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Forbidden archeology Flood myth

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posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: TerryDon79

Clarify yourself please.Describe your interpretation of my claims in your own words please.In your own words exactly describe what type of evidence you wish to see.This is an interesting topic...please stimulate the conversation by clariying yourself.

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 10:59 AM

originally posted by: one4all
a reply to: TerryDon79

Peter flamed the thread multiple times......please describe your interpretation of my claims in your own words....also please describe exactly and specificly what type of evidence you would like? Please be prepared to do your own legwork.

If "flaming the thread" means expecting you to support your position with something based in fact, then sure, I've flamed it because 8 pages in you have yet to see until u support a single claim you've made. And in the most hillarious turn of irony I've seen on ATS in quite awhile, you demand evidence from other people to disprove your hypothesis. Keep going, all you do is show that you haven't got the faintest clue about any of the science you think is wrong or even the most oat bran basic aspects of the science ridiculous method. Ou know, like how science doesn't provide evidence of a negative. And since you refuse to put your hypothesis fully on display and show how you came to your conclusions then there really isn't anything o discusss. You don't actually want a discussion. You want a bully pulpit to rant and rave your seething condescension from. So please, carry on. It's definitely good for the laughs if you're the product of an american education, it says a lot about the future of this country. You only want to live in an echo hanger where everyone praises your brilliance without having to support your position. That's one of the most intellectually dishonest garbage in garbage out routines that has played out here in a long time, so kudos to you for that!

And if you genuinely feel that I've violated ATS T&C, click the little alert button. I'm sure it will be easier than dodging the fact that you know you can't support your thesis and instead want to reduce yourself up ad
Hominems against anyone that understands basic geology and could shred your BS indie of 30 seconds if you tried to "show your work". Which is why we both know you won't. People like you are why folks across the world look at Americans cockeyed because of the overwhelming ignorance perpetrated by so many of us. Job well done chief!

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: one4all

I'm not going to bother with you anymore. It's very clear that you don't have any evidence.

But keep on believing in a pretend planet and fake science.

Buh bye cupcake.

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: peter vlar

Peter.....please describe in your own words what my claims are in relation to Flood myths.....also please detail exactly in your own words what type of evidence you wish to see.

I am very interested in this topic but you are extremely vague and generic in your commentary.

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: one4all
a reply to: toysforadults

What do you think of this......what if every 3657 years humanity gets nearly wiped out and taken down to cave-man survival level living on a global scale....

A very popular scenario. Let's think about it:
* first of all, we've had writing for well over 5,000 years. This is continuous writing and exchanges with other cultures. There's no break after 3,657 years or any number of years.
* we've also had civilizations (kingdoms and empires) collapse and their population be decimated (Europe, Black Plague). The survivors were NOT hit with the "Mass Stupidity Field" - they kept their current level of technology. Other cultures around them progressed.
* second, some sites have been built on continuously for over 5,000 years example: Luxor, Egpt You can see that the build is continuous and there's no period where it goes back to a hunter-gatherer group.
* third, look at what you're proposing for the "civilizations that collapsed." Was the whole world at this same level? If not, who had it? How high was the level? Did they have electricity? Planes? Factories (well if you have a plane you have factories for producing "lots of the same kind of things"... lots of planes, lots of cars, etc, etc)? Enough buildings to house everyone? And big farms to feed everyone because there's no way a region could produce enough food if everyone had to go out and hunt it.

That kind of stuff leaves a heck of a lot of evidence around. Changed landscapes, huge quarries, lots and lots of mines. The only kind of "big disaster" that would bury this (but it'd still leave evidence) would be something that basically covered up the entire earth with a layer of dirt (or other stuff) that was well over 1,000 feet thick.

You can see for yourself that this didn't happen. Drive out to any road cut (where a road cuts through a hillside) and look at both sides of the hill. You don't see any structure that's a thousand feet thick on top. Drive out to another road cut. Look closely (and measure the layers and rock types.) You'll find there's a difference.

and the Survivors realise the importance of recording what happened....a history would be written which could then potentially evolve and be manipulated into becoming one and then many religons.....

Religions evolve over time. Even when they have written books. In order to stay relevant they have to keep up with times, so they are always evolving.

Gods do not come from a history. Histories are created around gods, however.

each off-shoot keeping core-value components of the source history.....this would mean every cycle of 3657 years would produce many many Flood stories which become myths addition EVERY cycle would produce a similar set of Flood histories which would eventually ripen into myths. ......and anyone doing archeology between these cycles could potentially uncover a Flood record which had been produced any number of 3657 year cycles earlier for these stories and timelines would by proxy overlap forever.

* not every culture or civilization has a flood myth
* cultures with flood myths are those that experience floods in real life.
* many flood myths show up AFTER Christians came in with the Bible.

edit on 7-8-2017 by Byrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: Byrd

You are accepting the timeline fed to us all based on status quo driven dating methods and calenders.....I do accept oil and coal are millions of years old and I do not.....also you are proceeding as if there were no agreement on there being many types of floods which may seem global to one geographic area....I aknowledge these many floods and their impacts and the stories they generate, I am postulating civilization stunting global floods.

For perspective think of it this way...our humanitarian history is not one long linear is a series of circular 3657 year cycles...complete cycles lain atop one another....many many regional flood evidences/stories of many different magnitudes from many different epochs are overlain and intertwined amidst our geology....but all of these are wiped and buried or exposed every time the earths surface is re-set....I see no way to make an accurate discernment between ages and epochs of all of these flood is however easy to see the macro global resurfacing of the planet caused by these global continental displacement waves which overlays all of these evidences.

I believe all major and minor doctrines stem from one true humanitarian history which was carried forward by survivors of the last cataclysm...and that the end of ech cycle brings the beginning of a new evolution of said history into doctrinal belief systems as the [population regrows and spreads in all 4 directions.
edit on 7-8-2017 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 01:54 PM
a little food for thought,

Much evidence exists for the major climate anomaly c. 22oo–2ooo BC. In this paper, we demonstrate that precisely dated Irish bog oaks record this climatic event, which appears to begin abruptly in 22o6 BC and last until around 19oo BC. However, it might be unwise to ignore the precisely dated, abrupt environmental downturn that occurs some 15o years earlier. Irish and English oak tree rings draw attention to a notable decade-long growth downturn spanning 2354 BC to 2345 BC with hints of inundation. Interest in this apparently localised inundation led to the discovery that traditions from around the world preserve stories specifically dated to within 1o years of 235o BC.


If we examine a smoothed mean growth index of six European tree-ring chronologies3 (Fig. 5), we observe a hint of a 37-year cycle of reduced growth, which includes both 2354 BC and 22o6 BC (downturns starting around 239o BC, 2354 BC, 2242 BC, 22o6 BC, 217o BC). Indeed, Fourier analysis of this mean chronology between 245o BC and 18oo BC reveals a strong periodicity with frequency o.o25 +/- o.oo4 yr-1, corresponding to period of ~35–47 years, confirming that such a 37 year cycle is real. This is interesting, in that astronomers have suggested that there currently exists a resonant meteoroid swarm within the broad Taurid meteor complex with an orbital period of ~3.39 years (Asher/Clube 1993). Modelling suggests that this swarm exhibits a series of encounters with Earth, many paired 37 years apart (Asher/Clube 1993, Tab. 3). During such encounters with the resonant swarm, the Earth is hit with a greater number (than in average years) of meteors capable of producing fireballs. If such a swarm existed in the late 3rd millennium BC, with an enhanced population density of large bodies from a recent cometary fragmentation event, Earth may have experienced increased risk of bombardment when the swarm made a close approach. An Earth-crossing comet, or its debris, with an orbital period close to 3.36 years could also giverise to a 37-year cycle of risk to Earth.

and from the conclusion

Hopefully it is now obvious why this paper on 2354 BC is introduced into a proceedings dedicated to the climate change event in 22oo–2ooo BC? The chronology for the demise of Tell Leilan is well constrained to the end of the 23rd century BC (Arrivabeni 2o12), but there is little doubt that something interesting happened a century and a half
earlier, around 235o BC, on that same site (Courty 1998). Our proposal is that the two may be related. Away from the Near East, not all archaeological chronology is so refined as to allow definitive assignment of archaeological phenomena to one or other of these two episodes. Most chronologies are radiocarbon based and are still under detailed construction.
Yet the scientific community needs to know, in each regionalcase, if observed »change« took place because of a) an extraterrestrial bombardment event in the vicinity of 235o BC orb) a two century climate regime change in 22oo–2ooo BC,
and c) if another cosmic effect occurred close to 22oo BC. Currently most archaeological chronologies in northern Europe
are not sufficiently refined to make such distinctions.One serious problem seems to be that the archaeologicaland ancient historical communities automatically reject suggestionsof extraterrestrial involvement in human affairs.Yet professional astronomers and Earth scientists are comfortablewith the possibilities of bombardment in recentmillennia as possible causes of disruption on the ground.Courty’s soil analysis at Tell Leilan should have been a wakeup call for archaeologists to seek to confirm her findings; the opposite appears to be the case. An open minded approach is needed in the investigation of any and all deposits that span the 24th century BC, and indeed the 23rd to 19th centuries BC, in order to test whether an extraterrestrial hypothesis is tenable to explain the evidence observed in the archaeological record.

Why we shouldn’t ignore the mid-24th century BC when discussing the 2200-2000 BC climate anomaly

Like I said a little brain snack.

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 05:43 PM

originally posted by: one4all
a reply to: toysforadults

What do you think of this......what if every 3657 years humanity gets nearly wiped out and taken down to cave-man survival level living on a global scale.

Personally, I think that would leave a sheetload of skeletons lying around on the ground all over the place. Wonder what happened to them?


posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: growler

Snakes don't talk and neither do bushes weather on fire or not . The Bible doesn't say they do ...But you would have to read it carefully to understand that it doesn't . just saying

edit on 7-8-2017 by the2ofusr1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 08:14 PM
There would be archaeological evidence and geological impacts that we can see today of a global flood. There is nothing supporting that premise. There would also be the remains of every creature and human that died on that day in a "great flood".

Remember this, the "world" didn't exist to ancient peoples, other than the world they saw.
A great regional deluge would create stories passed down for generations.

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: Harte

Harte....I own the copy of this book , DOOMSDAY The Science of Catastrophe by Fred Warshovsky....follow the link and please just look at the cover of the book which shows the large wave with the oil streaming up thru it to the surface. HZoJCkQQ_AUICygC&biw=1242&bih=615

The material is what oil is made of...oil is fresh not millions of years old......Harte I have tasted crude oil warm and fresh from the earth.

The only thing which could possibly move classify then deposit the trillions of tonnes of material needed to make the oil we use now is a continental sized hydraulic action.

I am not going to expound much because its a book every time this discussion happens........suffice to say we can differentiate between types/ingredients of oil and we can forensiclly map them like we can map coal.

Coal ....Harte......look where it is found....overlay maps showing all known and exploited oil deposits with one showing all known coal deposits.

Remember people who wrote these books did not have the internet and Harte my life experience drilling oil wells kms into the earth led me to questions which led me to the internet which led me to the proof which then led me to the books ...not the other way around.....our good friends trying to pay the truth forward were being screwed left right and center by disinformation....but today we have acess to the real evidenciary data which proves out these peoples ideas.

Suppression did not work.

edit on 7-8-2017 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

Please refer to the reply to Harte.....but add this just for erta-researchers/wcm/5720cb59-0c2b-49d2-a842-e7c8093bf6fa.....there is a much more interesting connection to the Boneyards....but for now this should do.

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: one4all

No thanks

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

The scablands of Western Washington could certainly support a theoretical study on floods no?

How about 400ft sea level drop after the glacial melt?
Considering its all underwater...the surviving stories vs. Those destroyed by the floods impact?

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: one4all

I like what you have to say..its worth digging into..i mean thats what theories are for right?

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

This is a good look at how to look at the Biblical flood .
And we know that other parts of the earth
outside the Biblical context have flooded but it may not be to the extent of the Biblical world . A little logic can go a long way when considering the table of nations which does not mention other nations outside the Biblical world but we can assume their languages stem from the Babel incident as well as the local floods recorded in other places .

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 09:16 PM

originally posted by: one4all
a reply to: Byrd

You are accepting the timeline fed to us all based on status quo driven dating methods and calenders

Actually, I didn't. I asked "what is the evidence" and took only 5,000 years of written history.

.....also you are proceeding as if there were no agreement on there being many types of floods which may seem global to one geographic area....I aknowledge these many floods and their impacts and the stories they generate, I am postulating civilization stunting global floods.

Yes. In fact, I'm familiar with all the flood lore listed in the Ashliman archive as well as other flood myths from around the world - the exhaustive list at talkorigins.

For perspective think of it this way...our humanitarian history is not one long linear is a series of circular 3657 year cycles...complete cycles lain atop one another....many many regional flood evidences/stories of many different magnitudes from many different epochs are overlain and intertwined amidst our geology....but all of these are wiped and buried or exposed every time the earths surface is re-set....I see no way to make an accurate discernment between ages and epochs of all of these flood evidences...

Flood evidence is actually really really easy to see. Soil particles fall out in a certain way (if you want to try the experiment, put dirt in a clear plastic bottle and shake it up. It will settle out in layers.) At our dinosaur dig, we can see the traces of flood events and hurricane events. Because the soil was undisturbed until the excavators cut into that hill, we've got a nice unmangled timeline. And no, there's no 3657 year events.

Besides, we've been writing for a lot longer than 3657 years.

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 09:19 PM

originally posted by: the2ofusr1
a reply to: zazzafrazz
but we can assume their languages stem from the Babel incident as well as the local floods recorded in other places .

The evidence of writing shows that languages diverged long before 3,000 years ago. They were all very different by the time that writing was invented some 5,000 years ago.

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

When I was young and in school I discovered that no question may be asked without the contextuality of the very question itself containing a vestige of the true answer itself......I could simply read the qestions and then decipher the correct answers.

I truly enjoy when others see thru the veil of misdirection which has been cast upon us all.

In the 70s I read about the early cloning research utilising the optimal tissue which was then considered to be rib tissues...methinks they were following scripture to discover this...I have provided some links to this issue.

Later in life I would learn paralell lesson about nerve grafting and nasal tissue....methinks they were following up on abductees nasal implants.

The bible is a book of lessons....or it WAS....many have tried to remove and bury its secrets over time....but they could not do it completely.

Thank you for the link showing how others are divining tangible truths from this data. ttps:// Bho&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjUms6hxcbVAhUP9mMKHTH0A_E4ChDoAQhJMAU#v=onepage&q=early%20cloning%20research%20rib%20tissue&f=false.........www.bibl... one is on the fence a bit but IMHO it is similar enough
edit on 7-8-2017 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: Byrd

You words say "the evidence of writing"....but your meaning properly interpreted says the current peer approved status quo driven data...which is another issue because such data is inherantly unreliable.....I am sure Byrd you could pile up a lot of old artificially contrived data in written literature showing how superior Edisons work was to Teslas but today we all know these would be lies...blatant ones catalysed by the "peer approval method" which has always been covertly controlled by the PUBLISHERS who have always been owned by TPTB.

You act as if the current status quo perspective gives you an authoritarian position when it in fact does not....your foundation is rotten....not you the individual but the foundation of your world view.

LOL....Byrd....Languages can be used to track the survivors path....just like DNA mapping does today....observe how DNA paths all lead to high altitude areas...the purer the DNA the higher up the original source is geographiclly.

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