a reply to:
Im sorry but in the US you can recieve emergency care or hospitlization at zero cost already.
Hospitals are not allowed to deny people care at all.
Those are basic medical rights in the US and long established.
Can they bill them, yes, can they ask for $500 up front, yes , do you have to pay it, No.
If its truly a problem are you more worried about your credit based on an unpaid bill or your life?
The problem the US has is abuse of the system already in place.
I work in healthcare and see able bodied men and women in their 20s coming in over and over trying to find something wrong so that they can get
disability, cash a monthly check, and not pay for their insurance.
Thus they can live on their addiction of cheap or free narcotics without working and not paying back into a system that is supporting the old and
infirmed already.
No one paying in, means double the burden. Its lost income to the system of funding and its also costly to support an able bodied person for 50 years
of their life when you put them on the government tit at 24 years of age.
All the last 7 years has accomplished was to increase the costs of those buying healthcare by thousands of percent, while also increasing the out of
pocket costs to unrealistic amounts.
I hope 50 million people lose medicaid, because i guarantee that 75 million are abusing the system.
We didnt become the greatest nation by sitting on our ass, we did it by hard work and blood shed protecting the very countries that are enjoying those
You wont see England, France, and Germany step up to police Europe or the middle east. Even thought theyre half a world closer.
You wont see Mexico ask for its 45 Million taxpayers back? Not if we're footing the bill on their costs here and theyre allowed to freely send US
dollars back.
You also wont see a single insurance company in any business willing to operate at a loss. which is clearly what a single payer government system
would have to do.
You also have to stave off other socioeconomic issues that are right around the corner.
Robotics/drones/ self driving cars will knock off 40% of the workforce in the next 20 years.
Millions more will lose their jobs to an AI system , Billions less will be collected in taxes.
Europe will be majority muslim, continuing their long tradition of welfare and destruction.
Who will fund their system of freebies?