Hey what's up my fellow members and learned lurkers? Hope you are
all doing well. I'm sure many of you know my presence here as a very
active member has diminished considerably this year. And I'll build an
approach to my topic by speaking directly to that.
So it isn't only ATS that I have taken leave from. The unexpected passing
of my wife July 13th of this year didn't cripple only my fingers. It with
out mercy shattered my entire world as if it were made of suger glass.
( glass used for movie stunts).
I won't even try to use words to describe the grief that gripped me
in its coils. But work will see me return tomorrow, as I regain my
strength thru some promises I made to her, the night she took flight
ahead of me.. And I make a rather bold statement very often these days.
I don't believe Adam loved Eve as much as I love my wife
The link titles a thread I made for her just before she passed. I thank God
everyday that she knew she was my whole world. Thus he has promised me
I will see her again and crossing the great expanse between us now seems
inviting. " But not yet, not yet."
And the loss of my wife from the here and now has not affected my faith or my
love for my Father in Heaven? I see the rightrousness in his plan even more now,
because this was quite obviously part of his plan. Besides I have already seen her
in my God given dreams. And she is happy everytime I do.
And I still love her everyday helping her son and daughter. And her precious
grand daughter. I will continue to guard over them as I did her and as I do my
own. Until my dying breath because that is the only way to honor her. And
honor her I will. Because that's what love is all about. So who of you readers
believe the departed can visit our dreams?
God bless and good will to all who read here.
edit on Rpm101717v34201700000030 by randyvs because: (no reason given)
My condolences. Experiencing a beloveds death can be traumatic.
Those who have passed can and often times do visit our dreams. I've been visited many times, certain individuals always seem to contact me via a
phone. Yet, most of the time I cant decifer what they're saying.
edit on 17-10-2017 by ADSE255 because: (no reason given)
Sorry for your loss ! I lost my wife seven years ago to bone cancer and was devastated......as to the dreams , I've had several....some were all I
could hope for and some were troublesome.
Indeed, LOVE transcends our brain's ability to understand, but your spirit is in tune with "the big picture". It sounds like your wife is your
soul-mate...literally. You have been companions for eons, and will continue to be, for eons to come. You're experiencing just a brief physical
separation. You will be reunited once again in short order, as you have been many times before.
Your love for her seeps from the pages here. It's beautiful, and inspiring.
I believe wholeheartedly that we can be reunited with our loved ones. Honestly, I can't imagine losing my loves and not believing that I'd see them
originally posted by: conspiracytheoristIAM
Sorry for your loss ! I lost my wife seven years ago to bone cancer and was devastated......as to the dreams , I've had several....some were all I
could hope for and some were troublesome.
If it weren't for dreams eh?
I so look forward to bedtime.
Randy you dont know me, but I am a long time luker and have seen you post so many times. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost mine as well a few years
ago. If you need to talk I am here.
I'm sorry for your loss.. we do miss you around here, your absence is significant and quite noticeable.
I suddenly lost my older brother less than a year ago, he was in his 30s.. still doesn't seem real and if anything has only gotten harder. Honor our
wife as best as you can and make sure you have some good people you can lean on - stay strong and hoping to see you on here more often
Really sorry for your loss. I lost my mom to cancer on April 13 2011. She was a very active and dedicated Christian and she always did things for
I told her a few days before she left that Christ would be there waiting for her, and this was just something I knew was true. The moment she passed I
knew because I smelled her unique perfume even though she wasn't physically there where I live. When I called, they told me it just happened. She had
stopped by to let me know.
A week later, she appeared to me in a dream and I saw her and the dream became lucid. I asked her if Jesus was there waiting for her, and she jumped
up raising her hands and yelled a big YES! And then I woke up. Crying a little bit of course.
I have seen her in another dream and she was warning me to watch what I do and not lose my path. Since then I am content to just care for family and
not allow any temptation or vices take any root. To honor that gift of even being allowed a warning like that.. Amazing when you think about it.
The departed can DEFINITELY visit us in dreams!
You have my thoughts and prayers with you in a rough time like this.
I'm so sorry to hear this randy, I felt pain and sadness as soon as I read the line about your wife passing and I mourn with you my friend. She's most
definitely in a better place and I know you will see her again.
Here's to you and your wife, together forever.
edit on 10/17/2017 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason
Death has been part of my life since I was little.
And I can say it has not had any negative outcomes in my life. I envy those who have dealt with grief, and death head on.
I do not look forward to the day I truly feel what it means to lose someone close to me.
What a gift you both had. Not everyone finds such true love. What a blessing.
My father died suddenly in a car crash 40 years ago. He visited me in my dreams and comforted me as I was so worried for my family. So, yes, I do
believe our departed can enter our hearts through our dreams. Also, during a very difficult time many years later, he visited me again to comfort
I am so sorry for your sadness and know you have been in so much pain. So glad that you can find peace in your heart and still feel that closeness
and love in your dreams. Truly, a gift.
edit on 17-10-2017 by Justso because: (no reason given)
Logging back in after a while to say, I am very sorry for your loss, Randy.
I've been there, myself, after my wife died unexpectedly in 2010. The pain lasted for a long time, even though I knew she was in a better place, but
eventually, I healed from her loss and have been able to continue my journey. I know I'll see her again, but in the meantime, I have a life to
originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
I'm so sorry to hear this randy, I felt pain and sadness as soon as I read the line about your wife passing and I mourn with you my friend. She's most
definitely in a better place and I know you will see her again.
Here's to you and your wife, together forever.
Your post is a great treasure to me L1ght. Thank you indeed.
Wow, there's a name I haven't seen in a while. I was wondering where you went a few months ago and saw you hadn't logged in in a while, glad to see
you're still with us.
edit on 10/17/2017 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)
My condolences too there Randyvs, haven't had a heated exchange about religion with you for quite some time now for which I'm glad, I always ended up
loosing anyway.
If I remember right, you had a hard time through 2016 as well, I take my hat off to you to still keep the faith.... testing times indeed.
Rest assured, you will always have a family here on ATS as well!