posted on Oct, 27 2017 @ 07:35 AM
I had an experience after 10 years looking for a certain substance and could never find. However after I felt like it was my rock bottom I wasn’t
even looking, when the spirit molecule came into my life. Approaching this with the utmost respect and making sure I was “ready” through clearing
my mind and tuning in I gave it a go. After the molecule made its way into my bloodstream I was transported to a geometrical “heaven”. In order to
get where I was at that point in the experience, it’s very hard to explain, there was some type of entity “guarding” the knowledge or some type
of entity guiding me giving my consciousness subliminal hints on how to get “there”. I can remember my thought processes “thinking” a certain
way on my souls journey “there”. If I didn’t think or maybe allow; this process to go through I didn’t climb to where I was heading. It was
through letting go and trusting the process even though I consciously had no idea where I was going or what to expect. I just knew I was on my way.
And I trusted that. Upon arriving I could see my “body” from the top. Let’s say the ceiling was “me”. Or my consciousness, I could look down
and see my body, or maybe it was “feel” but there was a visual. It wasn’t “my body” in the 3D sense, it was totally transparent. It was like
looking at an Alex Grey artwork. I could see the various “systems” of the human body I.e. central nervous system etc. it terms of energy or
electrical type of matter, keeping human-like form but absolutely transparent. I was crouched down into a ball. I could see all these thoughts/ or
type of energy coming from my head and shooting outward like laser beams from a X-men movie. Which told me at that time I had to control my thought/my
mind. It was out of control, controlling me. There were several other beings around me, I was in the middle of their “circle”. The energy from
these entities/beings made me feel that they were my true family. It was so pure and positive. I remember asking questions but not asking, and all my
questions being answered, by them? By myself? I have no clue. The only thing I know is what it felt like, and if you can feel Truth that is exactly
what it felt like. I am not claiming to be anything other or anything greater than what each and every one of you already are even if you’ve never
had this experience yet. Because I am not. I am just a man, like most of you, women as well.
I just figured it’s time I share this, as it was
this experience alone that changed my life forever and put me on this path. Back to the experience and my being “there”. They reassured me
everything was going to be ok. They told me I am A God/or I can be a God? And that I am the one? They also started to make me feel overwhelmed when
they also explained to me that I have a lot of work to do when I go back. I wanted to stay, I never felt so complete, so whole, so REAL. They told me
I was not ready yet when the feeling of me wanting to stay overcame my being. They answered many more questions as it was all instantaneous, this is
what stuck with me. They finally told me I had to go back. I didn’t want to.
Upon returning to my avatar I saw this goddess. She was green/blue had one face looking at me another face on the left and another on the right. 3
faces. I can’t help but to think at that moment I felt like she was judging me? Or disappointed at something, or maybe I am wrong. I could be wrong
about everything. I have been wrong many times throughout my life, like I said I am a MAN not a woman. LOL. Anyway, upon returning when my souls came
back into my body my environment had this sort of beautiful glow to it. Every material possession I had even ones I had at that time I thought that I
“hated” or did not like had this sparkle. Everything had a sparkle to it. Like it was reassuring me everything IS beautiful. It’s the way I’ve
been looking through the lens that’s been distorting my perception. I came back and started to cry tears of joy mixed with laughter because for a
while I brought back with me everything and remembered perfectly the experience. It was such an overwhelming feeling of pure love/joy/compassion. It
had to come out in tears of joy and laughter. I felt truly blessed for the first time. I am just sharing this experience, it’s in no way to rub it
in or prove to anyone that I am or am not whatever it is you may be thinking. 10 minutes after coming back into my body there was a knock on my door.
I was caught off guard, I answered the door and here was a “neighbor” I hadn’t really much contact with, and he handed me something in a DVD
case. He said “hey I just burned you the Matrix Trilogy” collection. I said thanks and hurried and closed the door. At this point my mind was
blown based off the experience I just had and then this guys out of no where hands me these DVDs ? The matrix trilogy of all dvds? When those beings
just happened to say “you’re the one” that tripped me out for a feels weeks. Now understand I don’t believe that I am the one to save humanity
or any of you. I think it was symbolic for me saving myself, from the matrix I consider my life. I am the one who can save me, just like you’re the
one that has to save you. No one else can do it for you unfortunately. Not Jesus, not Buddha, not Ram Dass. I’ve been trying to understand that
experience for the past 4 years. But one thing it did was open my eyes up to my self and the way I was conducting myself. I have since been undergoing
a metamorphosis. I still have A LOT of work to do. It was the exact experience I needed to spark the transformation EYE needed. Thanks for reading
just wanted that out there. Take it as you will, I’m sure some of you have had similar experiences or even greater regarding this metamorphosis from
caterpillar to butterfly. I would have preferred to skip the crawling and go right to flying but this is the way it is.