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How Australia was stripped of their automatic and semi-automatic weapons in 1996

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posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: TonyS

We had a very large empire. Many worldly views were adopted.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: CromCruachh

originally posted by: CromCruachh
The point about our government being tyrannical isn't that they will round us up in gulags if we give up our guns.
It's about our freedoms slowly and steadily being taken away, year after year. More and more laws and regulations are being put into place. Most people haven't realized how much our governments have control of our lives compared to 100 years ago, since this has been a gradual process. What is the end game? How many more freedoms will be stripped away 100 more years into the future?
That frog in boiling water analogy comes to mind here...

Things that are going on today, like the level of taxation, banking practices, money being funneled out of gov't to defense and other sectors, these things were unthinkable in the days past, but they are acceptable now. Like you said little by little, things will be put into place. If they really need to take away your guns to put them into place, I really fear what those things are going to be. Whatever it is, they are going to go for it.

Its funny how we speak of a 'they' and an 'us'. Who are they? Why do we separate them from the common human? Are they different?


It is usual to speak of the Fascist objective as the "beehive state", which does grave injustice to bees. A world of rabbits ruled by stoats would be nearer the mark. - George Orwell

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: nOraKat

Who are "they"? Well I don't necessarily think it's simply "The Government" since anyone who has worked within the government will tell you they are actually pretty stupid and ineffectual for the most part. I think there is something else pulling the world governments strings. Not David Icke's "Lizards" but you know...some shadowy group which doesn't like the spotlight.

One thiing I found interesting on this subject is these 2 unrelated men; a Russian general (died under suspicious circumstances) by the name of Konstantin P Petrov, and the recent dutch banking whistleblower, Ronald Benard, They Both claim that a global financial mafia control the world through the financial system, the Vatican, London and Switzerland. They both claim the Mafia is 8500 strong, and have been pulling the strings for the past few thousand years. Both their stories match, even though they were unaware of eachother and both held respectable positions.
Just find them both a coincidence. There stories do make sense, too.

Not saying I believe this 100%, just that it IS a possibility-even if it may seem unlikely- to keep in mind.

edit on 7-10-2017 by CromCruachh because: fd

edit on 7-10-2017 by CromCruachh because: df

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: TheWhiteKnight
The Martin Bryant frame up was laughable. There is a dearth of reporting on it, but
I found "A Mother's Burden" most informative.

To wit, Martin, an inmocous social misfit with a subterranean IQ, dressed poorly, in comical suits he afforded by virtue of having a big dick and a half million dollar inheritance, as he formerly used it on an old lady. There was talk his Dad tried to buy the cafe, and Martin hung out there frequently to the comic derision of patrons.

Globaliss forces used Dirty Cops to set him up at the scene, where witness presumed dead described a black clad lefty who shot from the hip splatting heads as fast as he could run and fire. Then during the 'standoff', Martin was afforded a radio over which he was heard exclaiming surfer dude like "hey guys, you're shooting at your main man" -further proof cops had included him in a 'rehearsal' , and later he was equipped with a rifle and hundreds of bullets as part of the protracted patsy plan. Incensed, once he realized he was a marked dupe, Martin fired dozens, perhaps hundreds, of shots at cops, hitting none. This doesn't jibe with the one armed lefty Mossad marksman who essentially single handedly castrated the continent.

The scheme worked flawlessly, especially as it was prior to failed later productions we are still being insulted with.

Later on, the late night comics would travel to Australia, and perform consumer reinforcement acts to make everyone happy with the job of disarming them. One joker went to a half nude beach and asked beachgoers in string bikinis if they missed having guns around, as part of his act. You can imagine the hilarity which ensued. I can name names on this. I dug them up years ago, bookmarked on a dead machine.

ETA + May I present the usual suspects:

Jon Oliver via Jon Stewart feature in their Australian segment gun seizure comic sketch seizing on Martin Bryant conspiracy/crisis, immediate aftermath.

# 886

Lets not forget forget what New South Wales Premier Barry Unsworth said after a specially called premiers meeting held in Hobart Tasmania in 1987, yes 1987.......

"It will take a massacre in Tasmania before we get gun reform in Australia"


posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: CromCruachh

That sounds about right.

The bond that holds all those entities and countries you mentioned, together is the Holy Roman Empire. They are the common denominator. Their roots stretch way before that.

What baffles me is how do you maintain an agenda which spans multiple generations?

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: scubagravy

Context is a wonderful thing.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: scubagravy

Context is a wonderful thing.

Coincidence in my book.

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 09:57 PM
When I was in Cambodia in 2003 ,there was a local newspaper with a story, how the doo gooders had destroyed 3000 [Evil] AK47 rifles ,by putting them in a pile and burning the whole lot ,ridding Cambodia of these Evil Weapons ! and achieved a Great Humanitarian Act , well where were these gutless Do Gooders when the Genocide ,killing fields was taking place ? why didn't they ,the U.N ,the U.S etc step in and stop it ? The UN and its plan for a World of ''Complete and General Disarmament '' will take place one way or the other ,Massacres ,shootings False Flags are planned for our ''Ultimate Good '' ,in their opinion, innocent people are sacrificed ,no different from Wars where millions get sacrificed by Politicians for a ''Cause '' ,its all part of the ultimate plan and people are easily led as they always have been, into mass slaughters called wars to protect Banking ,Industry ,the Economies ,oil control ,resources etc but never ever people.The end will justify the means ,which is we will live in a gunless world run by the U.N [for your own good] BUT your property rights ,employment ,travel ,religion etc will be taken from you, and you will have no recourse apart from a camp ,just worldwide Martial Law ,when this will happen ? Ten ,Twenty years in the future ,yes you will be safe ,but you wont have a free life, like a battery hen in a shed until you die .

posted on Oct, 7 2017 @ 10:55 PM

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg
I know that that this is a difficult concept for a likely member of the NRA to get their head around, but free access to machine guns (no matter what the designation) is not actually a sign of a mature society. I'm British. I don't have a gun. I don't want a gun. I don't need a gun.

Sorry but "maturity" is being able to control oneself no matter what is offered or not.

It's not a sign of maturity when someone has to take something away from you because you might use it the wrong way.

edit on 10 7 2017 by burgerbuddy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2017 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman

The state as a whole does because of places like New Orleans.

Not in the very rural part where I live, nice try though.

posted on Oct, 8 2017 @ 05:49 AM
a reply to: badw0lf

Not quite sure people engaging in such crimes, think that far ahead. But as long as you keep everything oiled, and can brandish it to go buy milk, you're safe.

Most people do not open carry except police, but if I want to wear a pistol on my hip to go buy a loaf of bread then I am free to. , So please, spare me the Redneck gun toting "I has mah gun" stereotype.

Hmm, you know, I don't go for the banning of guns. I think it's a bit knee jerk. But I also do not, absolutely, go for this notion that "I has mah gun, that's why the crime rate is lower around me" guff.

There are probably many more reasons, but I imagine knowing you're out in the country, where people are generally armed is still a deterrent to any trespassers.

Anyway back to the thread topic, I find it interesting that you Aussies had a mass shooting, then all of a sudden automatic weapons were banned. I'm glad you are happy about it. Like you yourself said, you don't understand Southern American culture. And seeing how the US supreme court ruled not too long ago that the individual (not the police) is 100 percent responsible for their own safety (totally legal for the cops to sit there and watch you get robbed/beat/killed) I would say its not at all imprudent to have any type of firearm one wishes.

I've never shot at anyone with any of my weapons, but if the need should so arise, I have the choice to do so. You Aussies and Brits and others who have been disarmed seem like you're proud of it. Well by all means, if somebody is intending you and your family harm and you find yourself staring down a barrel then feel free to see if your flip flop throwing method works up against a slug. Personally, I'll stick with the tried and true.

edit on 8-10-2017 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2017 @ 08:17 AM

Interestingly since 1996 we have not had a tyrannical government come and kill us all, and we are not scared walking down the street

So the conservatives are completely wrong??? What a shock!

posted on Oct, 8 2017 @ 12:15 PM
People really need to consider the location and different history Australia and the U.S. has,also take in consideration the U.S. has become the leader of military force around the world.
Would not be wise to ban assault rifles in the U.S.

posted on Oct, 8 2017 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: nOraKat

What baffles me is how do you maintain an agenda which spans multiple generations?

You know how the key to winning monopoly is own all the properties on the board right?
Well it's a bit like that.
These families already own everything. They are born into a family with unlimited money, which already owns the media, the banks, schools and Alphabetical agencies. The schools are especially important since they can rewrite history.
All they have to do now to stay at the top of the power pyramid is send money around. Want to cause some strife in an area? Send some money to arm terrorist groups, get the CIA to train them. (Bin Laden was a CIA operative in the 80's)
Want to make the majority of civilians believe something? Pay the heads of the Media outlets to publish certain stories repeatedly.
Is one country becoming a threat? Crash their economy, turn other countries against them with deception (Like Gaddafi)

Yeah, it's not that hard to remain in control through multiple generations because they keep the masses ignorant With their wealth and insitutions!
This way, they can operate multi generationly and plan in terms of centuries, while the rest of us think only in the now.
But-people are becoming more aware since the internet allows freedome of information, but they've cottoned on that recently and are beginning to censor the internet now. yep, it's an easy game once you own everything and have unlimited funds. Just gotta funnel money around. Want to know who's in charge you follow the money.
edit on 8-10-2017 by CromCruachh because: fg

edit on 8-10-2017 by CromCruachh because: h

posted on Oct, 8 2017 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: nOraKat

Plenty of people here still own guns and use them on a regular basis, hand guns and semi auto and auto were outlawed....

Interestingly since 1996 we have not had a tyrannical government come and kill us all, and we are not scared walking down the street, so there is that.

Tyranny is disguised in many forms.
The fact you think you’re free in Australia illustrates your ignorance. I bet you think you have a ring to free speech too lol.

FYI, it’s perfectly legal to own a semi auto hand gun, as well as a variety of other hand guns.
You can even own a pump action semi auto shotgun.

All they did was buy back tens of thousands of guns, and make it harder to get licensed and buy guns. Some were banned because civilians have no logical use for them.

Gun culture and violent crime and violence isn’t glorified in Australia and never was. We also aren’t drugged up on anti depressants with side effects which include sending people crazy basically like in America. The connection is the medication people are on. It’s massively wide spread in America hence the violence.

Interestingly though gun crime has increased in Australia.
Drive by shootings weren’t a thing until the 2000’s with the gang wars in Sydney that spread to other cities. Those gang wars are still on going and the gun crime hasn’t stopped.

And one of the worst gang wars with organised crime and links to the mafia, bikies and drug trade and involved corrupt police happened in Melbourne and had links to Sydney and Adelaide. What was it two dozen and more dead in shootings?

North west Melbourne at the moment is a hot spot for organised crime and gun crime.

If the gun laws worked, if we were disarmed as the retards claim, why are there now more legally owned guns in Australia then before Port Arthur?
There’s also more illegal guns around now then ever before on the black market.

What the laws did is restrict the sale of guns without checks and balances.
Criminals aren’t going to obey the law anyway.

People need to calm down and stop the hysteria.

Every time there’s a shooting in America we react like this.
Every gang land killing in Australia though nobody reacts.
Like pathetic sheep.

It’s sad for America and Americans but it’s their problem and Australia’s laws aren’t going to help them. There’s other issues they have to deal with.
If you think restricting types of guns will work there you’re ignorant beyond belief.
Americans gang problem is far greater then Australia’s.
It was always rare to almost unheard of to see Australian gangs with automatic military style assault rifles. Sure there’s exceptions but generally it was unheard of.
How many two bit street gangs do you see with uzis and assault rifles in America? More then you can count.

And let me remind you a second time despite the laws here illegal AND legal guns have increased in numbers.

America has bigger problems.
For the love of God stop referencing Australia and its laws in relation to gun crimes in America.
It’s not even apples and oranges, it’s apples and watermelons.

posted on Oct, 8 2017 @ 08:28 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: nOraKat

Plenty of people here still own guns and use them on a regular basis, hand guns and semi auto and auto were outlawed....

Interestingly since 1996 we have not had a tyrannical government come and kill us all, and we are not scared walking down the street, so there is that.

Not yet.

posted on Oct, 8 2017 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: mortex

Let me get this straight, you think we are ignorant sheep because we don't have semi automatic weapons readily available and legal....

I'm glad I don't live in your world.

posted on Oct, 8 2017 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: VVV88

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: nOraKat

Plenty of people here still own guns and use them on a regular basis, hand guns and semi auto and auto were outlawed....

Interestingly since 1996 we have not had a tyrannical government come and kill us all, and we are not scared walking down the street, so there is that.

Not yet.

You know if the government want you dead they would send a drone, or even a soldier, you wouldn't see it coming regardless of how many weapons you own.

posted on Oct, 8 2017 @ 08:47 PM
a reply to: CromCruachh

If it were just the case of maintaining control and wealth I would agree with you, but it seems that the plan is much more involved - like with all the psyops, and weird occult stuff. What spans generations seems more than just some vague plan or effort. Some of the things that were pulled off was unbelievable and phenomenal.

Something tells me theres a lot more to it than just rich people maintaining their wealth.

If your interested I wrote an article back in the day with some ideas/history of how current governments came to be - Link, Link 2

posted on Oct, 8 2017 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: mortex

FYI, it’s perfectly legal to own a semi auto hand gun, as well as a variety of other hand guns.

Most of the automatic/semi-auto weapons were banned and seized unless you had a valid reason to need one, which almost nobody does.

I am surprised it all went so peacefully. back tens of thousands of guns

Make that 650,000 firearms. - link

..were banned because civilians have no logical use for them.

I think one of the most important purposes for these weapons is to keep a (world) government in check if need be. The same most important purpose that was in mind during the making of the US constitution / Second amendment. Without serious weapons, civilians have no way to rebel. You probably view most governments as benign entities looking out for your best interest, so you see no problem there.

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