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How Australia was stripped of their automatic and semi-automatic weapons in 1996

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posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 01:01 AM
National Firearms Agreement

..the National Firearms Agreement and Buyback Program, or the Nationwide Agreement on Firearms, was a firearm control law passed in Australia in 1996, in response to the Port Arthur massacre that killed 35 people. The laws to give effect to the Agreement were passed by Australian State governments only 12 days after the Port Arthur massacre.

The NFA placed tight control on semi-automatic and fully automatic weapons, although permitted their use by licensed individuals who required them for a purpose other than 'personal protection'.

So protecting the country from a '1984' style Satanic totalitarian world government is probably not a valid reason.. was agreed to establish a temporary firearm buyback program for firearms that were once legal now made illegal, that according to the Council on Foreign Relations bought over 650,000 firearms. This program, which cost $230 million, was paid for by an increase in the country's taxes.

National Firearms Agreement

Some comments from an Australian citizen:

Then, after the 1996 massacre, I probably had to hand in six to eight semiautomatic rifles and shotguns to the police. We got fair value for them, but I wasn’t thrilled to be doing it because I thought “Well gee, what have I done wrong?”

Another part of the law that changed is that the police can come to your house and inspect your storage.

The police are required to inspect your gun room. Since 1996, the police have inspected mine three or four times. While they can come randomly, they normally put a call through and we arrange an agreeable time to come in and inspect it.

if you’re transporting a rifle or a pistol in Australia, it’s got to have a trigger lock on it, so that if someone got to your car or you’re in transit pulling up and they break into your boot [trunk], there’s a lock on the pistol or the rifle. No firearms are allowed to be transported in a loaded condition. All ammunition has got to be carried in a separate locked container.

Pistols have more stringent rules. There’s a probationary period of six months and you have to turn up at your club and do eight competition shoots a year. If you’ve got different types of pistols it’s 12. So you’ve got to be committed to the sport.

Link to article

Basically it has been made impractical to own any gun, and basically automatic and semi-automatic weapons have been made illegal (for everyone except somebody who has a real reason to need one - which is no one).

I find it interesting how this law was passed so quickly after the massacre.

Coming to a country near you.. and soon I suspect.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 01:06 AM

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: nOraKat

Next for Aussies is, they will confiscate their BBQ pits. How’s about that?

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 01:28 AM
The Martin Bryant frame up was laughable. There is a dearth of reporting on it, but
I found "A Mother's Burden" most informative.

To wit, Martin, an inmocous social misfit with a subterranean IQ, dressed poorly, in comical suits he afforded by virtue of having a big dick and a half million dollar inheritance, as he formerly used it on an old lady. There was talk his Dad tried to buy the cafe, and Martin hung out there frequently to the comic derision of patrons.

Globaliss forces used Dirty Cops to set him up at the scene, where witness presumed dead described a black clad lefty who shot from the hip splatting heads as fast as he could run and fire. Then during the 'standoff', Martin was afforded a radio over which he was heard exclaiming surfer dude like "hey guys, you're shooting at your main man" -further proof cops had included him in a 'rehearsal' , and later he was equipped with a rifle and hundreds of bullets as part of the protracted patsy plan. Incensed, once he realized he was a marked dupe, Martin fired dozens, perhaps hundreds, of shots at cops, hitting none. This doesn't jibe with the one armed lefty Mossad marksman who essentially single handedly castrated the continent.

The scheme worked flawlessly, especially as it was prior to failed later productions we are still being insulted with.

Later on, the late night comics would travel to Australia, and perform consumer reinforcement acts to make everyone happy with the job of disarming them. One joker went to a half nude beach and asked beachgoers in string bikinis if they missed having guns around, as part of his act. You can imagine the hilarity which ensued. I can name names on this. I dug them up years ago, bookmarked on a dead machine.

ETA + May I present the usual suspects:

Jon Oliver via Jon Stewart feature in their Australian segment gun seizure comic sketch seizing on Martin Bryant conspiracy/crisis, immediate aftermath.

# 886
edit on 7-10-2017 by TheWhiteKnight because: + jon oliver via jon stewart the daily show/comedy central

edit on 7-10-2017 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-10-2017 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: nOraKat

Plenty of people here still own guns and use them on a regular basis, hand guns and semi auto and auto were outlawed....

Interestingly since 1996 we have not had a tyrannical government come and kill us all, and we are not scared walking down the street, so there is that.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 01:42 AM

edit on 7-10-2017 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: two is better than 1

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 01:45 AM
Exactly, I have friends with many registered guns, they have gun safes in their homes. Even my 18 year old daughter has a gun licence and has a .22 rifle which is left at the gun club. No mass shootings since Port Arthur. Crime still happens, but on a small scale compared to America.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: TheWhiteKnight

Nineteen of the first twenty dead in the Broad Arrow Cafe died from single shots to the head..

- Thread

All of the plans are accomplished due to most people being stupid (i.e. undiscerning sheep).

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 01:55 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: nOraKat

Plenty of people here still own guns and use them on a regular basis, hand guns and semi auto and auto were outlawed....

Interestingly since 1996 we have not had a tyrannical government come and kill us all, and we are not scared walking down the street, so there is that.

I don't know about you, but I'm mindful of those teenagers in groups when I walk down the street!

On topic: There's a need for guns here in Australia - farmers are the first group I can think of with the necessity

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 01:57 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: nOraKat

Plenty of people here still own guns and use them on a regular basis, hand guns and semi auto and auto were outlawed....

Well have fun with your target shooting at your shooting clubs. Those are not the most important functions of owning a weapon.

Interestingly since 1996 we have not had a tyrannical government come and kill us all, and we are not scared walking down the street, so there is that.

Don't worry about that, something will be sure to come (but everyone will be too stupid to recognize it). It will probably come gradually over generations. They won't kill you, they want you alive.


posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 01:58 AM

originally posted by: auroraaus

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: nOraKat

Plenty of people here still own guns and use them on a regular basis, hand guns and semi auto and auto were outlawed....

Interestingly since 1996 we have not had a tyrannical government come and kill us all, and we are not scared walking down the street, so there is that.

I don't know about you, but I'm mindful of those teenagers in groups when I walk down the street!

On topic: There's a need for guns here in Australia - farmers are the first group I can think of with the necessity

Well teenagers suck, not enough to shoot them however.

Farmers need guns yes absolutely, just like in the U.S there are reasonable grounds for country folk to own guns, the argument falls flat however in a suburban or city landscape .

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 02:01 AM

..Nineteen of the first twenty dead in the Broad Arrow Cafe died from single shots to the head

Its so crazy how you present this astounding sh*t. And people only talk about dumb sh*t, ignoring the astounding sh*t.

Sheeple indeed.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 02:05 AM

originally posted by: nOraKat

..Nineteen of the first twenty dead in the Broad Arrow Cafe died from single shots to the head

Its so crazy how you present this astounding sh*t. And people only talk about dumb sh*t, ignoring the astounding sh*t.

Sheeple indeed.

Whats dumb is thinking more = less.....

More guns does not = less violence.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 02:08 AM
a reply to: nOraKat

I know a few Aussies so its sacred fact that if anyone tried taking their beer all hell would break loose.

Were talking WW 5.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 02:10 AM
I think when Australia banned these weapons it took a step towards becoming a more mature country. It's a bold decision to take action to reduce the risk of a future mass killing by removing the means to do so. A decision made for the common good.

Like in the UK, guns remain in circulation - there are over a million in the UK - but action has reduced the risk of easy mass murder. This is in contrast to the US, where under the guise and excuse of "guns for protection" and the "prevention of tyranny" guns contribute to frequent mass murders and a shocking toll on life.

Gun violence in the US

The US should learn from other countries like Australia.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 02:12 AM
a reply to: myss427

Yeah, the problem in the US is that people are robbed in their homes by people with guns fairly regularly. I don't want to defend myself against a semi auto handgun with a bolt action rifle.

It's a completely different problem in the US. The illegal guns are already floating around in mass circulation. There's no getting them back, so it's ludicrous to suggest law abiding gun owners give up theirs and become even more easily victimized. Almost guarantee home invasions and armed robberies would skyrocket in the weeks following a mass buy back program here.

If I really thought banning guns would end gun violence overnight or even in a decade I would probably change my tune. Until then, leave the laws alone but allow statewide concealed carry.

One thing that I wouldn't mind changing with a few caveats is allowing people to get a CPL without having to take even a basic test. Fine, I'll take a class every five years. Don't make it prohibitively expensive (poor people need and deserve protection too). Allow people to get one without a class in special circumstances (when someone is under obvious threat). Don't think I'm going to budge on anything else.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 02:18 AM
a reply to: nOraKat

Different cultures, different world-views. Australia and the UK tightened up on guns in the wake of mass-shootings and, to be fair, we've had very, very few since. We didn't have many in the first place so who knows if the bans made a difference?

The countries in this graphic have similar values and different laws relating to the availability of guns.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 02:33 AM
We have more guns legally here now then the when the law was introduced.

I do not see that most people here require semi or automatic guns, this is a different country with only 24million people.

You cannot compare Australia to the US - attitudes are different, population, stereotypes, crime figures, where and how we live etc do not compare to 50 states of the US and the 200million + population.

My country did not suffer from the law, and we are not the US.
edit on 7-10-2017 by MuonToGluon because: Fixed

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 02:47 AM
a reply to: MuonToGluon

In the eyes of world government aspirants, all countries are identical.

Either you are with them, or you are a danger soon to be neutralized.

The states are a real problem, hence the false flags, black ops.

I don't think you get it. It's just too easy to read it all wrong.
To believe lies, conditioning, propaganda, comic sketchs and so on.

If you give ear, creedence to lies, you lose discernment.
But if you don't believe them, suddenly you are a lone wolf, and maybe, after careful consideration by forces you cannot conceive exist, you get your twisted mug on the news.

# 887

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 02:51 AM
a reply to: TheWhiteKnight

But if you don't believe them, suddenly you are a lone wolf, and maybe, after careful consideration by forces you cannot conceive exist, you get your twisted mug on the news.

Nobody is a 'lone wolf' for disbelieving the media narratives. They get called 'lone wolf' when they're found pulling the trigger and surrounded by the dead and wounded.

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