY and then all of his colleagues...I mean, I mean, random people who don’t know each other (eye roll) back them up with zero proof that it ISN’T a conspiracy.

It’s an insult to our intelligence that we aren’t supposed to notice the noticeable OCEAN techniques bc that is exactly what it is. I’m sure there’s a fifth grade forum for morons who might fall for it but not on ATS. It’s almost laughable.

Great post, btw. S&F for you.
edit on 29-10-2017 by ColdChillin because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: ColdChillin
a reply to: bknapple32

That’s the MO on this site. You post a benign story saying that it seems off. Not suggesting that it’s a conspiracy or anything and then one guy slams the poster and proclaims, IT ISNT A CONSPIRACY and then all of his colleagues...I mean, I mean, random people who don’t know each other (eye roll) back them up with zero proof that it ISN’T a conspiracy.

so... when more than one person disagrees, that's also a conspiracy?


posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: nightstalker78

New to truthing are you?

People are killed after the fact quite often....

If true, seal team six are short a few members. Just one example....

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

I read the vegas shooter set up cameras in the hallway around his room.
Stockpiled various assault rifles.
He removed sections of hurricane resistant glass and maintained a sustained stream of automatic fire for 11mins over 500ft killing and wounding innocent people.
All for no reason.

None of this raises any questions with me......

edit on 29-10-2017 by EA006 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: bknapple32

But on the night of Oct. 16, the couple’s younger daughter, 16-year-old Madison Carver, heard a loud bang outside her window. When she ran down the street and rounded the corner, a familiar vehicle engulfed in flames came into view. Dennis, 52, and Lorraine, 53, had died together less than half a mile from their home.

Loud bang outside window but had to run down the street and round the corner to see the car "come into view" in flames????

According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate outside their community at 10:50 p.m. on the 20000 block of Avenida De Arboles. It took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire, the department said in a statement.

Story is inconsistent.
Girl has very good hearing or this crash was an explosion....and that doesn't happen driving into gates.

I find this suspicious too:
A week after the fatal crash, another item carrying memories of their 52-year-old father showed up on their doorstep. During the confusion of the shooting, he had lost his phone, but a Las Vegas FBI agent promised to ship the phone to him.
“When we turned it on, all his photos and messages were still there,” Brooke said.

“This is how we know they’re looking down and watching over us.”
edit on 29-10-2017 by EA006 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 08:35 PM
survivors say there was more than one shooter
survivors dying suddenly...

and that isnt suspicious ?

lol k
edit on 29-10-2017 by Jiggly because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: bknapple32

It is and has become Conspiracy Pareidolia...

True none of it made sense from the very beginning, and most probably never will.

As with most great all-time Conspiracies, I lose interest fast in things that get muddied by people who have zero proof but fight to the death for what they think they know. It becomes very frustrating to me so I bailed out of the Las Vegas shooting gallery and will patiently wait until it all gets put together and proven one way or another.

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 08:45 PM
I'd be more interested to know if they were in -any- way conducting their own style of investigation after the fact. Or if they made any particular claims about what they witnessed during the shooting. If no in both cases, I'd find it odd they were targeted by wicked powers-that-be simply because they were there.

There were some 22 thousand people at the concert. Why would they be singled out after the fact? The odds of being in a crash are surprisingly low. I imagine that more than that couple have been involved in car crashes after the shooting. The fire is weird, certainly - but need more info. Did they try to literally put out the fire for an hour and they couldn't because of the type of fire? Or did it take them a while to even get there, and once they did, was there concerns about putting out the fire which delayed it? Need more info!

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