posted on Aug, 6 2017 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to:
peter vlar
Get used to this is unfolding before you like it or not.
I am not wasting my time dragging myself through some hellish process of trying to teach underinformed but highly educated people something new and educations indoctrination by proxy creates a firewall preventing them from expressing a truly open mind.
Like I am going to spend my time making YT videos clearly illlustrating and outlining this reality in solid geologic tangible formats,why would I
You see it is SIMPLE to see the truth....but you must let go of the lies which have built your past first....go ANTI-everything BRAVE
ENOUGH be STRONG ENOUGH be GROUNDED ENOUGH and be CONFIDENT enough to turn everything you know 360 degrees.
Years ago I tired of batteling obviously smart well educated people and breaking them down piece by painfull pitiful is a long and ugly
process...impossible almost unless someone wants to learn new things and is prepared to spend their past status quo belief system like currency to
move forward.
As I see things we are going to experience another Global Flood in the movie 2012 it is an insiders joke because it is exactly what is
going to happen.
Writing books ?? has been done for Eons and look how underinformed the masses still are....become a truth crusader??...when no one even
understands how to converse in the language of truth in todays world? post my contributions when I see a relevant thread....I do not
catalyse conversations very much on this topic.
I am having enough trouble getting myself and my family prepared to waste precious time "representing" truth and goodness.....and just for the
record....I will never provide you or anyone with the complete evidence I am aware of simply because this evidence clearly outlines exactly where the
survival spots are on Earth....they are FEW...and mine is sacred to me....I will not share...others are already gravitating there now....I am on my
way as we speak.
If you cannot solve the riddle of lies and prepare now IMHO you shall not be able to put yourself in a position to spread the good word in the future
post-event world.Everyone has to find their own way there....IMHO Billions will perish this is natures way....IMHO TPTB have done what they can much as I hate to say it....I must do for me.
Find a high spot your truth leads you an underground J-Shaped shelter which will function as an air-lock...nothing complicated or
expensive....there is nothing else I can do because all the explaining in the world will not buy you or anyone more time....and IMHO if you arent
already on your way you shall never find your way on your are lost...educated or not....this is why I refuse to give some people the types
of evidence they must learn to earn your way into the future IMHO.
Glad you have been entertained this is ATS right we are all here to have fun and share ideas and data and perspectives.