posted on Sep, 3 2017 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to:
Another good point of yours. Plasma can be used as virtual airframe componants. Want more air for the engine intake. Plasma bloom below and just
infront of engine intake cowling. Now more air shunted into engine.
Ever look at the quiet boom demonstrators. Although most of the magic is in the shaping. One of the things you want is a long skinny airframe. Want
to make a fighter jet have a long skinny virtual airframe? just use plasma as an air spike and dictate, by how far ahead of the nose you place it,
how long the airframe seems to the airflow.
Also notice quiet boom demonstrators are thicker on top of the fuselage than the bottom near the nose. This is to push the bow shockwave up and away
from the ground where sonic booms can be heard. Using plasma to change the virtual shape of the forward end of the aircraft can also help push the
sonic boom up and away from prying ears.
Of course crazy bass would insist on plasma blooms inside the intake too....
edit on 3-9-2017 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)