One thing the Aussies arn't stating when they say we can own semi auto handguns and pump action shotguns.
not sure on other states, but in Queensland a pistol can only legally be in 2 places outside the safe.
1. A gun shop repair or sale etc
2. An approved gun range
So owning a pistol is extremely restricted, eg a farmer on 1000's of hectares of property cant legally carry it as a side arm for close protection
while culling pigs in thick scrub. Plus as others have stated you need to attend so many Club shoots per year to actually keep said pistol.
Tell me that the above makes sense.
Easiest way to own a pump action shotgun is via a doctor certificate due to injury or other means which makes clay target shooting hard with a normal
And here's a good kicker for the Americans,
I own a .177 air rifle. Legally I need 40 acres minimum unless seeking extremely hard to obtain approval to shoot the stupid thing if im not at a
BTW that 40 acres covers everything, so in the governments eyes a .177 air rifle is equal to a .338 Lapua if one actually manages to get a permit for
I will have to do some digging. I have read a couple of times the state of Western Australia isnt even allowed to own anything that resembles a
military weapon under some stupid "Appearance Clause" so eg the Tikka Tx3 Tac A1 cannot be owned over there.
State of New South Wales cannot own folding buttstock rifles
for the Nay sayers here in Australia please tell me again our laws Make sense especially WA's stupid "Appearance Clause" the dam rifle still functions
the same a an old woodstock rifle.
Also dont ever dare pull a weapon out on a home intruder. A guy has recently been dragged though court because the said robber dobbed him in to
police. The homeowner didnt even have the bolt in the time (my main guess for that is he didnt have time as the bolt must be locked away separate to
the rifle as is ammo)
Luckily for this guy he was cleared for wrong doing, as i think the case went to public and everyone supported the guys actions, others before him
havnt been so lucky.
So in saying that last paragraph, the public is fine with home defense but still want to toughen gun laws. Where in blue F^%# does that make sense.
Found the Western Australia laws regarding Apperance
its on page 15 of 198
Licence Category D (prohibited, except for
official purposes): self-loading centre fire rifles
designed or adapted for military purposes or a
firearm which substantially duplicates those rifles
in design, function or appearance; non-military
style self-loading centre fire rifles with either an
integral or detachable magazine; self-loading
shotguns with either an integral or detachable
magazine and pump action shotguns with a
capacity of more than five rounds; self-loading
rimfire rifles with a magazine capacity greater
than 10 rounds;
That above clause in their gun regulations has caused many issues where long range target shooters are trying to get a rifle designed around a good
platform inwhich due to design for performance starts resembling what military uses
edit on 11-10-2017 by Trigger82 because: (no reason