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Share Your 2017 Solar Eclipse Pics Here!

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posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: CranialSponge

I popped the lense out of my welding helmet.

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 05:13 PM
It rained cats and dogs until about 30 minutes before. The clouds were rolling in again, as it was happening, but we still saw some goods looks at totality. Then it clouded up and rained cats and dogs again not more than 15 minutes after.

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

I popped the lense out of my welding helmet.

Heh, another great idea.

You obviously have the larger 3/4 sized shield lens on yours ? Mine is more old school with just the skinny strip lens across the eyes, so it wouldn't have covered the full diameter of my camera lens.... not that I would've thought of doing that anyways. Pfft.

Me not so smart.

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 05:46 PM
In MI where I am, we had abut 85% coverage during peak. I snapped this (among others) via a simple Sony Cyber-shot point & shoot using the manual settings -- ISO 100, 1/1600 sec exposure, F/14, 68-ish mm.
No special gear or filters other than the clouds being just thick, yet thin enough, for me to do this without worry. I did run it through Nik to adjust contrast, and remove a funky reddish hue this camera sometimes bestows upon my pictures.

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

Yeah, that looks about like what we were staring through.

Husband tried to get some pics and video, but I don't know if anything came out. Dad did too, but his is one a camera, and he took a lot. Won't know if he got any really good shots until much, much later.

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Nyiah

Yeah, that looks about like what we were staring through.

Husband tried to get some pics and video, but I don't know if anything came out. Dad did too, but his is one a camera, and he took a lot. Won't know if he got any really good shots until much, much later.

If he had as much luck as I did, the clouds might have been just enough filtration to pull off some really good ones. I'm still going through all mine, some are too washed out to be worthwhile, but others are pretty decent.

One more, at peak. Spot the astronomical cameo:

Edit: It was surreal then, and is still surreal looking at the pictures. Sun was still shining, but much dimmer. If the penumbra zones were this cool, umbra really must be everything eclipse chasers say.
edit on 8/21/2017 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 07:00 PM
Got these 2 with my cell camera...actually did better than I thought it would. We went dark where I am in Nashville for 1 min 32 sec. Truly amazing!

edit on 21-8-2017 by RickyD because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 09:35 PM

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 10:10 PM
Great pics everyone!

Thanks for sharing!

Next total solar eclipse here in the US is on April 8th, 2024, so only seven years away, but the totality path goes from Texas up to Maine.

I'd have to travel for that one. Still, if I wait, the next total solar eclipse that will pass over my house is May 11th, 2078.....I'll be 111 years old then.....

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 10:21 PM
wow great pics guys!! Thanks for sharing them. What an awesome sight!!!

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 11:08 PM

originally posted by: eriktheawful
Great pics everyone!

Thanks for sharing!

Next total solar eclipse here in the US is on April 8th, 2024, so only seven years away, but the totality path goes from Texas up to Maine.

I'd have to travel for that one. Still, if I wait, the next total solar eclipse that will pass over my house is May 11th, 2078.....I'll be 111 years old then.....

I think a part of the path of totality is through southern Quebec, too. My husband & I were discussing possibly taking the kids on vacation there for it if we can. It's a ways down the road yet and who knows what can happen in the meantime.

2099 is the next time the path of totality comes anywhere close to me. Our kids will be in their 90's, and if by some stroke of utterly miraculous medical luck we live that long, my husband would be 128 and I'd be 115.

I think we'll just aim for a 2024 road trip

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 11:25 PM
One about midway through in Atlanta....was really clear where I was.

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 11:50 PM
a reply to: eriktheawful
Beautiful pictures!

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to: eriktheawful
When I say "solar filter" I meant I taped paper eclipse glasses over my iPhone lens lol

You had a great idea. I'd like to say I'll try these next time, but at my age it's doubtful I'll get much of a chance.

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 11:59 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah

In MI where I am, we had abut 85% coverage during peak. I snapped this (among others) via a simple Sony Cyber-shot point & shoot using the manual settings -- ISO 100, 1/1600 sec exposure, F/14, 68-ish mm.
No special gear or filters other than the clouds being just thick, yet thin enough, for me to do this without worry. I did run it through Nik to adjust contrast, and remove a funky reddish hue this camera sometimes bestows upon my pictures.

Love this one. I wish I'd got a good shot

posted on Aug, 22 2017 @ 12:01 AM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: CranialSponge

I popped the lense out of my welding helmet.

For a moment I thought that said wedding helmet, like WTF? Haha
I must have eclipse blindness

posted on Aug, 22 2017 @ 12:22 AM

originally posted by: horseplay
Taken on my old but still functioning samsung S4. I don't know why, but the eclipse is inverted.

I tried all kinds of settings, these were the best, albeit odd...

oh, we had 91% here, it was beautiful !

About the same as what I captured at 90% or so.

The effect is a "lens flare," which happens when a camera is exposed to a bright light. In response, the lens captures some of the light as a reflection. Lens flares generally show up as little dots or circles, but during an eclipse they appear as small crescents.


posted on Aug, 22 2017 @ 02:51 AM
I wasn't in the USA to see it, but there are lots of fantastic images at

I especially like closeups of baily's beads and the red chromosphere with protuberances.

I really hope someone filmed a telescope footage of the baily's beads disappearing among the lunar limb.

posted on Aug, 22 2017 @ 06:17 AM
Amazing thread!
Thank you for the pics!!!!!!!!

posted on Aug, 22 2017 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: eriktheawful

The difference between totality and even a near total partial is like driving a honda civic vs a ferrari.

It was the most incredible visual scene I have ever seen.

Wonderous sight!!

edit on 22-8-2017 by CreationBro because: (no reason given)

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