posted on Oct, 21 2017 @ 11:21 AM
I was more active here a few years ago but now just visit infrequently now that I moved and no longer have to struggle to make sense of weird scary
paranormal stuff around the house or weird sky sounds and all the usual odd things we share on ATS. But I remember most of the people and names here,
including yours, Randyvs, and it pains me to hear of your loss, as well as the other losses shared here.
I believe your dream connection is genuine, because I've experienced similar contact in dreams and once during prayer. When I was young I struggled to
believe in God and an afterlife, but after the loss of so many loved people and pets, as a middle aged woman I no longer struggle with belief. I have
the peace of knowing there is something wonderful beyond this life.
The losses are hard to bear, but with each one I gain an advocate and a bit of myself in "Heaven" since each loved one takes a piece of me with them
there when they go. So as time goes by, I gain a better sense of connectedness to my departed loved ones but also to every living thing on this
planet. I feel and sense things I never could before. I have become a better, kinder, more compassionate and productive person as a result.
It started off as a way to honor my loved ones, then evolved a bit to the somewhat self centered desire to ensure I would be worthy to end up where
they are. But now it's genuinely because I feel the connection to life and honor that more instinctively. I don't any longer kill a spider just
because I can and because I'm afraid of it. In fact, I have lost most of my fear and now empathize with how terrified the spiders often are of me!
As the grief continues to be worked through and worked past, the love and blessings will flow more freely to you from those you love, all of them, who
have passed. You will look around and see more synchronicities during your waking hours that are also little signs and messages that you are loved and
watched over.
Peace and blessings and comfort to you all. I can not imagine the pain of losing one's true love and soul mate. Everyone on this thread has
demonstrated tremendous strength and compassion.