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Vegetarians Are Nearly Twice As Likely To Be Depressed As Meat-Eaters, Study Finds

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posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 02:14 AM

originally posted by: TruMcCarthy
I find it funny those who say vegetarians are more evolved than meat eaters. Hello, veggie-heads, you eat plants, they are ALIVE, just as much as animals are ALIVE. You are killing a living being to eat just as much as meat eaters are. You aren't more evolved, just more deluded.

Plants aren't living beings fool.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 02:24 AM
The real issue here is the meat industry. Animals do feel pain and emotions. Any dog owner would know this. Secondly, there is issues with meat heavy diets and links to diabetes. Thirdly, as stated before, the meat industry produces non-natural meat from tortured animals. It's tough to find fair priced meat that is "organic" and not full of chemicals.

Meat has a lot of issues. And we should focus on the facts of of a vegan vs meat diet. All I see is people making claims without much evidence. Such as vegans not getting proper nutrition... What is the difference between meat and a vegan who gets all their amino acids? What the health is an interesting documentary.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 05:11 AM

originally posted by: 0racle
a reply to: knowledgehunter0986

vehetarians dont feel the need to defend themselves in threads about eating meat..

carnivores on the other hand.... very insecure

No vegetarians just throw tantrums.

It's pretty funny to watch.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 05:43 AM

originally posted by: SeaWorthy

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: SeaWorthy

Just like to point out a lot of Americans raise their own animals for food, we know what goes in it, treat them right and put them down as quickly as possible when that time comes.

I have no issue with some one that wants to be a vegetarian or a vegan, I know a few people that have an allergy to something in most meats, others due it for health reasons.

When it comes down to it, whatever makes you happy.

80.7 percent In 2010, a total of 80.7 percent of Americans lived in urban areas

*shrugs* if people prefer to live where you have multiple people per sq foot, then they are stuck with what is offered.

I grew up where we raised our own, had a local butcher shop that we eventually started using, cause while a deer is simple to clean and gut, a cow is a pain in the butt.

As soon as I move back to the states I will be raising a cow again.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 05:52 AM

originally posted by: seagull

Ah, now, that's not very nice, Darth Mason...

Never said I didn't like bacon, I said it was over-rated... That's not the same as not liking it.

May the Bacon be crispy on your plate.

It's too late my friend, I already traded you to an Australian person for some of their funny bacon.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 05:57 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: seasonal

Meat and animal products are linked to cancer, diabetes and heart diseases.
Tough choice... live long and suffer from depression, or die young and horrible.

Only in false studies. Paleo diet is absolutely necessary for bone health. Chemicals are not good for you. One of the bad ones, BPA will find you in your canned foods and milk jugs, and if you thought you could avoid it via only buying glass and bpa free, receipts are loaded with it. It causes cancer and also infertility and gender bender things.

Meat is a part of health, bone health and brain growth, and especially the fats.

Obviously avoiding all things in the store and all chemicals is a good thing.

And eating balance and not over eating.
edit on 11-8-2017 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 07:02 AM
If anyone is interested I will find the study, but simply put....

If it were not for eating meat and animal products, we likely would not have been able to reach our mental potential, which lead on to tool building etc.

There would have been a point in our evolution where our mental potential was growing, but we still weren't able to physically compete with the real predators.

It was our ability to watch and learn from scavengers about how to extract/eat bone marrow from already killed prey that gave us the omega 3 requirements to allow for our brain to reach it's potential, which then led on to creative ways to access marrow that other scavengers couldn't for example elephant marrow would be very tough to gain access to without some rudimentary understanding of tool use.

This opened the human species up to a whole world of nutritional fat sources that were previously unavailable, which in turn led to the improved brain power, to tool creation. Once tools were a normal part of our society, brain use became much more important and the rest is history.

By the way....

If you vegetarians think the way crops are produced is any better for the environment, or even results in less animal suffering, you have a lot to learn.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 07:04 AM
Another note...

There is literally not one study on nutrition that can be trusted. They are not science.

The scientific method CANNOT be followed ethically for any human nutrition study.

When you see things like red meat causes cancer, these are observational studies with no basis in science, that get overblown by the media looking for clicks.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: Krazysh0t

I'd be depressed too if I didn't eat meat.

Seriously. There aren't enough anti-depressants in the world to make up for not eating bacon.

Bacon massively overrated...some sort of ritual thing i guess.

edit on 11-8-2017 by ParasuvO because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: seasonal

This study brought to you by the beef producers of America.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: SeaWorthy

originally posted by: Blaine91555

originally posted by: Pearj
Another bogus study brought to you be the meat industry.

What's the link between Bristol University and the meat industry?

I really doubt that when an industry wants a report in their favor it is on the books. That kind of thing clearly does go on.

How exactly do you know that when it comes to this study by Bristol, which is what the topic is?

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

These circular conversations give me a headache

You know and I know that we need B12 and that real Vegans do have to take a supplement. Either that or they are getting it other ways and fibbing a bit about their whole diet.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

How much of their funny bacon are you getting??

...and do I get a free trip to the Land Downunder?

Because I can...

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 06:34 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
a reply to: SeaWorthy

These circular conversations give me a headache

You know and I know that we need B12 and that real Vegans do have to take a supplement. Either that or they are getting it other ways and fibbing a bit about their whole diet.

Yeah circular me too

I personally lick rocks for my B12. We are all to clean now days

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

Be wary of bright red or yellow rocks. Arsenic may look like candy, but you don't want to lick it. Cinnabar is pretty too, but the mercury might be a problem.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: seasonal

Eating high amounts of Soy can also depress the function of your Thyroid gland, which also leads to depression if left untreated. Other vegetables like broccoli can also be bad for your Thyroid.

I've had bad hypothyroidism for over 20 years and it's no joke. The depression you sink into is awful.

The article makes perfect sense to me. I still cannot fathom people that claim humans were never meant to eat meat. Vegetables are great and all, but there are things our bodies need that are found mainly in meats and fish.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: LightAssassin

You think the energy of terrified murdered animals is spiritually nutritious?

How'd you figure?

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 12:31 AM
It could be a group. I'm Vegetarian for a long time, and don't really know a lot about nutrition. Yet, I may be depressive, depends on how success is measured. (yes I am linking the two) By some standards I am happy because I don't repress, and speak my mind to truth.

Vegetarians as a "type" might be seeking perfection, and the subsequent let-down. Sort of a glass that's half empty.

I wish I knew more and could say more, but I would never go eat meat, it's gross. It would not somehow *make* me happy AT ALL, so a dead-end street....pun intended.

Also, to perspectiveize, there is a certain "happiness" in doing the right thing. Hard to quantify....people think Vegetarian is somehow is linked to weakness, I think it makes me stronger. So, quite a range of perspective that can't be wrapped-up in a short article.

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 07:09 AM

originally posted by: seagull
How much of their funny bacon are you getting??

He told me but it was in that stupid metric system so I didn't really understand.

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: seasonal

I'd be depressed if too I had to eat tofu and ground chickpeas.

Steak is satisfaction, that first time you stick a knife into that delicious dead cow the endorphins start flowing. Eating meat helped our species evolve which is why we are at the top of the food chain. Are any apex predators like the Shark or the Tiger vegetarians? no, they feed on the weaker herbivores whose lack of intellect makes them great prey.

Meat equals brains, because science says so. Even after millions of years of evolution the common cow has not developed a defense mechanism against predators. Why? because the lack of Iron and protein makes them dim witted and tasty and therefore deserve to be served with mash potato, vegetables and thick gravy.

Think about it-if a cow and a man were stranded on a desert island, who would get eaten? If Millions of years ago the precursor of the cow developed as an omnivore then maybe they could defend themselves instead of being walking furniture or a talking roast with sweet potato and pumpkin mash with sour dough bread.

If I've made you hungry then my job is done.

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