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OP/ED: Bush Budget: More Pork, Less Beef

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posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 11:27 PM
soficrow, excuse me if I missed something in the maze you have posted in this thread, but just where is

The Federal Budget does not deal with this crisis. At all. In fact, it dismantles or cuts funding to the few protections that do exist.

This stuff at?

You didn't lose your job at Burger King did you?

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 11:30 PM

As you can see, nearly all of the reported deaths in the USA also are diagnosed with FMD in autopsy – so the obvious conclusion is that nearly 100% of the American population is infected with FMD by adulthood. ...and FMD is caused by a misfolded protein, which is what infectious prions are...

First off, why isn't FMD classified as a prion disease? What makes you think it is?

Second, where do you go from 1% of the population dying from FMD, to 100% being infected? The deaths from Cancer per year are way higher. I guess that means 100% of America has cancer...

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by Disturbed Deliverer

As you can see, nearly all of the reported deaths in the USA also are diagnosed with FMD in autopsy – so the obvious conclusion is that nearly 100% of the American population is infected with FMD by adulthood. ...and FMD is caused by a misfolded protein, which is what infectious prions are...

First off, why isn't FMD classified as a prion disease? What makes you think it is?

...Most modern diseases are caused by misfolded proteins - which is exactly what prions are - but only 4 or 5 prion strains are officially classified as prion diseases, and then, only when they have progressed to infect the brain directly. ...Prions mutate and create new strains at the drop of a hat - and many cause human diseases - but NONE of the new strains are recognized as prion diseases...

...FMD causes connective tissue stem cell proteins to misfold into a-smooth muscle actin (a-SMA). ...This results in the stem cells, called fibroblasts, to mutate into myofibroblasts. ...First cells, then tissues, then organs and other body parts and systems are slowly destroyed.

...Again - FMD is caused by a misfolded protein - infectious prions are misfolded proteins.

Second, where do you go from 1% of the population dying from FMD, to 100% being infected? The deaths from Cancer per year are way higher. I guess that means 100% of America has cancer...

FMD incidence in autopsy is 1.1% - about 6500 people per day in 2003 for example - BUT - FMD itself doesn't cause death - it causes heart attack, cancer, stroke or less commonly, kidney failure, congestive heart failure, dissected arteries or burst aneurysms.

* The causes of death in patients with carotid FMD were heart attack (44.4%), cancer (33.3%) and stroke (22.2%).

“Fibromuscular dysplasia of the internal carotid artery: long-term surgical results.” J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 1993 Dec;34(6):465-72. Moreau P, Albat B, Thevenet A. Service de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardio-Vasculaire, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Montpellier, France. PMID: 8300709

So the incidence of FMD in autopsy is 1.1% -

“FMD frequency in the USA: incidence of new cases in adults diagnosed by angiography – 0.6%; diagnosed in autopsy – 1.1%.”

NOTE: Incidence means new cases found yearly, presented as a % of the total population.
Also see Puri, PMID: 10334397.

Here's a table that puts together the stats for reported deaths with FMD incidence in autopsy:

YEAR - DEATHS - TOTAL POP - EST ADULT POP (75%) - 1.1% ADULT POP: FMD incid in autopsy

1999 - 2,391,399 - 279,295,000 - 209,471,250 - 2,304,184
1998 - 2,337,256 - 276,115,000 - 207,086,250 - 2,277,949
1997 - 2,314,245 - 272,912,000 - 204,684,000 - 2,251,524
1996 - 2,314,690 - 269,667,000 - 202,250,250 - 2,224,750
1995 - 2,312,132 - 266,557,000 - 199,917,750 - 2,199,095

Source: Population: Census; Reported Deaths; World Health Organization.

As you can see, nearly all of the reported deaths in the USA also are diagnosed with FMD in autopsy.

....Nearly 100% of reported American deaths are found to have FMD - therefor, nearly 100% of the American population is infected with FMD by adulthood.

...The official spin is that FMD findings are "incidental" - but again, causes of death in patients with FMD were heart attack (44.4%), cancer (33.3%) and stroke (22.2%) in one study - and the disease is also associated with kidney failure, congestive heart failure, dissected arteries or burst aneurysms.

FMD eventually causes fatal secondary "symptoms," "effects" and "events" - but FYI - FMD itself is never listed as 'cause of death.'

The Mad Cow crisis casts a wide net, and it's not what it seems. For one explanation why anyone might want to cover-up a rampant epidemic, check this out:

Did Chemical and Drug Industries Create Mad Cow?


[edit on 8-2-2005 by soficrow]

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 12:30 AM

...The official spin is that FMD findings are "incidental" - but again, causes of death in patients with FMD were heart attack (44.4%), cancer (33.3%) and stroke (22.2%) in one study - and the disease is also associated with kidney failure, congestive heart failure, dissected arteries or burst aneurysms.

These could just be things people get infected with anyway. You have no way of proving its caused by FMD, now do you?

Cancer, stroke, and heart attacks are just common ways for people to die. It's probably been that way throughout history.

The Mad Cow crisis casts a wide net, and it's not what it seems. For one explanation why anyone might want to cover-up a rampant epidemic, check this out:

Disease similiar to Mad Cow have been known for a long time, haven't they? It's doubtful it was created in any lab.

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by Disturbed Deliverer

...The official spin is that FMD findings are "incidental" - but again, causes of death in patients with FMD were heart attack (44.4%), cancer (33.3%) and stroke (22.2%) in one study - and the disease is also associated with kidney failure, congestive heart failure, dissected arteries or burst aneurysms.

These could just be things people get infected with anyway. You have no way of proving its caused by FMD, now do you?

Yes, medical studies and research show the links between FMD and all these diseases, plus more. The research is solid. Will show you some later, too much work for me right now. ...If you really want to know, run a search here at ats - I've already posted references.

It's probably been that way throughout history.

No. These trends are new, first identified as a global effect in the early 1990's:

"Trends for mortality from heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, and, less distinctly, cancer other than lung cancer, tend to be similar in different countries, ... suggesting the existence of common causes amenable to the same preventive measures."

* "Heart disease, cancer, and stroke mortality trends and their interrelations. An international perspective." Circulation. 1994 Jul;90(1):574-82. Thom TJ, Epstein FH. Epidemiology and Biometry Program, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. PMID: 8026045;90/1/574

Disturbed Deliverer

The Mad Cow crisis casts a wide net, and it's not what it seems. For one explanation why anyone might want to cover-up a rampant epidemic, check this out:

Disease similiar to Mad Cow have been known for a long time, haven't they? It's doubtful it was created in any lab.

No, prion diseases and 'misfolded protein diseases' are new. ...FMD first appeared in the early 1900's.

...Prions are definitely created in labs, as are misfolded proteins. Both are also created in other ways, but prion creation definitely is incidental to a variety of laboratory and manufacturing processes. The prions are released into the environment, and mutate after release.

Did Chemical and Drug Industries Create Mad Cow?


posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 01:53 AM
soficrow, you might want to start a prion thread as you are really getting wound into this stuff.

I am still lost after following the maze of links.

However, I am wondering now about something I didn't even know existed

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by JoeDoaks

However, I am wondering now about something I didn't even know existed

Cool. Keeping thinking about it and watching for info.

soficrow, you might want to start a prion thread as you are really getting wound into this stuff.

I am still lost after following the maze of links.

Have a related thread started as a research project - and stuff all over the place.
...It is complicated, even for trained scientists, because it crosses over all kinds of disciplines - proteinology, proteomics, genetics, molecular biology, genomics, physics, ....

But ...I'm working on a "translation."


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