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Forbidden archeology Flood myth

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posted on Aug, 6 2017 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: peter vlar

Get used to this is unfolding before you like it or not.

I am not wasting my time dragging myself through some hellish process of trying to teach underinformed but highly educated people something new and educations indoctrination by proxy creates a firewall preventing them from expressing a truly open mind.

Like I am going to spend my time making YT videos clearly illlustrating and outlining this reality in solid geologic tangible formats,why would I bother?

You see it is SIMPLE to see the truth....but you must let go of the lies which have built your past first....go ANTI-everything BRAVE ENOUGH be STRONG ENOUGH be GROUNDED ENOUGH and be CONFIDENT enough to turn everything you know 360 degrees.

Years ago I tired of batteling obviously smart well educated people and breaking them down piece by painfull pitiful is a long and ugly process...impossible almost unless someone wants to learn new things and is prepared to spend their past status quo belief system like currency to move forward.

As I see things we are going to experience another Global Flood in the movie 2012 it is an insiders joke because it is exactly what is going to happen.

Writing books ?? has been done for Eons and look how underinformed the masses still are....become a truth crusader??...when no one even understands how to converse in the language of truth in todays world? post my contributions when I see a relevant thread....I do not catalyse conversations very much on this topic.

I am having enough trouble getting myself and my family prepared to waste precious time "representing" truth and goodness.....and just for the record....I will never provide you or anyone with the complete evidence I am aware of simply because this evidence clearly outlines exactly where the survival spots are on Earth....they are FEW...and mine is sacred to me....I will not share...others are already gravitating there now....I am on my way as we speak.

If you cannot solve the riddle of lies and prepare now IMHO you shall not be able to put yourself in a position to spread the good word in the future post-event world.Everyone has to find their own way there....IMHO Billions will perish this is natures way....IMHO TPTB have done what they can much as I hate to say it....I must do for me.

Find a high spot your truth leads you an underground J-Shaped shelter which will function as an air-lock...nothing complicated or expensive....there is nothing else I can do because all the explaining in the world will not buy you or anyone more time....and IMHO if you arent already on your way you shall never find your way on your are lost...educated or not....this is why I refuse to give some people the types of evidence they must learn to earn your way into the future IMHO.

Glad you have been entertained this is ATS right we are all here to have fun and share ideas and data and perspectives.

posted on Aug, 6 2017 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: nononsense35

I like that theory. I think Hancock and Carlson have done a lot of investigation on the possibility of a giant flood occurring from an asteroid hitting the north american ice sheet 12000 years ago. They state that there is enormous evidence to suggest there was a massive flood and it couldn't have been the continuous run off from ice dams breaking and then reforming as describe through the missoula flood theory.

Here is a great podcast with Rogan that goes through their entire theory:

They also have some amazing photos to back up their claims. Like this one that is in eastern Washington that shows the landmarks of a massive flow of water:

posted on Aug, 6 2017 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

NS is a wonderful Province with some wonderful people and I have been privileged enough to have also been through that part of Canada but at that time did not posess the awareness required to recognize the topography for what it truly is representative of.

North Americas Post-Movement/Wave Template is absolutely beautiful when you can recognize it in its completeness....if I could share it with you in person I would provide you with all of my evidence in return for your gifts you have already given humanity .....I self-identify as an Intuitive Empath who is also an Auto-didact.

posted on Aug, 6 2017 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: one4all

Well thank you for those kind words and I agree that NS is beautiful . I live in NB which has its own natural beauty and wonder . That being said I wanted to post another vid that can help unravel some of the dating confusion we see both teams banging heads over . Were the Pyramids Built Before the Flood? (Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew)
Because the guy in the vid spends a little time near the end of the vid talking about Melchizedek I want to include a link to a podcast by Micheal Heiser dealing with the subject . He has 3 parts but part 3 iss the link and the one that gets to the meat of the matter that other scholars are divided about what the new test Hebrews verses mean
edit on 6-8-2017 by the2ofusr1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2017 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: one4all

You could have saved all the babbling and just said "No, I'm far too lazy to actually do the proper amount of work to present my hypothesis in a way that makes any sense and is supported by evidence so instead I'll just rant on and on about how I'm smarter than everyone and you're all too dumb to see the truth".

Bottom line is you've provided zero evidence to support something that I'm being very generous when referring to it as a hypothesis. You've supported not a single statement you've made and when asked to do so, you've simply insulted every person who has requested such to distract from the very obvious fact that you haven't got a clue about geology any more than the people who claim weather eroded sandstone is a magical megalithic monument.

If you ever want to have a serious discussion and support your claims, I'm all ears. But you've proven time and time again you're not just incapable of that, you're unwilling. Good luck with your magic flood in 4 years. I hope you've started building your ark and collecting animals!

posted on Aug, 6 2017 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: randyvs

Oh Randy, just when I thought there was hope for you....

posted on Aug, 6 2017 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: peter vlar
a reply to: randyvs

Oh Randy, just when I thought there was hope for you....

What gave you that idea?


posted on Aug, 6 2017 @ 08:35 PM

originally posted by: ClovenSky
a reply to: nononsense35

I like that theory. I think Hancock and Carlson have done a lot of investigation on the possibility of a giant flood occurring from an asteroid hitting the north american ice sheet 12000 years ago.

The problem is that they are not geologists and have no clue what they're looking at. The flood evidences are far away from Mesopotamia and are only localized floods (large ones, but localized (an area the size of a few counties in a large state in the US.

It's kind of like your elderly relative who's a car mechanic telling you what's wrong with your computer. They may have strong theories and a very persuasive manner...but the one you should be listening to is the guy with eight or ten certifications in software and hardware.

Uncle Hancock and Uncle Carlson are doing a lot of "hand-wavium" leaving you to assume that all the megaflora died out at the same time (it didn't) and that a strike over Canada is going to wipe out the Australian Marsuipial lion (not a good explanation) and delay-kill the mammoths (7,000 years for the effects of the comet strike to kill them) and delay-kill the giant ground sloths (ditto)... but leave large things like the moose while killing off a number of other things.

They show the Scablands and imply it can be on a much larger scale... while actually having no proof of it.

A more plausible theory would be that aliens from Jupiter came down with a hit list of things they wanted killed off here on Earth and spent 9,000 years eradicating them... because that's the speed of the extinction. It's a blink in time but we're fairly close to it so it looks different.

Dinosars died over the course of several million years.

posted on Aug, 6 2017 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: peter vlar only are a bona-fide slow are not capable of keeping pace with the discussion so you spend time creating static and drag for yourself so you may find time to struggle through each step as it it were the Caramilk Secret you were solving.

An Ark is perfect but out of my league ....however the easy to build J-Shaped underground shelter which works EXACTLY like a sink trap is ......andyone can build this simple J-Shaped shelter anywhere with basic material like raw cut lumber .....your survival odds are IMHO equal to or greater than those in huge massive Dumbs.

posted on Aug, 6 2017 @ 10:12 PM
hey i believe in a global flood from a 2000 year old book that also claiming talking, burning bushes and talking snakes are real!

ok prove it dude.


posted on Aug, 6 2017 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: one4all

You just keep proving my point. Nothing to support your hypothesis and you rely on ad hominem attacks when sources meone points out that your knowledge of Geology is kindergarten level. Face facts, you know you can't support your thesis and instead dilute the thread with personal swipes at everyone else instead of just providing anything that resembles supporting evidence. I said i was willing to have a legitimate discussion if you could or would provide citations o support your claims. You can't and instead slander people. It's pathetic. Good luck to you and your infantile fantasy. If you want to discuss evidence to support your aims, I'm still happy to do so.

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: peter vlar

No you just keep replaying the same old broken record and you do not provide support for any of your commentary,the mods should have warned you by now for your constant unprovoked attacks.

You consistantly speak for other "invisible people" you try to overtly recruit a status quo support where none exists.This is because it has worked for you well in the past and this is IMHO because the Mods let you skate around the rules and play word games.

Please stop ending your flaming rants with the same old schtick...."If you want to discuss evidence to support your aims,I am happy to do so" one is buying what you are have nothing to offer but a constant stream of whining for someone to do research for you and for someone to think for you mistakenly believe you have some type of imaginary tenure which provides you with a throne from which you may dispense constant undermining criticism until what you wish to hear is stated....almost like you have some type or level of conventional education which you believe is somehow superior to everyone elses.Clinicly this is called delusions of grandeur.

I do not wish to discuss anything with you , your inflammatory posting without trying to contribute to the thread is harrasment it is not contributary.

Besides its to late for your misdirection ,as you well see history is being re-written....and yes it will be re-written against the grain of the conventional traditional "peer approved engineered status quo lies and deceptions" we have all been victims of for centuries.

I discuss this very topic with people every day,people of all ages nationalities education levels and religons,and in many years I have never encountered the disinformation tactics anemic as they may be which peter vlar is propogating.

It is absolutely shocking to me how many regular everyday people on the street are aware of this topic on one level or another.....this is the only site of its type I have ever posted on about these topics.....and I was under the impression that we had developed an ATS flavored status quo here which I would come to immerse myself in.......well shiver me timbers.....MANY people from many demographics are dialed right in to this new evolving reality.

Suffice to say I will not be replying to peter vlar disinformation type posts any longer...disinformation agents are no longer usefull...we do not need the flames of their fires to bring attention to these topics any longer....they do deserve a thank you however because they have SERVED a good purpose.
edit on 7-8-2017 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: one4all

Long rants. No evidence. Pointing fingers.

That's all you've done.

So how about, instead of playing the victim, you back up your claims?

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: toysforadults

What do you think of this......what if every 3657 years humanity gets nearly wiped out and taken down to cave-man survival level living on a global scale....and the Survivors realise the importance of recording what happened....a history would be written which could then potentially evolve and be manipulated into becoming one and then many religons.....each off-shoot keeping core-value components of the source history.....this would mean every cycle of 3657 years would produce many many Flood stories which become myths addition EVERY cycle would produce a similar set of Flood histories which would eventually ripen into myths. ......and anyone doing archeology between these cycles could potentially uncover a Flood record which had been produced any number of 3657 year cycles earlier for these stories and timelines would by proxy overlap forever.

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: TerryDon79

So how about you shoot straight there Cowboy?

Clarify are making vague and baseless accusations......keep to the thread topic please.

First you describe exactly what you think my claims are, in your own words please......also in your own words describe exactly what type of specific evidence you would like?

Be prepared to do your own legwork.
edit on 7-8-2017 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: one4all


The evidence for your claims in this thread. The thing Peter asked for multiple times.

Let me guess. "I've got to find it myself"?

ETA: I was right as I saw the edit of

Be prepared to do your own legwork.

That's the norm when someone can't back up their own claims.
edit on 782017 by TerryDon79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: TerryDon79

Peter flamed the thread multiple times......please describe your interpretation of my claims in your own words....also please describe exactly and specificly what type of evidence you would like? Please be prepared to do your own legwork.

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: one4all

You know what your claims are. Stop acting the fool and the victim.

But as normal, no evidence.

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: TerryDon79

Please stick to the thread topic....I am here to discuss Flood myths....anything about them....clarify yourself please.

posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: one4all

So all the claims you've made, you have no intention of presenting any evidence?

Thought not.

Enjoy your delusion.

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