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Robert E. Lee Statue Replaced With Statue of Pregnant Black Woman

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posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: odzeandennz

Right I forgot.

That when people go around name calling each other that must make them insert (what ever pejorative here).

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 09:26 AM
So, the destruction / removal of historic statues continues apace. How long I wonder before they then turn to "images" of the statues and the book burning begins?
Next they'll have ol' Mr. Suckaturd start to remove any posted images from FB, and Google will probably write an algorithm to hunt down offending images of statues across the WWW and, likely, historical photos of "the wrong side" too, in a ramped up frenzy of censorship! Where does it all end I wonder?

I saw a post on FB yesterday from a US friend of my sister, basically stating that anyone commenting on the stuff she posts that perhaps doesn't agree with her 100% will have their images or comments removed immediately and any dissent at all from her promoted content will NOT BE TOLERATED! Needless to say, she is heavily promoting the current NAZI's everywhere BS and how wonderful the violence of the left is in combating it.

I watch it all with interest and a good supply of snacks!

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: Britguy

So, the destruction / removal of historic statues continues apace. How long I wonder before they then turn to "images" of the statues and the book burning begins?


They been going after thoughts they don't like for YEARS.

Flags,statues,TV STATIONS(Fox News).

The ministry of Truth and barbarism isn't going to stop until they erase everything and anything they disagree with.

And when they get there. On that glorious and wonderful day.

There will be one party rule.

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: neo96

Funny, rather than destroying North Korea, some seem to want to emulate it.

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: Britguy
a reply to: neo96

Funny, rather than destroying North Korea, some seem to want to emulate it.

NoKo works but I was thinking the 3rd Reich.

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: testingtesting
I thought I had accidentally stumbled into GLP.

It has been happening for a while now. I think it has either just reached critical mass, or the bigots were here all along and just decided to remove their sheets.

ATS just ain't what it used to be, or is it? But you are absolutely correct. Racism is alive and well on this site and they are spreading their seeds like dandelions.

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: Britguy

Most Americans have lost the will to honestly debate ideas they don't subscribe to sadly. They would rather be protected by actual "safe zones" or Google and Facebook "bubbles" that only let them see things they agree with. Stepping outside of their bias boxes is tantamount to heresy.

Just trying to get someone to articulate their opinion without resorting to media talking points, let alone the standard name calling and insulting is futile. I once engaged in a immigration talk, where I got the person to actually admit that if you don't come to a country legally, you must be an illegal immigrant (it's much harder to get them to admit that than it sounds, take my word for it). Even then, they wouldn't say that they did anything illegal. The logic disconnect is very strong in them.
edit on 19-8-2017 by pavil because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 09:49 AM

originally posted by: WhiteWingedMonolith

originally posted by: Krakatoa
Has nobody noticed that "statue" of the pregnant black woman was alone? Where is the father of those kids? The fact they chose that lone symbol is telling in itself. It speaks volumes about the culture upon which it represents.

But, she did have gold in/on her hand. So that's something.... SMH

Virgin Mary is depicted with various skin colors through out the world. All the Marys hold their baby Jesus tenderly in all historic and current pictures. This one here has her kid on her back like a burden with a fist towards the heavens; fist in anger.

This statue shown in the OP looks similar to the Venus of Dolní Věstonice statue with the exaggerated breasts and belly. "Venus figurine, a ceramic statuette of a nude female figure dated to 29,000–25,000 BCE (Gravettian industry). It was found at the Paleolithic site Dolní Věstonice in the Moravian basin south of Brno, in the base of Děvín Mountain, 549 metres (1,801 ft). This figurine and a few others from locations nearby are the oldest known ceramic articles in the world.í_Vestonice

Try this:í+Věstonice&oq=Venus+of+Dolní+Věstonice&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60j0l3.6247j0j4&client=ms-android-americ amovil-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8

A pregnant virgin mary who already has a baby on her back?

No. I don't think so. And it looks nothing like any Venus I'VE ever seen. It has an enlarged belly, and breasts are exposed. Thats it.

The type of venus you are talking about could never have a gold hand, nor could she be standing erect, as she has no hands or feet!

Try again to give this monstrosity some kind of association with high forms of art. Somethin 'll stick eventually. You almost got away with that one, maybe try that one on FB or the YT comments section.

They'll eat up your bs as if it were... Gold... covered chocolate coins. You can't eat gold. Sorry.

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: WhiteWingedMonolith

originally posted by: Deaf Alien

originally posted by: DBCowboy

I believe that this is the statue.

Once you see it you cannot unsee it.

Yes, exactly. It's a curse to anyone who cannot generate any love or compassion within themselves and project that as they gaze upon it errected and fallen.

Everyone who wrote bad things on here about it really needs to reconsider their position. What would Jesus do? The day of repentance is upon us Aug. 21. Some think we have 40 days to repent for the evil that comes out of our mouths/finger tips. Then judgement day.

The statue of Robert E. Lee fallen was heart wrenching. The statue here with the momma and baby smashed in heads fallen is heart wrenching.

Almost everyone we know or communicate with or read is demon possessed. There is no way to enter a Holy Kingdom of heaven with the foulness being emitted from even those we have hope in to stand and be righteous. But if not for the 40 days for all to evaluate our hearts, much would be lost.

I guess when Jesus furiously flipped the money changers tables and released the caged doves it was because He was "not capable of projecting love".

Even Jesus knows BS when He sees it, and He calls it out, too, so that others are not decieved...

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 09:54 AM
I'm part Native American.
I want all the statues of General Custer taken down!

Reminds me of the Taliban destroying all the temples & statues in the Middle East!
Thousands of years of history, that survived weather, earthquakes & wars, gone in one ignorant flash!

As a woman, I say that statue made by men, is not even representative of a pregnant woman!
No woman that pregnant, has an 'innie' bellybutton! And those boobs aren't right either!
They look like an eighty year olds. (My apologies to any eighty year olds out there!)

I always said, that there is an 'epidemic of lack of common sense'! It's starting to spread like a pandemic!


posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: odzeandennz

So you like the replacement statue? How about the pedestal do you like the spray painted lettering?

I've seen beautiful spray painted graffiti lettering on rusted train cars yet no one took one iota of care to letter a statue that represents empowered black women? I simply can't take this statue seriously.

I would support a statue of the same quality as the old one but this thing is an abomination. As woman of color this makes me ashamed and embarrassed. As an American I'm at a complete loss, never seen anything like it.

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: testingtesting
I thought I had accidentally stumbled into GLP.

It has been happening for a while now. I think it has either just reached critical mass, or the bigots were here all along and just decided to remove their sheets.

ATS just ain't what it used to be, or is it? But you are absolutely correct. Racism is alive and well on this site and they are spreading their seeds like dandelions.

They tore the statue down and made their point.

What was the purpose of erecting that? It wasn't even made out of a material that would endure.

If they want a statue, it needs to be done properly and not made out of something that can't last past the first rain where it melts away into so much trash.

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 10:08 AM
Please don't jesus has nothing to do with me. That man lived well before me or even my great granny was a glimmer in anybodies testes.

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

I agree, if they want to tear down the statue then get rid of the pedestal too, plant a tree/flowers in the empty space or erect a quality statue. What they've done by haphazardly erecting this inadequate abomination seems intentional. A slap in the face of American infrastructure, craftsmanship.

Statues aside do we have to make the whole country look like my hometown, the cesspool Chicago drains into, Gary IN? We moved across the country to get away from the violent destruction but I always knew Gary would spread.

Funny I don't think Gary residents targeted statues, they may have fallen over when buildings burnt/collapsed but there was no rhyme/reason, just destruction for the sake of it.

I'm afraid the mindset requires it all must go, it's a cultural cleansing. Turning cites into complete ruins topped with a pile of sh#& is done to punish those who built them. It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face. After the city is destroyed, interest wanes, investors run away in fear and any hope of rebuilding is quickly dashed. I've seen it and it doesn't end well.
edit on 8-19-2017 by Morningglory because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-19-2017 by Morningglory because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: xuenchen

Well it is kind of fitting.
First they remove what is considered a symbol of black oppression. General lee.
Then it's replaced by a new symbol of black oppression. Unwed mother.

Assuming much?

Thing is you're probably right, most slaves weren't allowed the luxury of weddings.

What part of that amuses you?

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Why is that funny?
Explain that to me.
What's funny about that?
edit on 8192017 by Sillyolme because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: seasonal

You don't know what fascist means. Obviously.
edit on 8192017 by Sillyolme because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: Bluntone22

Where did it say that this was an unwed mother?
I think your racial profiling gene is showing.
You assume an awful lot.

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 10:58 AM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
Lol, they should have finished the statue of the pregnant black lady being led into the local Planned Parenthood riding a unicorn under a rainbow.

I know TPTB want us divided...

But you sure make it easy for them.

Let's just joke about abortion now too.

I guess since I don't like some of the hate I'm seeing I'm just a snowflake but this current atmosphere is actually very frightening.

We're all being played, every time the puppeteers pull a string we react exactly how they want us too.

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